Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Measure of our Peace with God Revealed...Every person who believes and belongs to Christ this measure fits.....deno.

........The measure of the punishment and the cost for our sins and for the NEW COVENANT (for our covenant of peace with God to be established) we measure fully at the Cross of Christ. We measure the punishment it took for us to have peace with God by looking at the shredding of Christ flesh, and in his bodies bruises and wounds for our transgressions and by his death by way of the cross.
........The scriptures in Isaiah 52/53/54/55 reveals Christ and him crucified in his punishment for our peace to be established with God, it reveals that Jesus was marred more than any man after he was afflicted with that enormous punishment. It even says he was disfigured to the point that he became unrecognizable as a man, now that is a great punishment.
.......No wonder Christ looking into that Cup that he was born in flesh to drink, no wonder he cried to the Father that it might be removed. All that cup was full of was bitterness to more bitterness (The bitter herbs of a Passover celebration). What a price Jesus was going to pay for us to have a relationship of Peace with God. We image this punishment measure, we see it and we all agree and give a hearty amen to the fact that that punishment was extreme by seeing Messiah as the prophet Isaiah foretold so shredded, disfigured, more marred than any man hanging there nailed to the Cross suffering unto death for our sins punishment so that we would not have to.
......But we must not stop there at the sight of the measure of that great punishment. We must also ask the question of how great is this measure of  peace with God that we now have which Jesus obtain FOR US thru his manifold sufferings, pains, discomforts and travails on the Cross? There has to exist a way to measure how great this peace with God is that we have thru the sufferings of Christ. We know none of his suffering were done in vain. We know that all of it had redemption obtaining purpose FOR PEACE, FOR SALVATION and for OUR PEACE WITH GOD..
......Well, we see the measure of the PEACE OFFERING looking at Christ on the Cross shredded, nailed and then dead; and we also must by only LOOKING AT CHRIST in all things as the measure, are given the measure of our New Covenant Life and  Peace with God by looking at the risen MAN Jesus Christ seated in the Throne of God at the Fathers right side. The Lamb of our Peace Offering, the man Jesus Christ our peace with God shows us himself HOW GREAT the punishment for our peace with God  was thru the blood of His own cross and it is ALSO Jesus Himself that shows us the measure of OUR OBTAINED PEACE WITH GOD for He was the one that obtained it FOR US.
......Folks our Peace with God in the NEW COVENANT is revealed and is Seen BY THE SIGHT OF Jesus SEATED WITH THE FATHER IN THE THRONE OF GOD. You could never sit with the Almighty in His Throne unless you had the highest level of peace with God that could ever exist...That is HOW GREAT our our our NEW COVENANT PEACE WITH GOD IS. Jesus went to the Cross to accomplish for us PEACE WITH GOD and Jesus sat down in the Throne of God as a man to show us just how great that peace is.
......Our peace with God price and punishment is fully revealed and seen and is measured by Christ and so is the PEACE with God he obtained FOR US is seen and revealed and is measure to us by Christ. One given sight is awful in the fact that Jesus was marred more than any man on that Cross. But the peace sight that his punishment as our peace offering has OBTAINED for us is incredible, beautiful, unlike no other and is the most beautiful peace sight with God that could ever be as to be able to sit with DAD next to Him in His far above all Throne..What we see there of the Man Jesus Christ sitting with the Father in the Throne of His love far above all is our FAR ABOVE ALL PEACE WITH GOD who is every member of the body of Christ  HEAVENLY FATHER.
.......Christ is OUR HEAD and we His Body are His flesh and bone bodies members both on earth and in heaven and Christ in all his life and positions whether on earth or in heaven is our positions, our life, even our all in all.....deno....share.

The Blessing of Abraham Continuance......deno.

God has always had certain people His Hand made rich in every generation to this hour thru the blessing of Abraham continuance. Honor them, do not bad mouth them. They were blessed for high reason and we are in the flow of  THE BELSSINGS purpose by means of gifts, supply, charity, jobs, humanitarian offerings partaking's, EVEN FOR SALVATION.

Solomon's Temple Cost 1.4 billion dollars.....deno.

It was the HAND of God upon Solomon that made Solomon incomparably wealthy. The TEMPLE Solomon built for the Lord that was layered in gold cost 1.4 Billion in 1980s gold standards. If God has chosen you to do something whether it be SMALL or BIG he will supply.....Just be sure it is of God, approved by God, and God ordained. Solomon knew for a fact by visitations from the Lord that He was called to that INCREDIBLE TASK.

The First Old Covenant Man (Abraham) God Himself MADE RICH, fully supplied with more than enough....deno....share

Did you know the first man (Abraham) of the Old Covenant Connection to God, GOD BLESSED & GOD HIMSELF MADE RICH?

Genesis 24 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Genesis 24 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
A Wife for Isaac
24 Abraham was now a very old man. The Lord had made him rich, and he was successful in everything he did. 2 One day, Abraham called in his most trusted servant and said to him, “Solemnly promise me 3 in the name of the Lord, who rules heaven and earth, that you won’t choose a wife for my son Isaac from the people here in the land of Canaan. 4 Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for him from among my relatives.”

