Monday, June 5, 2017

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.
......King David had a sin history liken unto us all. He also had a whole lot of wild and crazy things going on with his own children and family. And yet still, the bible declares that God used David in the ministry of a foretelling prophet that prophesied certain truths and events of Christ that was to come.
.......Folks lets all quit kidding ourselves. We can all talk about perfection and perfect relationships and families, but underneath our delusions we are all like David and his children and family. We all inside and out have spots, wrinkles and blemishes of all sorts. We all have imperfections galore. Still yet, For God So Loved...Still yet, God made good things to come forth from the most driest of grounds.... Still yet, from rock God made His refreshing water to flow....Still yet, when there was lack God brought forth plenty. Still yet, when there was hopelessness God made hope come back alive. Still yet, when Israels backs were pressed up against the wall God made a way thru the Sea...Still yet when there was sickness and disease God brought forth healing.. Still yet, when death was all over the scene God raised His Son from the dead....Still yet when the nets were empty God made a way that filled them up....Still yet when a woman was in the shame of the guilt of her sin, Still yet God forgave her and set her free and put a smile on that woman's face the world could not take away. Her soul was touched by God....
..... ..So there is you and I with all our flaws and imperfections, but let us not forget Gods STILL YET part. It is seen all thru the bible of God using such imperfect men and people who in themselves, in their relationships, and in their families had flaws and imperfections, but it was GODS STILL YET that made all the difference...Christ came to us from Gods STILL YET LOVE and Grace...Thank You God for...Still Yet......deno.....share freely.

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