Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Addicted To Christ.......deno......share freely.

        Lord I want you to know that I love you and that I love my time and fellowship with you. Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the good that You and Your Presence brings and does to my heart and soul. Your effects upon my heart and within my soul and life are addicting. Nothing taste as good as the joy and the goodness that comes from Your presence Jesus.
        Jesus, Your Word says, "How can two walk together as one unless they agree." Lord whatever is still in me that is in disagreement with You, let that desire die within me so that all I want and desire is You, is of You, and Your will. Then shall my joy be made Your full and my life and my days and nights Your blessed. Then my life will be about all the business of God and I will be about each day pleasing God and doing the Fathers business walking in harmony with the spiritual love of my life that is You Lord Jesus, the Wonder of all Wonders. The Lion of the tribe of Judah. The King of kings and Lord of lords. The true loving Savior of the world. The Christ, the Son of the Living God who designed and created the worlds.  My Best Friend. My passion and My God....Amen.....deno and friends.

A Love Note From Jesus.....deno.....share freely.

A Love Note To Us From Jesus.

        Acts 10:28)...Jesus said, What I have cleansed let no one call unholy, or unclean....Also in conjunction with this truth given us we can say, What God has forgiven let no person call unforgiven, that means also not even the person that God just forgave....But deno I don't feel forgiven. Well the New Covenant is not a covenant based on feelings but on Covenant  facts. No where in the bible does it tell us to let our feelings be our Lord or our bible truth confirmer. Feelings, and going by our feelings and the deceitful lust, instead of living by Gods Word has always gotten Gods people into all kinds of troubles, troubles with God, troubles with people and into troubles from the devil. Just read the bible.
        When the early church was fed to the lions, stoned to death, burned at the stake, crucified on the streets of Jerusalem, the feelings they were feeling, and the pic of all that suffering was not to be the thing they used to base whether God loved them or cared for them or was with them. In the heat of all that, their feelings were all over the place as you could imagine, but their hearts were so sure of Christ presence with them, Christ love for them for He had sworn that He would be with them always even to the end of the world and history recorded that many of them died singing praises to God. They had learned that feelings and the persecution situation that we face in this world do not dictate anything about the measure of Gods love for us but that Gods Spirit WITH THEM caused the world to rise up against them JUST AS JESUS FORE TOLD THEM THAT IT WOULD, EVEN MORE AND MORE AS THE END OF GRACE ON EARTH APPROACHES.
        All our truth confirmations are to come NOT BY OUR FEELINGS but by the prophecies of Jesus and of the Spirit of the Lord and by the promises that God has Sworn to us in His Great New Covenant Love that we see in the New Testament. Those promises we are TO TRUST & TO BELIEVE. Those promises are our souls anchor and our truth anchor in everything. Once our hearts become established in that faith, and once we truly believe those promises then the dust of our frustrations that come from doubt and from unbelief AND FROM FEELINGS will finally settle and then we will see the truth clearly.
        Friends, Gods Word is also Gods eyes and how He Sees and Views Us In Christ and how He views all things. God does not walk or live in any realm that is outside HIS WORD. He always walks in His own Light and that light is HIS WORD. He watches over His Word, His Promises To Perform Them....Lets now more and more let Gods Word Be Our Truth In Life, our Glorious Light in the present darkness, and Our Truth Even In Death.
        We are not forgiven based on our FEELINGS about the situation, but on the facts of Gods Word and Promises. I will be merciful the Lord said. I will abundantly pardon them the Lord said. If they confess their sin unto me I will be to them FAITHFUL AND JUST to forgive them of their sin and to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. I will have mercy upon them the Lord Swore and their sins and their iniquities will I remember NO MORE. That's Gods Promise. By faith we stand so by faith in these promises YOU TAKE YOUR STAND. Resist the liar, the deceiver and the accuser of the brethren with these Sworn truths that Jesus gave us to STAND ON given us all in the IT IS WRITTEN....deno.....Your forgiven, and what God has forgiven let no man call unclean, not even the cleansed man himself...God is love and rich in mercy because of His great love FOR YOU. Love loves to forgive and Love, Gods Love Delights In Mercy....Amen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

O Lord, Have Mercy on us all......David confesses his sin 2 Samuel 12:1-13......PLEASE SHARE FREELY DENO.....

Gods Circumcision Cut In Our Spirit........deno.....share freely.