5 But the servant asked, “What if the young woman I choose refuses to leave home and come here with me? Should I send Isaac there to look for a wife?”

6 “No!” Abraham answered. “Don’t ever do that, no matter what. 7 The Lord who rules heaven brought me here from the land where I was born and promised that he would give this land to my descendants forever. When you go back there, the Lord will send his angel ahead of you to help you find a wife for my son. 8 If the woman refuses to come along, you don’t have to keep this promise. But don’t ever take my son back there.” 9 So the servant gave Abraham his word that he would do everything he had been told to do.

10 Soon after that, the servant loaded ten of Abraham’s camels with valuable gifts. Then he set out for the city in northern Syria,[a] where Abraham’s brother Nahor lived.

11 When he got there, he let the camels rest near the well outside the city. It was late afternoon, the time when the women came out for water. 12 The servant prayed:

You, Lord, are the God my master Abraham worships. Please keep your promise to him and let me find a wife for Isaac today. 13 The young women of the city will soon come to this well for water, 14 and I’ll ask one of them for a drink. If she gives me a drink and then offers to get some water for my camels, I’ll know she is the one you have chosen and that you have kept your promise to my master.

15-16 While he was still praying, a beautiful unmarried young woman came by with a water jar on her shoulder. She was Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Abraham’s brother Nahor and his wife Milcah. Rebekah walked past Abraham’s servant, then went over to the well, and filled her water jar. When she started back, 17 Abraham’s servant ran to her and said, “Please let me have a drink of water.”

18 “I’ll be glad to,” she answered. Then she quickly took the jar from her shoulder and held it while he drank. 19-20 After he had finished, she said, “Now I’ll give your camels all the water they want.” She quickly poured out water for them, and she kept going back for more, until his camels had drunk all they wanted. 21 Abraham’s servant did not say a word, but he watched everything Rebekah did, because he wanted to know for certain if this was the woman the Lord had chosen.

22 The servant had brought along an expensive gold ring and two large gold bracelets. When Rebekah had finished bringing the water, he gave her the ring for her nose[b] and the bracelets for her arms. 23 Then he said, “Please tell me who your father is. Does he have room in his house for me and my men to spend the night?”

24 She answered, “My father is Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah. 25 We have a place where you and your men can stay, and we also have enough straw and feed for your camels.”

26 Then the servant bowed his head and prayed, 27 “I thank you, Lord God of my master Abraham! You have led me to his relatives and kept your promise to him.”

28 Rebekah ran straight home and told her family everything. 29-30 Her brother Laban heard her tell what the servant had said, and he saw the ring and the bracelets she was wearing. So Laban ran out to Abraham’s servant, who was standing by his camels at the well. 31 Then Laban said, “The Lord has brought you safely here. Come home with me. There’s no need for you to keep on standing outside. I have a room ready for you in our house, and there’s also a place for your camels.”

32 Abraham’s servant went home with Laban, where Laban’s servants unloaded his camels and gave them straw and feed. Then they brought water into the house, so Abraham’s servant and his men could wash their feet. 33 After that, they brought in food. But the servant said, “Before I eat, I must tell you why I have come.”

“Go ahead and tell us,” Laban answered.

34 The servant explained:

I am Abraham’s servant. 35 The Lord has been good to my master and has made him very rich. He has given him many sheep, goats, cattle, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of silver and gold, and many slaves. 36 Sarah, my master’s wife, didn’t have any children until she was very old. Then she had a son, and my master has given him everything. 37 I solemnly promised my master that I would do what he said. And he told me, “Don’t choose a wife for my son from the women in this land of Canaan. 38 Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for my son from among my relatives.”

39 I asked my master, “What if the young woman refuses to come with me?”

40 My master answered, “I have always obeyed the Lord, and he will send his angel to help you find my son a wife from among my own relatives. 41 But if they refuse to let her come back with you, then you are freed from your promise.”

42 When I came to the well today, I silently prayed, “You, Lord, are the God my master Abraham worships, so please lead me to a wife for his son 43 while I am here at the well. When a young woman comes out to get water, I’ll ask her to give me a drink. 44 If she gives me a drink and offers to get some water for my camels, I’ll know she is the one you have chosen.”

45 Even before I had finished praying, Rebekah came by with a water jar on her shoulder. When she had filled the jar, I asked her for a drink. 46 She quickly lowered the jar from her shoulder and said, “Have a drink. Then I’ll get water for your camels.” So I drank, and after that she got some water for my camels. 47 I asked her who her father was, and she answered, “My father is Bethuel the son of Nahor and Milcah.” Right away I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms. 48 Then I bowed my head and gave thanks to the God my master Abraham worships. The Lord had led me straight to my master’s relatives, and I had found a wife for his son.

49 Now please tell me if you are willing to do the right thing for my master. Will you treat him fairly, or do I have to look for another young woman?

