Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Write these things unto the Church in America......deno......share freely.

Write these thing unto the Church In America....The Antichrist attack against the Body of Christ in America and in the nations.

Acts 9:22-24....New King James Version (NKJV)
22 But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving ( by Gods Spirit and the Scriptures) that this Jesus is the Christ.
Saul Escapes Death
23 Now after many days were past, the Jews (being enraged by Paul's strength from Christ)  plotted to kill him. 24 But their plot (their hidden agenda, schemes, and scheming against Paul the christian) became known.
......Here in our text,(after the resurrection of Jesus) we have some first expressions of the spirit of the AntiChrist against Christ and his christians. We see and learn that strong light from Christ in a christian agitates the AntiChrist spirit where ever it is and in whom it resides. Note....The greater the light of Christ is shining thru christians, the more the demons (who are the spirit of AntiChrist) feels disturbed and aggravated even as to MURDER those In Whom Christ and his light lives and shines from.
.......This present day massive attack and slaughter of christians all over the world and their beheadings etc. are all from the motivation spawn from the AntiChrist spirit (his demons) in men's hearts and minds. It is so prevalent in them that in their souls is the lion's cravings and thirst for the blood of christians. He hates and despises them. You can easily see this evil lion monster in their eyes and merciless wild behavior against Christ and christians.
........It would be wise counsel for leaders of the nations of Christ and his light to wise up to Satan's clever (last days evils) and manifold schemes to undermine them. Where the most christians are so is the most stealth like undermining work of the devil (AntiChrist) going on to take them down (even to destroy the strengths of that nation especially in the financial area). He knows and understands that pressure. He has caused it and he had seen it millions of times all over the world and the sorrows and the evils that accompany it. World history, individuals history, and family histories proves the point.
.......Satan knows how to crash  a person and a nation financially and what will accompany such a crash if that person or that nation's morals and faith has failed (Great Evils & Anarchy). His weapon? Its called unbridled debt and he knows exactly how to form that financial weapon against a person and a nation, even against a most wealthy nation, to snare it for a mighty fall.
....... He destroys many of them even by the plot of compassion without restraint. He positions liars and deceivers in high places of power, men on the take. He uses men who have no real fear of God, political wolves in sheep's clothing who have no honor or disciplined patriotic national loyalty. He uses some people who are like leeches that just lay around able to be productive but are unwilling to be productive for the nations well being who refuse to work, who fill the air with threats if not fed without working.  He uses unbalanced budgets. Undertable bribes. Greed. Out of control spending for compassion sake and for evils sake. This is going on today FAR MORE than the leaders of America and of other nations see or think as a purposed direct ploy of Satan the antichrist against them, against their peace. And if they do know it and see it and do nothing about it, they are under demonic powers of tyranny against that nation. They are drunk men, yet drunk without wine. They are drunk in their reasonings under the spell and control of demonic powers that have them off balance and in derision. Like unruly unwise children governing where strong and mighty Princes of nations used to stand.
.......America, all because she has so many who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, because of this (like Paul experienced in our text), has been under these AntiChrist stealth attacks and plots for decades now to bring her little by little, yet more and more into subjection to his (the antichrist) throne of power and of authority (Revelations 13:1-9) soon to be revealed. Those who he used to crucify the Lord of glory in the day of our redemption are included in his use. Easily traced, searching men have found them even today at the wheel of many of these stealth plots against Christ Jesus and against christianity in America. They push the increase of our overwhelming debt and darkness while they by Law and tyranny strive to crush Jesus Christ Truth, Light, Commandments, and Gospel out of his way or at least placed under the bushels in his controlled atmosphere where Christians fear to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ publicly. Political correctness is a doctrine and persuasion of devils.
.......But as it was in Paul's life as we see in our text, so it is happening today, God is exposing the stealth schemes and plots of these who have risen against Christ Jesus and the christians in America. The American christians who are in the majority in faith in America for decades now have noticed the increase of the spirits of the AntiChrist in their nation and his works to crush the light of the gospel. Right now this nation is in an intense spiritual battle for her faith, soul, light, and national strength, health and course.
....... This next Presidential election in America is the most important of all and that is why we see such desperate passion from the left warring against the right and the stirring up of the bees in their own parties. (There is war and disturbances in the heavenly place of darkness clashing with light over this nations soul, light, and course). .......Satan fears to lose his Stealth grip on America to further ensure his dark agenda to bring this nation into financial ruin and subjection to his rule in the last days. He knows America will react to his false hope as spoiled desperate brats if he presents a plan for her recovery after the fall that promises her awe and wonder of recovery.
....... Now days, even every day the spirit of the AntiChrist preaches to the warring demons under his rule that Jesus and the christian light and salt must decrease that his dark agenda and his demonic darkness can increase. Shall we christians in America allow Revelations 13:7 to come to pass in this land that God gave us from the start to till as His Garden for His Son's Name, Gospel, and Glory? 
.......In closing saints I write this. The first church members came to Jesus one day when they had confronted Satan and said, Lord, this demon would not come out of his place after we commanded him to in Jesus Name. Lord why not?  We have had success in doing so before, but this time we failed. Why Lord, why did we fail to cast him out this time?? Jesus said, because of your doubt and unbelief you did not uproot him....Nonetheless, to cast this kind out, YOU MUST FAST and PRAY...There's A Sign....God still drinks from his peoples personal living sacrifices that are offered unto God without blood spilling. (See Romans 12:1).....deno.....share freely..