      Ephesians 4:22-24) That you put off from you the ways of the old man, which is corrupt according to the DECEITFUL LUST.
      23) And be RENEWED in the spirit of your minds. (Now start thinking about the spirit in Christ, the new born spirit).
      24) And that you put on the NEW MAN (The New Creature revealed in 2 Cor 5:17 & Galations 6:15 KJV) What is the condition, or the nature of this NEW CREATURE?  Lets read the rest of the verse....."which after the image of God IS CREATED in righteousness and true holiness."

       Friends we may not be in the best shape or looking to good in our flesh, but in Christ Jesus our spirit, the inward man, the hidden man of the heart, it is a different story of a christians spirit.  HE IS A NEW CREATURE. That part, or the man that leaves the body when the body dies, that heavenly man is in far greater shape and condition than the flesh, if and when he belongs to Christ, being born again.
        Lets look at some important heavenly information on this....Note this with me......Angels and demons are all spirits. The bible says that they are all spirits. All of them are heavenly beings. But the difference between these two kinds of spirits is a great difference and that difference is in their spirits heavenly nature.
       Angels, their spirit is holy and righteous in nature, but the demons that left their first estate, those spirits that fell from heaven, they were all cursed with a serious self inflicted curse for their great transgressions and they became and they are all wicked, vile, evil, unholy spirits and in the spirit world, in the heavenly places where they roam and walk, everyone can distinguish the holy angels apart from the evil spirits. All the heavenly beings of light or of the darkness can see plainly as to which spirit is of God and holy, from which spirit is of Satan and is evil.
        Friends, even so it is with man, with us. Though we live in these physical tabernacles of flesh, yet we are known in the heavenly world according to our spirits and not so much after our bodies looks and shapes. God looks and sees the heart REMEMBER. Our spirit tells all about us (1 Corinthians 2:11). Our spirits nature tells the heavenly beings whether we are OF GOD, born of God, or whether our spirit is still of the devils nature and un-regenerated.  Let's look at some scriptures about this truth.
      2 Corinthians 5:16-17)  So for this reason, for this truth we know NO LONGER any man (or Christian) by what we see of their flesh, the external man......17) For if any man be IN CHRIST JESUS, that man is a NEW CREATURE (A new creation); old things are passed away (dead, removed and gone); BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.
        In this light Paul is in the spirit speaking of heavenly things that are spirit. The THINGS that he is speaking of in this verse are of the spirit and not of the flesh, and that is obvious for the flesh is not a New Creature yet. It is not risen with Christ yet. But what is that part within us that is CHANGED  and that is RISEN WITH CHRIST Colossians 3:1-40, and that can be and is a new creature? It is our spirit man within.  The part of us that Jesus said HAD TO BE BORN AGAIN. It is our heavenly man, our heavenly part, OUR SPIRIT(John 3:1-18).
        Notice with me what Jesus said about heavenly things and spirit realities in (John 3:11-12) (In John 6:63..... Jesus said, The words I'm speaking to you are about your spirit, the heavenly part of you and not about the flesh, the external part of you. For He that created that which is your outer part, He also created that which is your inner part, the heavenly part (Luke 11:40). 
        Spirit is our inner self. Spirit is our everlasting part which makes the spirit the real us and not the dying flesh covering. Our spirit lives on beyond the realms of the physical flesh. Once the body gives up the ghost like Jesus did, the body returns to dust but the spirit continues, the soul lives on. 
        Now when the spirit leaves the body, if its nature is un-regenerated, if it has never been born again, if it is like the devils spirit, evil and unholy. If that heavenly man has not been spiritually circumcised then that spirit, that heavenly man has no covenant connection to God to save him.  Such spiritual circumcision or the lack thereof can be seen by the Spirit of God, by the spirit of angels and by the spirit of devils and is noted in the heavenly realms and that soul if not circumcised is lost for eternity having no COVENANT attachment to God and the grace and redeeming power of the Cross of Christ.
       But on the other hand, if the spirit that leaves the dead body has been born again, then he has been spiritually circumcised in the heavenly man and that circumcision is as clearly seen in the spirit realms as physical circumcision is clearly seen and is visible in the flesh realm. It is just that the cut is in the spirit and not in the flesh, but in the part that is the heart and not the foreskin that exposed the head for a reason which is a mystery that can only be received by some. For beyond the fleshes veil, hidden behind the curtain stood Christ in the mystery of God within the holy of holies waiting to be revealed, exposed, and unveiled as THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH as soon as the curtain was torn away to expose Christ to the world. Then revealed and unveiled more and more to those and them who walk not after the flesh which was the shadow, but after the spirit which is the TRUE of our TRUE SELF which is a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST. The real everlasting part of every man and woman is their spirit being within.
        Be sure you have been born again before your spirit departs this physical realm, the physical world. For we are only given this life time in freedom to lay holt of eternal life and eternal salvation. Once the spirit leaves the body, the spirit part either ascends up into heaven to be with Christ or descends into hell being taken captive by Satan that deceived it with veils and veils of layered upon layered thoughts after thoughts, and by suggestions upon suggestions upon the heart and in the mind so that with cleverness Satan blinded and deceived the soul from seeing the need or the value of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. Such by the veils and by the satanic layers of Satan in their hearts and on their minds seemed nothing more than foolishness to them and a fairy tail. Therefore for them, Jesus, though he loves them and desires to save them, he is unable to help them because of their refusal to LAY HOLT OF HIS EXTENDED STRENGTH in His reaching out to them from the Cross and because of their unbelief. Therefore their ending is sad and is destruction without mercy with Satan that deceived them to share in his blows from the wrath of God.
      But in the midst of all that dread there is GOOD NEWS friends. No soul has to go to hell if that spirit will lay holt of Christ Jesus. For it was so save the world that Jesus came and gave his life as a ransom for many. Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and believes that Jesus died for our sins punishment and rose again from the dead for our living hope, God has sworn the oath of His grace and mercy upon them, upon that soul and that spirit. By this faith in Jesus Christ, God makes His cut that no human hand can make in the heavenly part of the believer and God makes the believing spirit a NEW CREATURE circumcised with the cut of the  spiritual circumcision of Christ and when that spirit leaves the mortal flesh body,  that heavenly circumcision is clearly seen, and that soul ascends to be with Christ in the paradise of God in glory. It is holy happy days for that soul forever. Like our preaching dad use to preach when he was still on earth with us. He would say, It is better to choose Christ than a devils hell.....share freely......deno.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Prayer Gives God Place In Our Lives. Important Light Here.....deno.....share freely.