50 Laban and Bethuel answered, “The Lord has done this. We have no choice in the matter. 51 Take Rebekah with you; she can marry your master’s son, just as the Lord has said.” 52 Abraham’s servant bowed down and thanked the Lord. 53 Then he gave clothing, as well as silver and gold jewelry, to Rebekah. He also gave expensive gifts to her brother and her mother.

54 Abraham’s servant and the men with him ate and drank, then spent the night there. The next morning they got up, and the servant told Rebekah’s mother and brother, “I would like to go back to my master now.”

55 “Let Rebekah stay with us for a week or ten days,” they answered. “Then she may go.”

56 But he said, “Don’t make me stay any longer. The Lord has already helped me find a wife for my master’s son. Now let us return.”

57 They answered, “Let’s ask Rebekah what she wants to do.” 58 They called her and asked, “Are you willing to leave with this man right now?”

“Yes,” she answered.

59 So they agreed to let Rebekah and an old family servant woman[c] leave immediately with Abraham’s servant and his men. 60 They gave Rebekah their blessing and said, “We pray that God will give you many children and grandchildren and that he will help them defeat their enemies.” 61 Afterwards, Rebekah and the young women who were to travel with her prepared to leave. Then they got on camels and left with Abraham’s servant and his men.

62 At that time Isaac was living in the southern part of Canaan near a place called “The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me.”[d] 63-65 One evening he was walking out in the fields, when suddenly he saw a group of people approaching on camels. So he started toward them. Rebekah saw him coming; she got down from her camel, and asked, “Who is that man?”

“He is my master Isaac,” the servant answered. Then Rebekah covered her face with her veil.[e]

66 The servant told Isaac everything that had happened.

67 Isaac took Rebekah into the tent[f] where his mother had lived before she died, and Rebekah became his wife. He loved her and was comforted over the loss of his mother.

24.10 northern Syria: The Hebrew text has “Aram-Naharaim,” probably referring to the land around the city of Haran (see also “Paddan-Aram” in 25.20; 28.2,6; 31.18,20; 33.18; 35.23-26; 46.8-15; and “Paddan” in 48.7).
24.22 ring for her nose: Nose-rings were popular jewelry items, as were earrings.
24.59 old family servant woman: Probably Deborah, who had taken care of Rebekah from the time she was born (see 35.8).
24.62 Who Sees Me: Or “I Have Seen.”
24.63-65 covered. . . veil: Since the veiling of a bride was part of the wedding ceremony, this probably means that she was willing to become the wife of Isaac.

24.67 took. . . tent: This shows that Rebekah is now the wife of Isaac and the successor of Sarah as the leading woman in the tribe.

God was the first Preacher of Prosperity.....deno.

God was the first Preacher of Prosperity or as some say the first Prosperity Preacher..Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Unpopular Truth

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 New King James Version (NKJV)
Blessings on Obedience
28 “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:

3 “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.

4 “Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.

5 “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

6 “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

7 “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

8 “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

9 “The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways. 10 Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you. 11 And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. 12 The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. 13 And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them. 14 So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right or the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

Jesus' Wealth Was Incredible.....deno.

 .......When you can have whatever you say, whether it be to turn water into wine, or to bring forth a massive functioning Universe, or to raise the dead, you have no need of money OR YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO MONIES POWER. Looking thru the eyes of this measuring rule, the Lord was then incredibly wealthy. Being He could have whatsoever He said FROM CHANGING WATER INTO WINE or TO THE CREATING OF A FUNCTIONING UNIVERSE or to RAISING THE DEAD, that made the Lord more powerful and FAR MORE WEALTHIER than all and gave him FAR MORE OBTAINING BUYING POWER than every created creature that HIS MOUTH CREATED in the Universe.....deno....Unpopular truth but it still is the truth.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Prayers That Bring Healing by John Eckhardt w/ Music

Psalms passages 8 Hours for sleep and relaxation read by Doreen Virtue

A Thousand Years of Jesus on Earth....deno.

.......There is soon to be a time when the Scriptures shall be the cherishing of the people for a thousand years. In that thousand year reign of Jesus on earth classrooms will be led by the Spirit of the Lord in the teachers. All shall be taught of the Lord. All shall know him from the least to the greatest as King of kings and Lord of lords. The government will be upon His Bigger than all Shoulders and the covenant of the Presence of God with man shall baptize the whole world in the glory of HIS PRESENCE and wonders. Even the animal world shall be conformed into the way of peace by the glory of Prince of Peace effects....But right before that hour starts comes upon the world the greatest lie and deception ever formed on earth that deceives billions whose souls were adrift outside the anchor of the real truth of the scriptures purpose and redemption's unveiling calling..This strife and striving against Jesus Christ has already begun. It is a part of the present friction in political America...deno.....share.

Fill My Cup Lord With Your Spirit.....deno

If we take God out of our life on earth, He will take us out of His Life in Heaven....In the valley of decision.


