Friday, June 27, 2014

Gods Paradise is Paradise because of Love.....deno....please share freely.

     Heaven is Paradise because in heaven they all really, truly love each other with godly serving hearts and by the affections of Gods Spirit in them. You can have the most beautiful homes in a rich and wealthy community. You can have beautiful flowing fountains, the finest automobiles, and the most pleasant flower gardens and beautiful golf courses, but if the heart of the people there think little of others, gossip all the time, criticize others, look down on the lesser vessels. If they are two faced, lying people. Proud and arrogant people. Unloving and ungodly. Then you are a community that the devil will use in another temptation saying to the tempted , "All this community with all its splendor and glory will I give you for it was made of me and my ways and I share it with all who will first bow down and serve me in this world that I'm the ruler of, just bow down and gossip like the rest of these here and do as they do....
     Yes such a beautiful splendorous looking community whose peoples hearts are wicked, and evil, ungodly, and unloving is no paradise at all but a deceiving cesspool compared to the paradise of heaven where all there really love one another with Christ equalizing love and humility.........deno.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

We Must Ask. We Must Believe......deno.....please share freely.

      All our needs were all together paid for in full in the Cross of Christ and supplied in the great outpouring of Jesus Christ. The need of salvation was met at the Cross. The need of peace was paid for at the Cross. The need for life everlasting was met at the Cross. The need of the forgiveness of sins was paid for in full at the Cross. All the children's bread and all our needs, whether spiritual, or physical, or material were met in the poured out provision power of God at the Cross of Christ. He died to meet EVERY KIND OF NEED, to the measure of life and that more abundantly..
      Yet though all this is TRUE, have you noticed yet that all these needs Jesus paid for are not automatically transferred  and poured on us all. Not even one of them is an automatic transaction from Gods hands of power to our hands of need. If it was automatically transferred from Gods hands to ours then ALL and I do mean all the world then  WOULD BE SAVED (for that is Gods explicit will 1st Timothy 2:3,4). But the truth of the matter is only those who BELIEVE BENEFIT. Yes Jesus is our total and complete answer for all our needs. But unless we PLUG INTO HIS POWER & PROVISIONS  by the attaching force of faith, He said then we receive not....
      Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What are your heart and ears attached to most of the day????? Faith comes not by the voices of this world or by the things of the world, but by hearing and hearing the Word of God......deno.....please share freely.

God Responds To Faith.....deno.....please share freely.

