Monday, March 16, 2015

The Glorious Church....deno......share freely.

......Scholars tell us that the KJV and many other bible translations are step by step, word for word translations. They strive for a word for word, as close as possible word match. That's what God wants to see in us His children. A Step by step, word for word, as close to Jesus as possible near My God to Thee match until we are the glorious church of Ephesians 5:25-27).
....vs 25)..Husbands love your wives, just like Christ also loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her.
.....vs 26) So that He could separate and sanctify her from a world of sin and darkness, and cleanse the church, bathing her with the washing of the water by His word (His Bright Light).
.....vs 27) That He may present the church (His Bride) unto Himself as a Glorious Church (that's the Lords own high goal for us - A Beautiful Spiritual Bride walking in the newness of her spirit, heart in heart and hand in hand with Christ in what He loves (Holiness), not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing (Pure love relationship all holy - faithful and true to one another, walking in Christ glorious light); but that it should be holy and without blemish (this is relationship to Christ and Christ to us full faithfulness as a husband is to be to his wife and the wife to her husband in all things, resisting all temptations to do other wise, pure and undefiled by the world and evil. God said Israel went away a whoring from Him, Committing adultery and burning incense under every high tree - idolatry-relationship to God unfaithfulness).
........We will never be that level glorious until we (the body and bride of Christ) are all together walking as One heart and as one mind with the fruit of Oneness and unity our constant every day flavor and taste to God and we are together step by step, word for word, faithful to God and to one another, as close as possible near My God to Thee loving one another flawlessly faithful to Christ in all things Church..We will not get there until we THE WEAKER VESSEL humble ourselves leaning on the Mighty Hand of God promise to those who do and are in all things SUBMITTED to Christ Lordship over our lives in all we say and do......deno.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Become Gods Rock In The Faith......deno.......share freely.

       In Christ, when your heart is fixed and your focus becomes established, your a Rock in the faith....Moveable only by God.......1 Corinthians 15:58) Therefore, my beloved brethren in Christ, be established, UNMOVABLE, always involved in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
       Love never ends. It is an Everlasting Work. When all other gifts and works cease, Love remains the same. Every day in glory, heaven is full of works of Gods love demonstrated in all and thru all. Love endures and remains forever.........deno.

God Saved His Best Wine, the Best Wine of His Grace For Last..... (John 2:1-11)......deno......share freely....

John 2:1-11)...Jesus brought forth BY HIS GRACE MIRACLE the Best Wine Of His Power and Grace for the last....Remember in the order of things. He said, The last shall be first and the first shall be last. This in part means the last days church rises up to the top of Gods priority list, and the first that have already run their race of grace before us sit back and watch us run our last days race of grace....deno....On your march....get set.....Its up to us......deno.
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Revelation Given Me About Jesus, The Body Builder..When You See It You'll Get It.......deno......share freely.

.......I was amazed and yet so happy when he opened these ears and these eyes saying....The reason that on the day of Pentecost that I came boldly to My children like a rushing mighty wind and entered into them, into the throne of their hearts without complaint, upbraiding not, and without any hesitation was because....GET THIS..... I was lighting upon and entering into the SAME flesh and bone body of the SAME SON of mine (Hello)(Ephesians 1:22-23). My Son had been BODY BUILDING thru the workout of the Cross.
.......I love the way the Lord brings His things to my level and relates things to me so that I can understand them. Jesus is a BODY BUILDER, and with every new believer more muscle is added to HIS ONE BODY made up of MANY MEMBERS.
.......On the day of Pentecost Christ had been BODY BUILDING on earth and the Holy Spirit entered His Muscle Increase. He that has ears to hear, Jesus said, Let them hear.

......If we want to ENTER into more Love Grace, look at the pic and remember what Jesus said that we all have to do to enter His Kingdom and things...God resisteth the proud but promises to give His grace to those that humble themselves. It is so TRUE.......deno.

One Of My OMG Moments with Jesus......deno.....share freely.

......When you look at your life past and present, and it more deeply dawns on you as like startling that God has graced you and MANIFESTED HIMSELF to you in what to you is peculiar ways and you look at these things, sit there pondering them in your heart and you know, I mean you know that your not the cream of the crop, and you know you have not been the most sanctimonious church member, and that you have been one of the chiefest sinners, maybe even professional at it from time to time and yet despite all this on the record of your life you have seen the Lord show up in certain forms in visions, visitations, audible words, dreams, revelations, demonstrations, and in the Power of the Spirit and you say to Him how can all these things be when yet I did all those things before? He rises up and says, My Love, My Mercy, My Forgiveness, My Grace, My Choice, My Compassion, My Purpose, My Blood, My Spirit, My Power, My Presence, My Righteousness, My Cross, and My Intercessions........You sit there and you contemplate what He has said to you. You think about those words. They go over and over in your hearing like echoes of love and grace. Then after time goes on and after more deeper and more focused thought on those things that He said, SUDDENLY ONE DAY YOUR EYES ARE OPENED, a grace filled light in you goes off and something so beautiful in all of it hits you. Something wonderful DAWNS ON YOU. You realize that you yourself were not even mentioned in all the Answer He gave. It all happened by Christ and Christ alone. That was and is even now a personal OMG moment for me. Not I, Paul said but Christ in me....Christ is all of it from the root to the fruit. Lord I bow my knees and say thank you Jesus. To You Be All The Glory forever and ever. Friends You Are Greatly Loved and You Are Gloriously Called By The Living God And Savior......Amen......deno.