As FAR FAR GREATER the blood of Emmanuel, the blood of God, the blood of Christ is to the blood of the bulls, lambs. goats and heifers,  even so FAR FAR GREATER and FAR BETTER are the many promises that God has given us in the New Covenant, to us who believe and belong to Christ....Lord open our eyes...deno....share freely.

Believing on the Name of Jesus means having full confidence in His Perfect Sinless Record & Righteousness...

Since it is true that the blood of Christ works for us mightily from victory to victory against sin, even so His Righteousness will work for us mightily in prayer when our confidence is established on His Righteousness and record and not in our own...Believe on His Name in prayer and have your confidence on His Perfect Record and Righteousness. That is when our prayers will truly become powerful and effective.... Ask in MY NAME Jesus said. Ask with your faith in MY BLEMISH FREE Righteousness and with your faith in MY Spotless Record....deno....share freely.

Deno's Walk & Talk....What the law could not do... God did... Part 3

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jesus was not a Muslim as Muslims Put it...Jesus was FAR FAR GREATER than that...Christ was Immanuel which means GOD WITH US...

.......For God and Country and for my kids and for our dad who preached THE CROSS OF CHRIST and ITS SAVING POWER all those decades i stand up and write this. We Davids even with our flaws in every sense of the word no matter how unworthy we may be must now stand UP and defend the Gospel 
and the Deity Of Christ...The enemies of the Power of His Cross seek to confuse the world and to deceive the world even though some of them may have good intent...
........The subtilty of the serpent is to deny the deity of Jesus Christ bringing him down to the level of just a good man or just a submitted man or servant to God which Jesus certainly was but the scriptures in their fulness reveals much much more about Jesus than being just a man or just a submitted man....
.......Hebrews 7 about Jesus, It reads, Christ had no beginning of days neither ending. Always has been and ever shall he be...These words were not about the flesh of Jesus for the flesh of Jesus cannot fit such eternal power. These words of revelation spoke of the Spirit of Christ that was inside that flesh.
.......Hebrews 1:1-3 we must quote that also..the Son (speaking of Jesus ) by whom he made the worlds......John 1:1-14...Jesus was in the beginning with God and by him all things were made that were made.
.......How far back did Jesus exist? He said, Before Abraham was I AM....and By him were all things made that was made. So according to Jesus' Spirit and not ours, Jesus' Spirit existed before the foundation of the world.....Jesus said, Before Abraham was I AM....Jesus said...I came down from heaven..This means he existed way before Mary....Jesus said and what if i go back to where i came down from..
........Paul said the Son (Jesus) was eternal in the heavens and that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh..Yes Paul wrote that in his letter to Timothy..
.......The revelation from the Spirit of God to man about Jesus when Jesus was on earth in the flesh was first given to Peter...Jesus said and who do you say that I am?...The Spirit of truth came upon Peter and Peter said, I say you are the Christ the Son of the living God..Jesus said back to Peter, this world did not open your eyes to this truth but the Spirit of My Father..Any belief or wording of identification concerning who Jesus was and is that eliminates this revelation just given and the ones mentioned above are of another Spirit other than Jesus who knew himself perfectly. Jesus could tell you all about the throne of God and what it looked like because he came down from heaven and because has been sitting there with the Father thru-out eternity.
.......When Paul and John said By Jesus Christ all things were made that were made, both messengers were seeing by the Spirit of Truth far beyond the flesh body that the eternal Spirit of Jesus wore for the worlds redemption need that would be accomplished at the Cross of Christ. The eternal Jesus became flesh and dwelt amongst us (John 1:1014) and He took upon HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT/SELF a body of flesh and blood...
.......Truly a greater one than Moses and Solomon was inside that physical body that the real eternal Jesus lived in....And finally in John 17:1-5 Jesus said, And now Father, glorify Me with your own Self with the glory that i shared with you before the world was...Those words the Spirit of Jesus spoke, his flesh could never make that statement, His flesh came forth in the virgin Mary....And after Christ resurrection after he appeared to Thomas, Thomas went into his praise saying to Jesus, My Lord and My God...Jesus did not rebut those words. only the blind do.
........P.S...If Jesus was just a man then he dying on the cross was no different than all those other men who died by way of the Cross back then. But being in His Spirit Eternal and Divine, he was Deity, he was the Lord from heaven by whom all things were created by. That truth in itself makes Jesus who became flesh, the sinless God in flesh, that makes his sacrifice MOST POWERFUL IN ALL SACRIFICES FOR SIN REDEMPTION SIGNIFICANCE.
........Who would dare belittle the power that would be in God tasting death for every man (by way of the Cross) to save the believers soul from the devils hell? Gods taste of death on that cross thru Christ the LAMB OF GOD is our GREAT DEFENSE. It is our GREAT DEFENSE against all of Satan, against all of sin, death, hell and the grave.
.........We were the guilty but the Judge himself loved us so much he came off his Judges Seat and went to the Cross to pay the punishment for our sins and crimes himself..We deserved the blow but the Judge dank that Cup for us...What a love story....That is the love that Paul said of Jesus Christ that the world is blind to....deno....share....copy this...print it and put it in your bible or somewhere where you will not forget it..You will need these words to refer to soon. The deceivers just like Paul said are waxing worse and worse, even he said to denying the deity of Jesus...Image result for Jesus was a muslim pics

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Desiring that One Day of the Son of Man.....deno.

