Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gods Circumcision Cut In Our Spirit........deno.....share freely.

      Ephesians 4:22-24) That you put off from you the ways of the old man, which is corrupt according to the DECEITFUL LUST.
      23) And be RENEWED in the spirit of your minds. (Now start thinking about the spirit in Christ, the new born spirit).
      24) And that you put on the NEW MAN (The New Creature revealed in 2 Cor 5:17 & Galations 6:15 KJV) What is the condition, or the nature of this NEW CREATURE?  Lets read the rest of the verse....."which after the image of God IS CREATED in righteousness and true holiness."

       Friends we may not be in the best shape or looking to good in our flesh, but in Christ Jesus our spirit, the inward man, the hidden man of the heart, it is a different story of a christians spirit.  HE IS A NEW CREATURE. That part, or the man that leaves the body when the body dies, that heavenly man is in far greater shape and condition than the flesh, if and when he belongs to Christ, being born again.
        Lets look at some important heavenly information on this....Note this with me......Angels and demons are all spirits. The bible says that they are all spirits. All of them are heavenly beings. But the difference between these two kinds of spirits is a great difference and that difference is in their spirits heavenly nature.
       Angels, their spirit is holy and righteous in nature, but the demons that left their first estate, those spirits that fell from heaven, they were all cursed with a serious self inflicted curse for their great transgressions and they became and they are all wicked, vile, evil, unholy spirits and in the spirit world, in the heavenly places where they roam and walk, everyone can distinguish the holy angels apart from the evil spirits. All the heavenly beings of light or of the darkness can see plainly as to which spirit is of God and holy, from which spirit is of Satan and is evil.
        Friends, even so it is with man, with us. Though we live in these physical tabernacles of flesh, yet we are known in the heavenly world according to our spirits and not so much after our bodies looks and shapes. God looks and sees the heart REMEMBER. Our spirit tells all about us (1 Corinthians 2:11). Our spirits nature tells the heavenly beings whether we are OF GOD, born of God, or whether our spirit is still of the devils nature and un-regenerated.  Let's look at some scriptures about this truth.
      2 Corinthians 5:16-17)  So for this reason, for this truth we know NO LONGER any man (or Christian) by what we see of their flesh, the external man......17) For if any man be IN CHRIST JESUS, that man is a NEW CREATURE (A new creation); old things are passed away (dead, removed and gone); BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.
        In this light Paul is in the spirit speaking of heavenly things that are spirit. The THINGS that he is speaking of in this verse are of the spirit and not of the flesh, and that is obvious for the flesh is not a New Creature yet. It is not risen with Christ yet. But what is that part within us that is CHANGED  and that is RISEN WITH CHRIST Colossians 3:1-40, and that can be and is a new creature? It is our spirit man within.  The part of us that Jesus said HAD TO BE BORN AGAIN. It is our heavenly man, our heavenly part, OUR SPIRIT(John 3:1-18).
        Notice with me what Jesus said about heavenly things and spirit realities in (John 3:11-12) (In John 6:63..... Jesus said, The words I'm speaking to you are about your spirit, the heavenly part of you and not about the flesh, the external part of you. For He that created that which is your outer part, He also created that which is your inner part, the heavenly part (Luke 11:40). 
        Spirit is our inner self. Spirit is our everlasting part which makes the spirit the real us and not the dying flesh covering. Our spirit lives on beyond the realms of the physical flesh. Once the body gives up the ghost like Jesus did, the body returns to dust but the spirit continues, the soul lives on. 
        Now when the spirit leaves the body, if its nature is un-regenerated, if it has never been born again, if it is like the devils spirit, evil and unholy. If that heavenly man has not been spiritually circumcised then that spirit, that heavenly man has no covenant connection to God to save him.  Such spiritual circumcision or the lack thereof can be seen by the Spirit of God, by the spirit of angels and by the spirit of devils and is noted in the heavenly realms and that soul if not circumcised is lost for eternity having no COVENANT attachment to God and the grace and redeeming power of the Cross of Christ.
       But on the other hand, if the spirit that leaves the dead body has been born again, then he has been spiritually circumcised in the heavenly man and that circumcision is as clearly seen in the spirit realms as physical circumcision is clearly seen and is visible in the flesh realm. It is just that the cut is in the spirit and not in the flesh, but in the part that is the heart and not the foreskin that exposed the head for a reason which is a mystery that can only be received by some. For beyond the fleshes veil, hidden behind the curtain stood Christ in the mystery of God within the holy of holies waiting to be revealed, exposed, and unveiled as THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH as soon as the curtain was torn away to expose Christ to the world. Then revealed and unveiled more and more to those and them who walk not after the flesh which was the shadow, but after the spirit which is the TRUE of our TRUE SELF which is a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST. The real everlasting part of every man and woman is their spirit being within.
        Be sure you have been born again before your spirit departs this physical realm, the physical world. For we are only given this life time in freedom to lay holt of eternal life and eternal salvation. Once the spirit leaves the body, the spirit part either ascends up into heaven to be with Christ or descends into hell being taken captive by Satan that deceived it with veils and veils of layered upon layered thoughts after thoughts, and by suggestions upon suggestions upon the heart and in the mind so that with cleverness Satan blinded and deceived the soul from seeing the need or the value of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. Such by the veils and by the satanic layers of Satan in their hearts and on their minds seemed nothing more than foolishness to them and a fairy tail. Therefore for them, Jesus, though he loves them and desires to save them, he is unable to help them because of their refusal to LAY HOLT OF HIS EXTENDED STRENGTH in His reaching out to them from the Cross and because of their unbelief. Therefore their ending is sad and is destruction without mercy with Satan that deceived them to share in his blows from the wrath of God.
      But in the midst of all that dread there is GOOD NEWS friends. No soul has to go to hell if that spirit will lay holt of Christ Jesus. For it was so save the world that Jesus came and gave his life as a ransom for many. Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and believes that Jesus died for our sins punishment and rose again from the dead for our living hope, God has sworn the oath of His grace and mercy upon them, upon that soul and that spirit. By this faith in Jesus Christ, God makes His cut that no human hand can make in the heavenly part of the believer and God makes the believing spirit a NEW CREATURE circumcised with the cut of the  spiritual circumcision of Christ and when that spirit leaves the mortal flesh body,  that heavenly circumcision is clearly seen, and that soul ascends to be with Christ in the paradise of God in glory. It is holy happy days for that soul forever. Like our preaching dad use to preach when he was still on earth with us. He would say, It is better to choose Christ than a devils hell.....share freely......deno.

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