Monday, March 28, 2016

Defending the Word of Faith......deno.....share freely

......Some are out to bash the Word of Faith message. Paul said in Romans that it is the Word of Faith that we preach. That if we will confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead We Shall Be Saved. He said, It is with the heart man believes and that faith is now his righteousness in the sight of God, and it is with a mans mouth he makes the confession of his faith unto his salvation (Romans 10:8-11).
.......From these words above we can see that real faith HAS A CONFESSION. Faith always has a confession. Paul said, I believe therefore I have spoken. We believe therefore we speak or confess with our mouths what we believe.
........And so what else does faith do? How does faith advantage us? Well in so many ways but here is one for sure...Ephesians 6:16...When we are wrestling with the devil, which is almost a constant battle in the warfare, God gave us His Armor to wear in the fight. The part of the Armor that he said was the most important of all was the mix of faith in all of it. He said in verse 16) Above all the rest, be sure to take up the Shield of Faith, for by the shield of faith you will be able to destroy Satans every attack, even all the fiery darts he throws at you.
.......So lets just use some 2+2 common sense here. The scriptures here tells us that the Shield of Faith will do something. God knows what it will do. It will do something we all seriously need today. The Holy Spirit said that the Shield of Faith will destroy every satanic attack of the devil. Put to nothing every fiery dart he launches at us. So who do you suppose wants the Word of Faith message suppressed in the church????? It is that old hungry lion that Peter said is thirsty for our souls and blood (1 Peter 5:8-10)....Satan.
......Even as Paul wrote about faith in Hebrews 4:2) He said, if God's Words of the gospel or our confessions are not believed, are not mixed with faith then we do not profit anything from them. That whole Armor of God that God has given us all to put on in the battle, WE HAVE TO BELIEVE IN All THAT ARMOR'S PROTECTION POWER AND PURPOSE or we are shooting blanks and in the battle we are highly exposed.
........So what have we learned in this light. Faith is powerful. Faith is a Shield. Satan is no match for the Shield of Faith. Faith always has a confession that accompanies it. Paul said, I believe therefore I have spoken. We believe therefore we confess what we believe.
....... So since faith is a shield and faith always has a confession, then the Word of Faith or the Confession of Faith is the shield IN USE. We rickoshea the devils darts with Words. We rickoshea the devils attacks with Words Believed and Believed Words SPOKEN. Jesus was never quiet or wordless in his casting out Satan or binding him. He never just looked and stared at the devil and got results. Jesus every time said Words in faith to him and the devils screamed and left. Quiet lips want sink the devils battle ships. Words Believed and Words of Faith will...Have faith in God and in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Savior......deno......share freely. 