.....Jesus said when he was on earth with his followers that there would come a time when they would wish for just one day of the Son of man with them. What did he mean?
.....The bible reveals that Jesus was given the Spirit of the Lord without measure. Imagine that. Gods power given without measure unto a living fountain of peculiar flesh on earth, which peculiar flesh and fountain for the outpouring Jesus was..
...... It is written that Jesus lived before them all in the Power of the Spirit...He literally could ask what he desired and God did it. Ask what you will Jesus and it shall be done for you was all part of the redemption covenant between he and the Father.Jesus was giving his all for us so the Father was giving HIS ALL to Jesus.....Even the winds and the storms of the sea obeyed Jesus' command. Even the fish swam the direction of his beckoning. Even the dead came up from their graves at His word. Even Satan and the demons had to obey Jesus' orders.
.....Because Jesus never doubted and never sinned, the Power of the Spirit of the Lord was never by him quenched or grieved. The anointing flow was strong, powerful and constant.
.....We have never tasted the measure of the Unhindered anointing of the Spirit of the Lord as the 12 did who saw and marveled at the works and the miracles of that incredible without measure anointing that Jesus had everyday for three years....Of that unlimited anointing that Jesus had John wrote....As i think of all that Jesus said and did amongst us, If all these works and events, acts of love, and miracles and wisdom were all recorded, I suppose that all the books in all the world could not contain them. The written New Testament is a a powerful approved by God glimpse of that which was even far more abundant in the three years that God was himself walking on earth in Christ.
.....Folks, one day of the Son of God on earth in Johns days (before the Cross) was full of heavens love, joy, grace and truth glory, and gladness of spirit being seen and expressed on earth among men. God gave Jesus His Son the Spirit of the Lord without measure and the oil of gladness above all others...You just cannot match that fulness, the fulness of the Spirit of the Lord without measure that Jesus was given and every day walked in.
......Jesus knew they would miss those full and so filled days of the work of the love and power of God without measure. Every new town that the disciples walked to with THE ANOINTED CHRIST, before they reached those TOWNS they spoke among themselves wondering what kind of great works of God shall Jesus manifest in those towns. The grace and the anticipation, and the excitement was thru the roof literally......deno...Jesus Im a sinful man i know but please walk with me now and forever...I am not ashamed.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

And you shall find rest for your souls.....deno....share.

 .........In Hebrews 1:1-4 the Spirit of the Lord said that after Jesus had by himself PURGED or REMOVED our sin, HE SAT DOWN...And where does it say that Jesus sat down? It says He Sat Down At The Right Hand Of God....This means TO US, this also symbolizes for us RE-ESTABLISHED FELLOWSHIP AND COMMUNION WITH GOD OUR FATHER. We see Jesus when after he purged us of our sin he went back up and SAT DOWN WITH GOD next to the Father for communion, fellowship and conversation with the Father...All of this was FOR US for our benefit and blessings...For our Peace with God, signifying our reestablished fellowship after our sin is forgiven and purged......
........What else can we learn from this light?...This also means Christ enters into rest about our sins once they are FORGIVEN, PURGED, REMOVED...Christ himself and the Father entering into rest about our sins after we are purged of them speaks to you and I good things...This my friends authorizes all of us to do exactly the same.
........It is time for you to ENTER INTO CHRIST OWN REST ABOUT YOUR PAST AND ABOUT THOSE SINS THAT HAUNT YOU...For since the JUDGE, the HIGHEST JUDGE can enter into REST about them because He himself purged us of those sins with HIS OWN BLOOD and MERCY, then we the purged can ENTER INTO HIS PERFECT REST ABOUT THEM also...WHOM THE SON OF GOD (whIch is THE HIGHEST JUDGE) has SET FREE IS FREE INDEED.....ENTER INTO HIS REST....Preaching Peace By Jesus Christ.....deno.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Circumcision of Christ......deno.

The Circumcision of Christ.....
.......Thru what Paul called the circumcision of Christ in his passion where his flesh was ripped and striped, and on the cross where his flesh was pierced in hand and feet and side, thru all of that, nearly all the precious redeeming blood of His body was drained out upon the world to take away the sin of the world. (It is written that without the shedding of atoning blood, sin is not removed nor taken away). When the final out poured drops hit the earth, Jesus gave up the ghost, his body died and the earth shook tremendously from the power of what was just released. At the same moment the veil in the temple was rent in twain.
......When Jesus gave up His Spirit, the temple in Jerusalem, the holy of holies also gave up the Spirit of God at the same time. Both were representing the other. When the Spirit of God left the temple, he took off from that hiding place where he had been for thousands of years behind that veil, he left to soon come running to His children like a rushing God in a mighty wind who had for thousands of years been in waiting, in longing for that reuniting day when His Spirit could become One spirit with His new born children in Christ Jesus...It was the the circumcision of Jesus Christ and him crucified and His blood poured out upon us washing us clean and making us ready for the infilling of the Spirit of God that made it all happen.
.....Christ blood, the blood of the creator, it gives us great power, good standing, and tremendous advantage in things pertaining to God and redemption....Lord open our eyes to the full glory and power and benefits that Your Blood gives us all in Christ Jesus....Amen.....deno.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Blood of God Speaks.....deno.