Ephesians 2:8-10) For by grace you are saved thru faith and that not of your doings, it is the gift of God. Not of men's doings lest men boast.......and SOMETIMES for by grace are we called thru faith and that not because of anything we did to deserve it, that calling is a gift of the grace of God. Then God graces you more for His purpose and you learn to seek His face and obey the Lord that in all things Christ be honored and glorified.

Gods Spirit Entered us & We Enter Heaven By The Same Way. Jesus Christ......deno.

......The way Gods Spirit entered you down here on earth is the SAME WAY you will go up and enter into heaven. Jesus, Jesus, and thru the power of His Name, Blood, Death & Resurrection.

......The same way and the same power of God that God used to get Himself (His Perfect Sinless Pure Holy Unblemished Spirit) into the land of our hearts on earth on the day of Pentecost to this day, is going to be the EXACT same way and the EXACT same power of God that God is going to use to transport us and to get us into His Holy Perfect Incorruptible Paradise in heaven. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life no one Comes to the Father nor enters into heavens perfect glory but thru Him (His Cross, His Blood, His death and resurrection) and the Father enters no heart except thru His Son...So God came to our heart thru the blood of His Sons Cross and we shall go into heavens perfect glory thru the same.
......Hebrews 10:19-23) We having therefore boldness TO ENTER into the Holiest (Into Gods Spirit and Holy Place) BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.......deno......share freely.

The Body Of Christ Revelation Connection Brings Confidence & Boldness in things pertaining to God........deno......share freely

        Church member, when you realize the more deeper meaning of what it means THAT YOU, YES YOU are Christ OWN BODY, His flesh and His bone, when He visits you in a visitation and takes you to His Holy Place, IN THAT HOLY PLACE you can have confidence and assurance and boldness there knowing this, KNOWING that you being BY GODS OWN HANDY WORKS (Christ HIS SONS flesh and bone body part), you can stand in your faith in the HOLY PLACE OF GRACE bold and confident there because YOU KNOW WHO YOU BELONG TO and YOU KNOW that you are A PART OF HIM, you are A MEMBER of His Body. You know that where Jesus is you belong there also, for you have found out thru the BODY OF CHRIST REVELATION CONNECTION that God has made you as much a part of Jesus as He is of Himself. For you now know and understand that Christ is One Body made up of MANY MEMBERS. 
       He that your a part of thru the BODY OF CHRIST REVELATION CONNECTION, stands there in the HOLY PLACE smiling at you for overcoming and finding out that truth, that knowledge. It's for WHOSOEVER will to discover. It is for whosoever will let him come and drink from the waters of life and of this truth freely. It is the mystery of Ephesians 5:28-33 revealed and unveiled.
       Personally I'm a simple common man and I just believe Jesus simply meant what He said. WHOSOEVER will let him....Whosoever seeks will find. Whosoever ask will receive. Whosoever knocks will have doors opened up unto him.
      To Sinner or Saint went out the WHOSOEVER WILL INVITE from Jesus Himself.....There is so much love light and knowledge that He wants His Church thru the engrafting gospel light to still come unto. (Who by God Himself have been ENGRAFTED into the life of HIS SON thru the BODY OF CHRIST CONNECTION). God so greatly wants us to realize the riches of the glory of what that truth and saying more deeply means.
      Much like how God desires the lost to come unto a certain knowledge of Jesus Christ that they can be saved, even-so with great earnestness God desires that the church comes unto and comes to understand the DEEPER MEANING of and all that is being told us in the light of the BODY OF CHRIST CONNECTION REVELATION. That we who are IN CHRIST are now as much a part of Jesus and His life as he and his flesh are one and of himself and that it was God Himself that did all this strategic engrafting of us INTO HIS SON and did it without seam in the spirit. He wants us to understand all the love, and all the light, and all the honors and all the riches, and all THE RIGHTS, all the authority, all the power, and all the more abundant life, and all the fellowship with the Father and all of the blessings that being Christ own flesh & bone gives us in Name, in the spirit, in the soul, and in the body.
      Press On, Press On thru in faith. Seek Jesus told us all, AND WE SHALL FIND. WE SHALL ALL UNDERSTAND, REALIZE and DISCOVER......deno......share freely.