Monday, January 12, 2015

God Amazes Me.....deno.....share freely.

       In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Friends, just those words right there should make believers shout for joy due to the wonder of it all and should make unbelievers backslide against their unbelief and against the stout words that they say in opposition to that which is the glory of God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Wow, that is awing and awesome all together. For think of God. Think for a moment just how awesome, how incredible, how powerful, and how brilliant in knowledge and wisdom and understanding God is. God is all those things and so much more.
         When we consider the Universe and all its many many galaxies. When we consider the number of their stars, their precise placements and orbiting's, and try to fathom the true weight of all the compiled weight of every planet and star, when we try to do this our minds quit and come to a shut off point, not being able to mathematically ascend in measure and in calculation to such glory, to such numbers, to such calculations. Yet God, our God and to our God, this that we partially know of is just a chapter of Gods many volumes of His works and of His created matter and debris, in knowledge, in knowings, and in understanding.
         With this glory of God matter in mind we all should bow our knees in humble praise to the God of creation. We should all (as the scriptures says) stand in awe of the Lord. For He spake and all their substance came forth. He commanded and they were formed and positioned (ALL OF THEM). And it is also written of Gods glory and power, that He upholds it all, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM thru the word of His Eternal Power. Wow. Truly God is Almighty God.
         And yet men, who are dust formed in smaller scales, even micro scales compared to the BIG THINGS of the known creation, men not even able to hold up a grain of sand nor one pine needle with the power of their present projected words, they either praise God with hearts in awe or curse at God with their heart in blind deceit and unbelief overlaid by the veils of Satans trickeries against their minds. Friends note this. Even if all of mankinds combined knowledge and war forces got together and decided to blow themselves up by those war forces in the face of God, such is less than the smallest, of the smallest, of the smallest, and of the smaller smallest irritating gnat to God, and yet people, women and men alike, blaspheme and wag their fist at the Lord in unbelief or in noted defiance against the Holy One whose glory resides above the farthest heavens.
          Because of Satans rebellion and because these mentioned above are the offspring of his rebellious spirit, God has sworn HIS Word that He is going to THOROUGHLY PURGE HIS CREATION and in that purging, God is going to remove all evil, all sin,  all curse, and remove all corruption and with that God is removing those who walk and war and stand in defiance against the Lord our glory. They shall perish and be forever separated from the glory and  marvel of God and all the goodness that He truly is that Satan kept them in his deception ploy from seeing.
          But let us who do see give great thanks to God for His Son Jesus Christ and for the eye opening that we received. Surely it want be long until a great heaviness of weight in power like none no man can fathom shall come from the Invisible God into all of mankinds business and affairs. The whole planet will come to a shut down for the great cut off. That weightiness of Gods power that day, the strength of Gods power will either cut off and crush the unbelievers trapped by Satans trap, or lift the believers to heavens eternal glory. Just ahead the God of creation shall we behold in exceeding great power and glory and the scoffers literally seeing what they did not believe, they will cry to the mountains for those mountains and hills to fall on them to hide them from the face of the Lord they scoffed and warred against. But as for me and I hope so with you, I look forward to seeing the Lord who loved us and gave himself for us on the Cross. I look forward to laying this old world down and walk on heavens streets of pure gold, smelling all the fragrances and riches of the grace and goodness of God given us all in Christ Jesus.....Amen....Even So Come Lord Jesus.......deno.....share freely.

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