The Blood of God Speaks.....deno.
.......Blood has always been used for the atonement of sins. From what the blood flowed from measured its atonement power.
.......The bible says that it was not possible that the blood that flowed from the bull and from the goat and from the heifer, THAT BLOOD was not able to take away sin, nor did that blood have the power to give boldness and bold entrance into the holiest to the believers. The blood of me're animals was weak though in its shadow form it greatly represented something enormously great that was to come....Christ the Lamb of God...Immanuel meaning God With Us.
.....But oh my friends God provided for us all some really GREAT NEWS, when the Creator of heaven and earth became flesh and dwelt amongst us with blood in His veins, with the destiny of a redeeming Cross before him. The blood that was in HIS VEINS was the greatest and highest and MOST PRECIOUS POWERFUL ATONING BLOOD that ever could be. THAT BLOOD would tremendously empower those that believed and understood its power and the advantages which THAT BLOOD would give them. THAT BLOOD would give them access with confidence boldness power to enter not only into the Presence of God, but even greater than that, THAT SAME INCREDIBLE BLOOD gave His Sinless Holy Spirit its own BOLD ACCESS unto us like a rushing mighty wind and boldly ENTER into the insides of those that first trusted in the power of the sanctifying blood of Christ that set them apart to be filled with the Spirit of the Holiest of all, Almighty God...
.......And He, creations Creator, the Most High God himself said, This is MY BLOOD (Immanuel's Blood) which I give for the ransom and redemption of many and for the life of the world....My Blood, the blood of God was the magnification there and so should it be so magnified.
......His BLOOD, Almighty Gods Blood, not only took away the sin of the world, it redeemed and saved all those who put their trust in it with eternal redemption, and gave us all access with confidence into all things of God and in all things that pertain to life and fellowship with the Almighty in Christ Jesus..Thru His Own Blood We Come Boldly to the Throne of God in Jesus Name...His blood speaks to us all saying, COME BOLDLY NOW BY ME UNTO AND INTO THE ONE FROM WHOM I FLOWED FROM...HE HIMSELF BY ME COMES BOLDLY INTO YOU..

....... Gods blood was poured out for our salvation power and assurance, for our boldness of faith power, for our bold receiving power, and for our bold ENTERING POWER and GLORY....As it is written in Hebrews 10:19..Having therefore BOLDNESS to ENTER into the HOLIEST, into the Spirit and Presence of God BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS.....deno.

Can You Answer This Redemption Question.....deno.

Jesus came down from heaven FOR US.
Jesus became flesh FOR US.
Jesus went to the cross FOR US.
Jesus was wounded FOR US.
Jesus was bruised FOR US.
Jesus was punished FOR US.
Jesus was striped FOR US.
Jesus tasted death FOR US.
Jesus rose from the dead FOR US.
Each one of these mentioned above, most can give the why and the what for and the redemption purpose for each of them. All of these Jesus went thru for our benefit.
But it does not stop there. The bible says that after God had raised HIS SON from the dead, after Jesus had purged us of our sins, HE SAT DOWN at the right Hand of God.
Christ sitting down and that at the right hand of God was ALSO DONE FOR OUR GLORY and BENEFIT and the why and the what for and the how come is glorious GOOD NEWS....Can you unveil the significance, the benefit, the how come, and the what for? Such a blessing when you SEE IT......deno

Answer....Where Christ is seated reveals the magnitude, the displayed measure of OUR PEACE WITH GOD that His Sacrifice obtained for us. We were all far far from God. We used to fear to enter the holy of holies. But my my my how Jesus changed all that for us. Now IN CHRIST JESUS, (and thats a great place to be), thru Jesus the GREAT PEACE OFFERING, we HIS FLESH and BONE, we who are IN HIM partake of all He has with the Father. Christ Peace with God is our same Peace with God. Lord open our eyes...Amen.

P.S..When God raised Jesus from the dead, Jesus took US (His Body) with Him. From the Cross Back to the Throne Jesus took US (His Body) fully with Him. Thats Important.

The Word Jesus Instructed Paul to preach in every city....deno.

........This word Jesus REVEALED and gave to Paul and commanded that he and all preach it. It is called the sermon or the word of reconciliation. Satan hates it. Angels love it. Sinners who see the love in it rejoice and their faith comes alive unto God thru Jesus Christ. Be sure to preach it. God commanded THIS WORD BE PREACHED. Here it is.