         Prayer is spiritual labor. Prayer is a work of the spirit that the flesh would rather not do. Prayer is faith ascending unto the Throne of God. Prayer is calling upon the Lord to remember His covenant and what He has promised us. Prayer is desires that are given wings by our faith to reach God for those desires to become our life's realities. Prayer is desires put into words and those words transformed into living formations, circumstances, substances tangible to the touch and to our awareness that shows us that they have happened or have come to pass by God. Prayer could be the most important work of people on earth in Christ. Prayer and faith gives God place on earth and in our lives. Often times the events of God in one generation take place because of the prayers prayed in the former generations. Even so as PEOPLE ON EARTH IN THE GREAT NEW COVENANT CONNECTION TO GOD THAT WE HAVE IN CHRIST, AS COVENANT PEOPLE IN CHRIST JESUS ON EARTH, our todays events and circumstances are often directly tied to our new covenant prayers of our yesterdays or the lack of them. James said, You receive not because you ASK NOT, Remember?
        We should be fanatic about praying in Jesus Name. Paul said that he always prayed for people day and night. He taught the we should pray without ceasing. That we all should be CONSTANT IN PRAYER. That kind of prayer devotion is seldom heard of or preached today. The praying Paul and his life was full of God and Christ Jesus realities BY PRAYER. He even said that I thank my God that I pray in tongues more than every one else. He really said that and he daily did that. Prayer was that important to him as taught to him by Jesus Christ our Lord HIMSELF.
       Paul by Jesus Christ was fanatical about prayer. He was fanatical about prayer because His eyes were OPENED to prayers power and importance to both God and men in the NEW COVENANT CONNECTION THAT WE HAVE WITH GOD as DEAR CHILDREN. Jesus personally taught Paul about the power and the importance of praying, praying in all manner of prayers and supplications in the Spirit. And the results were abounding grace in his daily life. Jesus was seen in and with Paul everywhere.  Pauls life whether he was in prisons, or on the streets, or in peoples houses, or on road trips, or on sailing ships, or in storms of opposition, or at work, or in the churches of God, or when he was being beaten for the name of the Lord, in all these Paul was full of God and Jesus Christ realities constantly with him and in his life ON EARTH. Paul ceased not to pray and to make mention of the churches in his prayers. We all should to....deno.....share freely.
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God Amazes Me.....deno.....share freely.

