Sunday, July 10, 2016

There Is Hope..God Is Always One Step Ahead of Satan.....share.....deno.

THERE IS HOPE......deno.
.......Our nation and others have been praying and groaning for so long in the spirit for America, for our nations condition, and for the lost. Like a raging soulish stir and storm, our guts have been feeling the grind of spiritual warfare and confrontation for years. We have been wrestling with opposing spiritual powers and we have been wrestling with a spirit in a kings heart whose agenda wars against the saints and the Christians faith and influence and against the Christian heritage of America.
........But though the enemy of all light has tried to even thru kings like as he did in Herod's time, trying to keep Gods peace and goodwill plan of grace and light from being born into the world or dawning in a nation, God the greater One has always kept HIS SPECIAL WORKS of grace a step or more ahead of the hinderer.
........From the first day our hearts were set on hope in God to save America from this route to a great fall, our prayers were heard and being heard by God, God (THE FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD GOD) began His Answer and Response. Even as James says of the Lord, The Lord exercises in himself patience and longsufferring until he receives the early and the latter rain which brings forth the precious fruit of Gods purpose that He has planned. When it finally appears, THE PEOPLE REJOICE..
........When Herod who was moved by Satan in his heart, rose up against the plan of God and against the Christ child, the bloodshed and slaughter was great and there WAS GREAT scroll down
VIOLENCE IN THE STREETS BY THE SOLDIERS as the sword was raised against every male child 2 years old and younger. The bible said, Rachel Weeped IN THAT HOUR OF SLAUGHTER, but could not be comforted for her children were slaughtered and were no more. But still yet, despite that horrible uprising of Satan in those people against the peace and goodwill plan of God, God as always was a step or more ahead of Satans attemps to stop the peace and the goodwill that God sent to the earth in Christ. Jesus became flesh anyway and dwelt amongst us in the glory and power of God and they that sat in great darkness SAW CHRIST MARVELOUS LIGHT..
.......God is always a step ahead of the devil. All this uprising and crazy stuff going on is Satan trying to stir up things, things to discourage people and effect their hope and faith. He is stirring up things in hope to thwart the goodwill plan of what God by His grace is going to do. It is something wonderful, something good of HIS ABOUNDING GRACE for our generation because THE PEOPLE CRIED and PRAYED...All of this flows from and back to the face of Jesus Christ and no other. Behold Jesus sits in the Throne of God with the Father. That speaks volumes about Jesus Christ.
........There is more going on inside all these protesting rioters and their movement than meets the natural eyes and understanding just as there was more going on inside Herod when he sent the sword against all those children 2 years old and under. By their fruits Jesus said you shall Know them.
........What is the fruits that we see in the protester?. Listen to their mouth and hear what they are projecting having no holy regard for childrens heart nor for their ears.. Whats in their heart they speak. It is not coming from the love or morals of God. It is their own hate, and defiled hearts and bitterness as they seek means to vent their multi faced heart and soul frustrations, envies and hatred.
.......When Rachel weeped in the bible against the slaughter of her child and for the children of all those mothers in Bethlehem that dark night, she spoke no evil or filth with her mouth, not even hate. Her heart was light filled and righteous filled even as she cried out to the God of Israel, her pain and suffering.. What we see today in the hearts and in the eyes of so many of these protesters is ways that become as the bible puts it, ways of the children of the devil. You see it in their eyes. You hear it in their speech. You watch it in their walk and in their cocky defiance for authority. Scriptures are being seen fulfilled in their despising authority behavior. White or Black is not the issue. The issue is in the heart and that in the spirit.
.......Sometimes its like birth pains to give birth to good things of God in people and in nations BUT THANK GOD THEY ARE BORN.

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