........2 Cor 5:18-21).....18) .....And this is the ministry God has given us, even this, to preach to the world by Jesus Christ the word of reconciliation which is this....19) How God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world back unto himself, NOT HOLDING AGAINST THEM THEIR TRESPASSES & SINS...Yes, this word God has commanded us to preach.20) So knowing this good news that He himself has revealed to us and given for us to preach, we beg you by Jesus Christ be ye reconciled unto God...21) God is not holding your sins against you...He laid them all on Jesus who never once sinned, so that we who knew no righteousness could be given the gift of righteousness which is given to us by faith in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again for our everlasting hope.. Christ loved us a gave himself for us. At the right hand of God he now sits. Your sins price has been paid for and paid for in full. Now that God is not holding against you your trespasses and sins, you are free to come boldly to the throne of grace and salvation...So be now reconciled unto God.....deno.....share freely.

The Wealth and Riches of God.....deno.

No where in the bible does it say God is poor or hates wealth. No where in the bible does it say, And My God shall meet all your needs according to HIS POVERTY in glory.
........If being well off, or having plenty, or being rich and extremely wealthy is a sin in itself or an unholy thing as some preach or think, then God is a great transgressor. For His paradise is splendorous with riches of gold, diamonds, rubies, and all kinds of precious stones that glisten and shine with the glory of God. His supply trees, vines, and gardens are so beautiful and luscious with fruits and veggies and foods we know not of. His Throne and His city and cities are filled with riches beyond measure. Paul said these words to christian givers, he said, And my God shall supply all your needs according to HIS RICHES, HIS RICHES, His great wealth in glory.
.......God never has a problem finding what you need out of his riches in glory. 7 billion trillion people and angels God can make fully happy, fully supplied, fully rich, fully fed and clothed and housed splendorously for all eternity with nothing good missing and nothing ever broken, with all their joy ever full. He is the, My Cup Overflows God and Father....
.......P.S. Gods incredible wealth never causes His perfect love to lose perfect love focus...He has always been INCREASING His paradise with greater riches and good things to increase HIS GIVING LOVE and all that increase has never made His hearts love to do unto others as he loves himself to ever wax cold...Gods increasing increase, well He has had to do that as He expanded the numbers of His creatures and created territories, spiritual and physical.
.......The problem with most of us is our hearts are not right but selfish and we lose focus when we come into smooth waters or prosperous times. The smooth and the plenty become like idols of comfort to us and we take our eyes off of God or off of serving Him..But God is the good and faithful God and there is nothing of Himself, of His veins, or of His great wealth, or of His entire kingdom that he will withhold from us..He has loved us with an EVERLASTING LOVE...He did not even withhold from us HIS SON who means more to Him than all he has ever made.....deno.....share freely.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

GET THIS.....deno.

......God with all His Power, with all his holiness and righteousness, with all his marvelous good deeds, with all his glory and majesty and authority as being Almighty God was absolutely helpless to save us without His Sons Blood. Friends that speaks VOLUMES. Gods hands were tied and his power WAS OF NO POWER TO REDEEM THE SOUL WITHOUT HIS SONS BLOOD. Even if he said I Forgive you Adam and Eve, without Christ blood applied, their sin could not have been removed. That is the power of sin.
.....And since God with all His power, glory, perfect holiness and spotless righteousness was helpless to save us without His Sons Blood, we also with all our so called self disciplines, holiness and righteousness are helpless in saving ourselves by those things.
......ONLY BY CHRIST BLOOD we are redeemed. For since God who is perfect holiness and perfect in all his ways was helpless to save us without Christ blood, we too are helpless and without hope without Christ blood our hope and salvation, OUR WAY, TRUTH and LIFE......deno.

God was helpless to save us without His Sons Blood....deno.

Lord Open Our Eyes....
......All the Power of Gods Spirit (ALL OF IT) could not save the soul of any without the blood of Christ in the mix.... God needed Christ blood to save us just as much as we needed Christ blood to save us...When you understand this truth, you understand the wisdom of God in the blood of His Son.
.....We were helpless to save ourselves without Christ blood and God was helpless to save us without the blood of His Son. That is why Jesus had to drink that cup...HE HAD TO or we were hopeless forever and Gods word and heart would have been broken forever....deno.

All the Power of God could not save the soul of any without the blood of Christ in the mix.... God needed Christ blood to save us just as much as we needed Christ blood to save us.....deno.