     God reacts to faith.. If God reacted solely to needs then there would be no one lost, no one poor, nor hungry people on earth......I cried, griped, complained, and begged God over a certain matter and need for years. But the need was not met until I BELIEVED GOD FOR VICTORY OVER IT and stood on His promise.
       A man whose son was demon possessed lived in fear, tears and panic. That demon would often times take over his son fully and try to throw him into fire to kill him or into water to drown him. For a long long time that boy was in that demonic condition. Day after day the boys father cried, begged, cried, pleaded to the heavens and to men that some how his son would be delivered. But all those days, weeks, months, and maybe even years of all that begging, pleading, crying change nothing.
       Then one day the disciples (the church at the time) came into that mans village. He begged Peter, James, John to cast the devil out. They used the name of Jesus as they had been doing but this time they FAILED to move the demon out. This church spiritual failure sent the boys dad into a hopeless tizzy. He is crying, crying and crying. Then comes MESSIAH on the scene, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The man had heard of the glory of Jesus the Anointed One. The man runs up to Jesus. He is crying and begging for his sons deliverance. None of those tears nor all that begging moved Jesus to Power. Jesus could have said a thousand different things in that situation to that pleading, crying desperate begging dad. But one thing, just one thing was the solution and that one thing Jesus spoke it. He said, "All things are possible to him that believes".
      Tears themselves, though they touch the feelings of Christ, they do not move God to Power. Take a brief moment and really think about that. If they did the whole world and most every present home would be full of the Power of the Lord. Begging does not draw from God the Power. Desperation does not flow from the throne the Power of God. Jesus the Answer said Faith, the hearts believing is the key.
      Two men were crucified with Jesus, one on his right, the other man on his left. Both of them had the SAME NEED. They needed to be forgiven and saved. God had fully supplied those two needs thru the blood of His Son on that Cross who was right there next to the both of them. Their needs were fully met all they needed to do was lay holt on them. They had to do their part. They had to ask and RECEIVE what was ALREADY RIGHT NEXT TO THEM GIVEN BY GOD, by faith.
       Listen carefully here. Those two men crucified with Christ, well their pain, their desperation, their griping, their complaining, their tears saved neither one of them (THAT'S IMPORTANT LIGHT. I cannot emphasize how important that light is ). Only when that one man exercised HIS FAITH did then Jesus turn to him the Power of God unto salvation, ONLY THEN. Their pain and their sufferings and their cries and their tears did not move Jesus to Power. If such things could, then all the sick and all those in pain in this world would be healed. This is a sobering bible truth about the IMPORTANCE OF BELIEVING WHEN WE PRAY OR ASK.
       Strange though, of the two right there next to Jesus, only ONE ASKED AND RECEIVED and ended up saved. Both of them had the SAME PROVISION.  The other man had full access to the Savior as the other man did but he failed to lay holt. That man in his unbelief left this world empty of grace even though  he died with Jesus who was full of grace right next to him. He was so close but yet he died so far away. God was doing His part, shedding His redeeming blood on the cross. We have to do our part and Ask in faith to receive. The power is not automatically transferred. Not thru the need. Not thru the tears, not even thru the measure of pain as we see from the two thieves next to Jesus. The power of God unto all salvation's is activated THRU FAITH. 
      What can we learn from this? You can live bodily close to Jesus for years. You can walk 10 feet away from Jesus every day on earth. But if you do not put your hearts faith into the walk, that physical closeness shall profit you zero. It takes faith to receive and profit from God and His Son. That is spiritual Law (Hebrews 4:2) 
       The thief on the cross that did get saved that day turned to Jesus in faith and received the salvation of the Lord. The other man hung there griping and complaining and he received nothing, he died unsaved. All he had to do was in faith call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus to save him and he to would have been saved and been with Jesus in Paradise and not in hell. God responded to the man of faith but not to the man of complaints, THAT'S IMPORTANT. 
        Are we believers or are we complainers and those who murmur in this world????...Let us all BELIEVE GOD. Let us all be BELIEVING.....deno.....please share freely.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Live Forgiven....please share freely....deno

     To ask Jesus to forgive us is also being a doer of THE WORD...If we never do and obey this most important Word from the Lord then the rest very little matters....Without forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus Christ then the Law of sin and death remains intact and so does the wrath of God....If we do not forgive others, then Jesus said, neither will the Father forgive us of our sins. It is never good to live a day UNFORGIVEN...FORGIVE so that you can live FORGIVEN by God.....deno.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Allow. Permit, Tolerate....Satans Most Favorite Words.....please share freely......deno.

      Matthew 8:31) Notice carefully what is being revealed in this verse....So the devils BEEGED Jesus, (They begged Jesus saying)...If you cast us out (Notice, they knew they were in full subjection to what Jesus allowed, PERMITTED, or allowed not; they were subject to what he tolerated or tolerated not). If you cast us out, ALLOW US (Permit Us) to go away into the herd of swine....Satan, demons, devils, evil spirits only can do and can only get away with what we THE CHURCH ALLOW, TOLERATE AND PERMIT......
      Lets recall Luke 10:17-21...The Lord Jesus gave us THE CHURCH His Power and His Authority over all demons, devils and over ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY....We can never say in truth that while we were on earth that we did not have GODS POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER SATAN and OVER ALL HIS POWER for Luke 10:17-21 tells us all that were surely have it....He can only do and get away with what WE THE CHURCH TOLERATES, ALLOWS, PERMITS. Just like Jesus said to us, He gave the church the keys to Gods kingdom and the full authority of HIS FAR ABOVE ALL NAME and he told us, USE THIS POWER AND TIE UP, BIND THE ENEMY AND HIS WORK. For whatsoever the church BINDS ON EARTH IS BOUND IN THE SPIRIT. WHATSOEVER THE CHURCH LOOSES ON EARTH IS LOOSED IN THE SPIRIT.
     We must all get HIS SERIOUS about our authority given us in Christ in binding and loosing in Jesus Name and about prayer...When we pray not, and when we do not use our God given power and authority given us in Jesus Name, then the devils armies will be given more and more place to and will keep invading hearts, overcoming minds and peoples thoughts and thinking, invading and staying in our our homes, our towns, cities and nations because of the sin of TOLERANCE, THE SIN OF ALLOWING HIM TO, GIVING HIM PERMISSION TO, and Not RESISTING THE DEVIL TO WHERE HE STAYS IN THE FLEE MODE.
       But when we lift up in Jesus Name the Standard of the Lord, the Oh No You Don't Devil Wall OF CHRIST AUTHORITY AND POWER, THE MIGHTY SPIRITUAL STOP SIGN AND AUTHORITY CANNON.....then the devil is subject to what we allow, PERMIT, or allow not.
       And remember this Church as we together more and more abundantly do this..... THE DEVILS AS THEY ARE LOSING GROUND AND ARE BEING UPROOTED FOR THE CASTING OUT,  THEY WILL SCREAM, SHAKE, AND CONVULSE AND FOAM in diverse ways and in different manners. They will fight back. Spit Back. Kick Back. Hiss Back. Tempt Back. TALK BACK. They will scream with voices, pressures, and circumstances against us their desire and hope, which is they hope that we will give up and LEAVE THEM ALONE.....But nonetheless let us stand our ground and let not all those tricks of his deceive us to lay down the power we have in Jesus Name...It is spiritual War and spiritual Warfare....The spiritual war is now intensifying on the earth.
       Friends this light may bring to us affliction and persecution for awhile....Such is not abnormal (Mark 4:13-20).....So many over the years under these pressures, these counter attacks, Satan fighting back etc. have laid down the power and Satan has gained so much more territory in people, in lands, in regions, in towns, in cities, and in nations morality, spiritual conditions, and light level....This is in part WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA.....It is so time to take our Nation back with Jesus Name........please share freely.....deno.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

