Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Are You A Crazy? Get this revelation, get this understanding and you want be......deno.....please share freely all my writings. Thank You

......Can you Imagine this? Can you imagine that after God with His very own Strong Arm, and by the blood of a Passover Lamb had totally delivered His People out from under Pharaohs power and grip, and opened up that great Red Sea, then guided His people thru the opening He alone and He only could make happen, guided them thru on dry ground, and then once they got to the other side God lifted His hand up upon their enemies that pursued them and destroyed them right before their eyes. Could you imagine them now on the other side, having been delivered from the power of Pharaoh/Satan unto God and translated into the Promise Land thru the great opening God made in the Red Sea, with their feet in the Land of Promise, some ol nut, some ol so called self appointed preacher comes up from within the ranks of the people and says to them that unless you keep the Law and you men be circumcised you will not be saved from Pharaoh and you will remain slaves in Egypt? Or if they said, you must every day do 100 deep knee bends and every day stare at the moon or you want be saved from Pharaoh but would remain slaves in Egypt.  You would have to be severely deceived, deaf, dumb, and  blind to believe and accept that. You would have to be a CRAZY.
       Did you know that this has happened to many in Christ whom God has saved with His very own strong Arm. Thru the blood, death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ, from the Cross back to the throne, God has DELIVERED & SAVED His people and raised them up with Jesus into paradise in the spirit realm of their being in the new birth (See John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:1-10. Yet they being ignorant of this spiritual information and it's spiritual sight, men preach to them all forms of carnal bondage making doctrines like the need to be circumcised or you want be saved, or things like you must keep all Sabbath days, religious feast and all the Law or you want be saved. This burns God and it also inflames Him to anger and it is a big  dishonor to Christ and to all He endured for us in His incredible sufferings for us in his passion. 
      You see, God knows that He himself has already redeemed, delivered, set free, SAVED HIS PEOPLE and that He has given life, deliverance, and even transport, and translation to their spirits and has raised His children's spirits up with Christ into His heavenly places that is above and that is also on the inside of them.  But they being some how numb to this and blind to spiritual realities, heavenly truths & things, and understanding, the devil sends to them his blinded messengers to bring them back again into Egypt, back into religious slavery IN THEIR MIND'S, though their spirits are already saved, and delivered, transported, and translated with Christ, and are seated with Christ in salvation's togetherness RIGHT NOW in the connection and in the fellowship of his sufferings.
     He/Satan uses mental manipulation even with the use of the scriptures to do this. But friends, once your salvation by the Cross and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ is formed in you, the devil has lost that grip on you. You then will be set free and if you will take your stand and if you will enforce your own stand on this matter that God has saved and delivered you by the blood of His Sons Cross and by His resurrection and not by your own works, but by faith in Christ blood thru grace, you will find the peace you seek on this so important subject and light. Then once this truth is fully formed in you, no devil in all of hell can take you down into bondage or back into Egypt in your minds ever again into religious bondages. For you are FREE and you know you are THE FREED and you know who set you FREE and what a great price was paid for your FREEDOM and what that price paid was. Jesus Christ and him crucified.
     Had the children of God, once they had all walked thru the Red Sea on dry ground that He provided, once they had all landed on the other side of the Red Sea in the Promise land, had they thought they were not saved or delivered from Pharaoh and set free from Egypt and their slavery, you would think that they were CRAZY and had lost their minds. Well are you a crazy? Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 5:24, Colossians 1:12-14, is you In Christ in the spirit man. Know this and don't lose your ground in this matter. Whether by Satan's use of scriptures deceitfully or by this worlds phony other hopes that they claim  saves you,  stay joined with Christ from the Cross to the Throne and you will always LAND RIGHT just as he did, He at the right hand of the Father and you right next to Jesus.  Behold Jesus is risen and is seated with the Father in the Throne. No word, no voice, no other message is above the One who sits with the Father in THE MIGHTY THRONE OF GOD. His blood speaks for greater things and is far more richer in all redeeming saving power than all our and the worlds works of self righteousness measurements. SO BY FAITH STAY EVERYDAY CONNECTED WITH JESUS FROM THE CROSS BACK TO THE THRONE and you can enjoy the Father in his heavenly place, at the Throne in the spirit. For God right now desires all who worship and fellowship with Him to do so in His connection to their spirit, in the spirit in Spirit mix that Jesus paid for in his own blood for us to have with the Father. As it is written, he that is now joined unto the Lord's Spirit has become One Spirit with God.........deno....please share freely.

Whom the Son has set free is free indeed. This is what is to be formed in you. He/Jesus paid all the price for all your deliverance, freedom, fellowship with God and for your salvation needs to give it all to you as FREE GIFT FROM GOD...YOU ARE INVITED.

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