.....When Gods people got themselves into troubles like famine and enemies, he delivered them over and over again with His divine power. He brought down kings and mighty empires for his people. He parted the Red Sea for his people. He sent His angels to help his people take down their enemies. The bible is full of the stories of God delivering His people with His mighty hand.
.....But did you know that it was only by a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice that God saved His people from their sins. Only by the shedding of blood were their sins atoned for and they were saved from them. God could take down their enemies by His mighty hand, but only in the shedding of blood could he save them from their sins.ONLY IN THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD.
.....God from the very beginning was always preaching the mystery of the Cross of His Son and of the IMPORTANCE OF THE BLOOD SACRIFICE....As even John the baptist said concerning Jesus....Behold the LAMB OF GOD that TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD...And in another place the angel also proclaimed about Jesus. He said,,Unto you in the city of David a Savior has been born who shall save Gods people from their sins...They too were preaching the Cross of Christ.
......God could part a thousand Red Seas and open the earth up under the feet of a thousand armies who rise against His People, but none of those powerful acts would nor could save us, HIS PEOPLE from their sins. NOT ONE OF THEM....Only thru the shedding of innocent sinless blood can we be saved from our sins. That is why only in the Cross, in the Sacrifice of Christ would Paul glory. He understood Gods redemption wisdom in the covenants blood sacrifice purpose..And only in the Cross of Christ should we too glory and trust..Christ Precious Blood saves us from our sins.....deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jesus verses AntiChrist....Globalism verses Americanism.....Know what is going on.....deno.

#1)....Make no mistake about it, the world is in a religious spiritual war and battle where Satan and his team is battling against the truth that is in Christ Jesus. He is battling against the truth that is in the Son of God with the various lies, misleadings, theories, fantasies, with cultures that they have formed in their world and deceptions spawn from the spirit of the son of a deceiving religious appearing Satan. We must remember, Satan knows all about God and Gods heavenly world and throne and worship. He has lived there, been there, done all that..Therefore he knows how to imitate the same with his counterfeits.

#2)....America is at war within itself. Globalist and communist within our country who are even members of the house, the senate, and congress, and of the democratic and republican parties, are at war with the American People that still love Americanism, Americas sovereignty, constitution, traditions, independence, history, and way of life who oppose globalism who always want America First for the American Citizens. It is there legal citizens right..

........THESE TWO BATTLES ARE WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT FOLKS....Jesus represents Gods truth to the world and Satan is fighting hard to upend this truth out of the heart of the nations thru Islams many lies and other means...Trump represents Americanism and the people of America who love America and so the globalist sellouts in Washington of both the democrat and republican parties, and the globalist around the world are doing all they can to take Trump and American First Americanism out of power.
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Pay Attention to What is Going On.....deno.

.....You may not understand why you write the way you write. But the time will come in this world when souls will thirst for one drop of Christ wisdom and words about the end times and the events in those days. For when Satan is terrorized with the thought that he only has a short time left until his unending torment begins and his rebellion is put down, those who are connected deeply to His deceiving terrorized spirit go forth to terrorize the world...Pay attention to what is going on. The terror going on in the world is to lead the world into the need and into the arms of the false Messiah call the AntiChrist...He fills the world with terror and problems to give his voice and platform a stage that will cause the world to marvel at him, run into the arms of his deceptions, and to worship the beast and his image...Know what is going on.....Jesus Christ Is Lord and THE TRUTH.....deno .....share freely.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Seeing thru the lie.....deno

......If love me don't judge me was of Gods Spirit and full truth, then there would be no hell. You could then do and live as you want and have nothing to worry about for there would be no judgement..But hell exist and why does it exist??? Because love me don't judge me does not work with God...It is a doctrine of devils sent forth from hell to mislead people to not worry about repenting of their wrong behavior....Keeping it real..Satan screamed at God in his heart, love me don't judge me, just let me live as i want..Just love love love and do so without judgement making no rules and drawing no lines. Satan right after that fell from heaven like lightning....deno.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.
......King David had a sin history liken unto us all. He also had a whole lot of wild and crazy things going on with his own children and family. And yet still, the bible declares that God used David in the ministry of a foretelling prophet that prophesied certain truths and events of Christ that was to come.
.......Folks lets all quit kidding ourselves. We can all talk about perfection and perfect relationships and families, but underneath our delusions we are all like David and his children and family. We all inside and out have spots, wrinkles and blemishes of all sorts. We all have imperfections galore. Still yet, For God So Loved...Still yet, God made good things to come forth from the most driest of grounds.... Still yet, from rock God made His refreshing water to flow....Still yet, when there was lack God brought forth plenty. Still yet, when there was hopelessness God made hope come back alive. Still yet, when Israels backs were pressed up against the wall God made a way thru the Sea...Still yet when there was sickness and disease God brought forth healing.. Still yet, when death was all over the scene God raised His Son from the dead....Still yet when the nets were empty God made a way that filled them up....Still yet when a woman was in the shame of the guilt of her sin, Still yet God forgave her and set her free and put a smile on that woman's face the world could not take away. Her soul was touched by God....
..... ..So there is you and I with all our flaws and imperfections, but let us not forget Gods STILL YET part. It is seen all thru the bible of God using such imperfect men and people who in themselves, in their relationships, and in their families had flaws and imperfections, but it was GODS STILL YET that made all the difference...Christ came to us from Gods STILL YET LOVE and Grace...Thank You God for...Still Yet......deno.....share freely.