An Atheist Cried Out, Why Doesn't God Show Himself?.....please share freely.

      Some unbelieving atheist screamed out loud, If God is real and so great why does He hide himself? Why doesn't He show Himself?......John 1...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by Him and without Him was nothing made that was made. And The Word (God Himself) was made flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld His Glory John testified..... But though the worlds were made by Him the world knew Him not, and the world received Him not nor believed, but to as many as received Him to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on His Name.....
      Well God did show Himself. He could not come to us in the fulness of all the lightnings and thunders of His Eternal Spirits heavenly power and glory for such would have destroyed us in this present sinful flesh. That brightness, the brightness of His fullest glory would destroy us who live in these mortal bodies (Revelations 4:1-5 & 2 Thessalonians 2:8)(Exodus 33:18-23 & Exodus 19:9-25 & Exodus 20:26. 
       So He came to us with His glory volume somewhat turned down so to speak, being found in our midst as an anointed man, but yet so turned on in His great love for us....THE CROSS tells it all....So men and women are without excuse now. For God did not hide Himself from us, but came to us in the form that was best and most beneficial to us all as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world thru the blood of His Cross. And He came not in Word only, but in Power, in Healings of Miracles and signs and wonders that no other ever did, even to the raising of many that were dead.....deno.....please share freely.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Biblical History Speaks (Warning PG13)......please share freely.....deno

Biblical History Speaks.(Warning PG 13).....

     Think about this. God appeared unto Solomon in his young days (this actually happened) and spoke to Solomon and asked Solomon, What would you have Me do for you? Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding to rule Israel as the next king. God blessed Solomon with incomparable understanding and wisdom and all that money could give a man AND YET....With all that wisdom and understanding, it was not until in his ELDERLY YEARS that he FINALLY LEARNED to please God and that loving God and keeping His commandments was the most important thing in any ones life. Before those days came, Solomon was sin crazy, wine, women by the multitudes and even idol worship he dove into when those women turned his heart away from God.
       Our generation is filled with people who know God like Solomon did. Even seen God and Gods wonders, yet we have chased monies delight and sins good feelings and pleasures from beer and wine excess, drugs abused, all kinds of sexual experiences contrary to Gods way and even have turned to witches and fortune tellers, and wizards that peep by demons, and what do the star line ups tell us. Solomon, even after the Lord appeared to Solomon, Solomon did the same thing.
       But Solomon came back to God and with his heart now finally turned back toward the well being of his children he wrote his proverbs and his final advice to his kids in Ecclesiastes ending his words with this Ecclesiastes 12:13) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God, and keeps His commandments, for this is the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN...For God is going to bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
        Let us all thank God for Christ saving blood that washes away our sins and washes away Gods memory of them...Solomon came back to Gods senses before it was to late. Let us all do like wise..... The Cross of Christ is the way home.......deno.......share freely.