Saturday, June 24, 2017

Can You Answer This Redemption Question.....deno.

Jesus came down from heaven FOR US.
Jesus became flesh FOR US.
Jesus went to the cross FOR US.
Jesus was wounded FOR US.
Jesus was bruised FOR US.
Jesus was punished FOR US.
Jesus was striped FOR US.
Jesus tasted death FOR US.
Jesus rose from the dead FOR US.
Each one of these mentioned above, most can give the why and the what for and the redemption purpose for each of them. All of these Jesus went thru for our benefit.
But it does not stop there. The bible says that after God had raised HIS SON from the dead, after Jesus had purged us of our sins, HE SAT DOWN at the right Hand of God.
Christ sitting down and that at the right hand of God was ALSO DONE FOR OUR GLORY and BENEFIT and the why and the what for and the how come is glorious GOOD NEWS....Can you unveil the significance, the benefit, the how come, and the what for? Such a blessing when you SEE IT......deno

Answer....Where Christ is seated reveals the magnitude, the displayed measure of OUR PEACE WITH GOD that His Sacrifice obtained for us. We were all far far from God. We used to fear to enter the holy of holies. But my my my how Jesus changed all that for us. Now IN CHRIST JESUS, (and thats a great place to be), thru Jesus the GREAT PEACE OFFERING, we HIS FLESH and BONE, we who are IN HIM partake of all He has with the Father. Christ Peace with God is our same Peace with God. Lord open our eyes...Amen.

P.S..When God raised Jesus from the dead, Jesus took US (His Body) with Him. From the Cross Back to the Throne Jesus took US (His Body) fully with Him. Thats Important.

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