Proof The Earth Is Young and Noah's Flood

The Evidence For a Global Flood. Kent Hovind

THE BEST Global Flood EVIDENCE Presentation You Will Ever Be Able To Fin...

THE BEST Global Flood EVIDENCE Presentation You Will Ever Be Able To Fin...

The Ark is being built according to the Scriptures.....Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis)......deno......share freely.

......Ken Ham....President of Answers in Genesis so loves our risen Lord and defends His word and truth from the beginning of the scriptures to the end. They are building Noah's Ark according to the scriptures.. All the world will be able to come and tour the Ark inside and out. In all you say and do, do all to the glory of God and in honor of Jesus Christ.
.......Note... We who believe the gospel of our salvation that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead for our everlasting hope thru grace, have Entered into the TRUE ARK, which is the Huge Auditorium of our Lords RISEN BODY, and inside that Body together we have Risen with Christ Col 3:1) and Ascended Far Above (Eph 1:1-9) with our Lord. And the Ark that we ARE IN, (being we are IN CHRIST JESUS), our TRUE ARK has DOCKED. And where did our TRUE ARK Land or Dock??? At the right hand of the Throne of God.
........In Christ Jesus (which is the True Ark), we who believe have landed FAR ABOVE in Christ and with Jesus in Gods Heavenly Places. We have docked there safely in Jesus and with Jesus (Eph 2:1-9).
.......Noah's Ark was like almost impossible but all things are possible WITH GOD and GOD WAS HUGELY WITH NOAH, even to the shutting of the door.  Grace was all over the man. Gods Grace was all over that ship to. Even in and upon every plank and nail that bind. There was NO WAY that ARK was going to fail its God ordained mission or come apart NO WAY. The same power that God poured into Jesus when He raised Him from the dead was functioning in great measure in that Arks Construction. (Powerful God Infused SPECIAL GRACE was in and upon Noah and that Ark). The world in its humanistic arrogance always forgets to include the GOD FACTOR in the Noah's Ark Upholding Power and Strength. God the bible said Shut the Door. When that happened the blessing of the Lord was all over the wood, the nails, and everything and everyone in it. He that upholds Hid Universe and all things thru the Word of His Power upheld that Ark and Its Saving Mission and the eight souls in it.
....... God was so greatly with Noah that the world will not understand the energy and the great heavenly determination that worked inside Noah mightily. Elijah out ran the horses by the same. Samson had incredible strength by the similar grace to slay a thousand soldiers to his one. Noah had MIGHTY GRACE UPON HIM TO. Building Grace. Patience Grace. Determination Grace. He had an I will not quit or fail Grace in him. The world will not understand or accept this just as they cannot understand or accept the Holy Spirit, but Noah was a big man with a lot of BIG HELP.
.......Noah's Ark was a mighty shadow of the so great a salvation that was to come thru the Cross of Christ and that so great a salvation has come. The Lord from heaven Jesus Christ had come to us in the flesh.....It is written....And He (Jesus by the Cross) shall save His people from their sins. And in a another place....Jesus saves us from the wrath to come...Also it is written, In Christ Jesus we have REDEMPTION thru His Blood, even the FORGIVENESS OF OUR SINS..It is also written, In Jesus we are saved  and thru HIS BLOOD we who believe are justified and have peace with God by trusting In Christ.
...... Jesus landed back in Paradise safely. We who are IN HIM and that REMAIN IN CHRIST have no other landing but the same as our Lords landing, in perfect peace with God..After all, if the truth be revealed and made known, We all went there together with Jesus from the Cross to the Throne..As it is also written, I was crucified WITH CHRIST....And, We Are Risen With Christ....For God has raised us UP TOGETHER (With Jesus) and GOD HAS MADE US SIT TOGETHER (With Jesus) in heavens highest seats (Thrones of honor) in heaven (Ephesians 2:1-10).. We Are Risen With Christ (Colossians 3:1-4)....deno.....share freely.

In judgment, our God provides salvation -- the Ark Encounter will remind the world that Jesus is our Ark of salvation.