       In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Friends, just those words right there should make believers shout for joy due to the wonder of it all and should make unbelievers backslide against their unbelief and against the stout words that they say in opposition to that which is the glory of God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Wow, that is awing and awesome all together. For think of God. Think for a moment just how awesome, how incredible, how powerful, and how brilliant in knowledge and wisdom and understanding God is. God is all those things and so much more.
         When we consider the Universe and all its many many galaxies. When we consider the number of their stars, their precise placements and orbiting's, and try to fathom the true weight of all the compiled weight of every planet and star, when we try to do this our minds quit and come to a shut off point, not being able to mathematically ascend in measure and in calculation to such glory, to such numbers, to such calculations. Yet God, our God and to our God, this that we partially know of is just a chapter of Gods many volumes of His works and of His created matter and debris, in knowledge, in knowings, and in understanding.
         With this glory of God matter in mind we all should bow our knees in humble praise to the God of creation. We should all (as the scriptures says) stand in awe of the Lord. For He spake and all their substance came forth. He commanded and they were formed and positioned (ALL OF THEM). And it is also written of Gods glory and power, that He upholds it all, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM thru the word of His Eternal Power. Wow. Truly God is Almighty God.
         And yet men, who are dust formed in smaller scales, even micro scales compared to the BIG THINGS of the known creation, men not even able to hold up a grain of sand nor one pine needle with the power of their present projected words, they either praise God with hearts in awe or curse at God with their heart in blind deceit and unbelief overlaid by the veils of Satans trickeries against their minds. Friends note this. Even if all of mankinds combined knowledge and war forces got together and decided to blow themselves up by those war forces in the face of God, such is less than the smallest, of the smallest, of the smallest, and of the smaller smallest irritating gnat to God, and yet people, women and men alike, blaspheme and wag their fist at the Lord in unbelief or in noted defiance against the Holy One whose glory resides above the farthest heavens.
          Because of Satans rebellion and because these mentioned above are the offspring of his rebellious spirit, God has sworn HIS Word that He is going to THOROUGHLY PURGE HIS CREATION and in that purging, God is going to remove all evil, all sin,  all curse, and remove all corruption and with that God is removing those who walk and war and stand in defiance against the Lord our glory. They shall perish and be forever separated from the glory and  marvel of God and all the goodness that He truly is that Satan kept them in his deception ploy from seeing.
          But let us who do see give great thanks to God for His Son Jesus Christ and for the eye opening that we received. Surely it want be long until a great heaviness of weight in power like none no man can fathom shall come from the Invisible God into all of mankinds business and affairs. The whole planet will come to a shut down for the great cut off. That weightiness of Gods power that day, the strength of Gods power will either cut off and crush the unbelievers trapped by Satans trap, or lift the believers to heavens eternal glory. Just ahead the God of creation shall we behold in exceeding great power and glory and the scoffers literally seeing what they did not believe, they will cry to the mountains for those mountains and hills to fall on them to hide them from the face of the Lord they scoffed and warred against. But as for me and I hope so with you, I look forward to seeing the Lord who loved us and gave himself for us on the Cross. I look forward to laying this old world down and walk on heavens streets of pure gold, smelling all the fragrances and riches of the grace and goodness of God given us all in Christ Jesus.....Amen....Even So Come Lord Jesus.......deno.....share freely.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

God Has Blessing Bowls.......deno.....share freely.

       Sometimes growing up I did not like some of the Words my preaching dad had to say to me. But looking back at those Words and those conversations, Dad was always right and me, well my heart was wrestling with God and His holy and righteous ways. At least now as life is having its aging effects and I'm getting older I am blending better with Gods words and will. Still growing. I desire to become perfectly harmonized with Gods Word, Will, and the goodness that He desires to bring in and upon me and my life to the glory of His Name in Jesus Christ for a greater witness and testimony to the love and goodness of God. How about you?
         Even so as it was with the words of my dad to me, so it is with God and His Words to us. We may feel the heat of His Words sometimes and their call to discipline, devotion, surrender, and commitment. Sometimes Gods Words even call us to die to certain things, or ways, and to even leave traditions. But if we will take them (Gods Words) in believingly and obey those Words in the spirit of faith, agreement and of submission, we will experience in our season the harvest of the Lords presence, goodness, and His joy for us.
         And friends, God has many BLESSING BOWLS that contain His promises to the believing and to the consistently obedient (The committed to Him single minded ones). He will open those bowls of blessings and of honor and they will be poured out into us and upon our lives.......And God said to Abraham, in blessing I will bless you. He also said to Abraham, I Am your God, your exceeding great REWARD. Imagine living so close, so faithful and so pleasing to God that each and every day God is your exceeding great REWARD ON EARTH....I sure like that.....deno....Forgetting those things that are behind us WE PRESS TO OBTAIN THE MARK OF THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD GIVEN US IN CHRIST JESUS......Onward.
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