Thursday, February 20, 2014

From their God to our Daddy. The New Covenant Relationship.......deno......please share freely

.....In the old covenant they knew God as God, even as an unapproachable God by the Law of the veil that hid God in the holy of holies away from the people. Very little intimacy with God. Only a few like Abraham,King David had a love/friend relationship with God. In the new covenant though we see God thru Christ and thru his (Son of God) eyes in us. We see the heart of God unveiled in Christ. The greatness of His great love. God is love...... 
      In the new covenant we do not see God staying at a distance from us or His people. We see God moving, walking lovingly about us looking for people to heal and to bless and looking for new hearts/new homes to enter and dwell in with his new born kids soon to be. We see the Father touching the people and pouring forth the love and virtues of the holiest of all upon His people, that they in the old covenant dared not approach unlawfully. But here He was being shed abroad in healing's and miracle of deliverance's.  We see the Father shedding abroad His Holy Spirit,  all over, into, upon and inside the people for a great touch of His great love, thru His own designed made better way, thru the better covenant than what they had in the old one and by a new covenant that is established upon better promises for us to have a better more love filled, joy filled, Father to his children relationship with God. God does all this  by the blood of Jesus Christ our Redeemer that destroyed the power of the veil, and shattered all enmity and all spiritual friction that was between Gods Spirit and ours. Thru the blood of his cross Christ made peace (an everlasting covenant of peace-Isaiah 54:7-10, and tore down all and everything that made up  that spiritual wall of division. By Jesus Christ in us we are born of God inside in the inner man, the sons of God in our spirits, by faith in Jesus Christ (1st John 5:1-5) and because we are sons we by the Spirit of Christ in us, we cry and call God Father, Abba, Daddy. What great peace this gives us. Perfect love casteth out fear. He is to us Daddy.
      Religious Christians, legalistic people have a problem with making this intimate love transition of Daddy to child, to sons and daughters of God mindness as Jesus always has had with the Father. It is to intimate for them. To close of a relationship. It's perfect love destroys tormenting religious fears about God.  But it is the Word of God and His love for us, and is exactly why Jesus came, Christ came to establish for us an unbreakable covenant of everlasting peace with the Father thru the peace offering of the blood of his cross (Isaiah 54:7-19) and to bring many sons and daughters unto sonship with the Father unto glory (Galations 4:4-7). Some ministers or people can become very upset over this sonship light and truth but it is the WORD OF GOD. They think and say calling God your Dad or Daddy or Father, how dare you. Well like Christ we do and like Christ let us not fear to do so. We are new covenant light RIGHT to do so......deno.....these scriptures are why. See John 17:23, John 20:16-17, Romans 8:14-17, Galations 4:4-7, 1st John 3:1-2, Hebrews 2:9-18.

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