Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Real Jesus......deno....share freely.

.......Jesus is not walking in the midst of His people seeking whom he may devour or looking for who he can pour anger upon. Nor is looking for a fight with his children and family. The risen Jesus ever lives to make intercessions for all the saints, and if 99 are walking right and one has gone astray, he takes out to show His love and reconciling mercy to that person. He is not going after that straying one with burning wrath in his heart but burning love.

........Do you have this kind of love and this Spirit in you and in your doctrine?..Or do think Jesus has high blood pressure, is depressed, and is in a bad mood every day, and all he wants to do is gripe, grumble, and complain about the church and his people.? No the real Christ, he is not like that. Jesus is prefect love, rich in mercy, full of compassion. He is lowly and gentle. His yoke is easy and his burden is light..HE EVEN SAID SO..When he chastises us for our wrongs He does it in his love and not in his anger..It is the covenant of peace (Isaiah 54:7-10).....deno

Come out of the Tents of Wickedness.....share freely....deno.

......The psalmist was FEELING, TASTING, ENJOYING, VERY AWARE OF the Sweet Presence of God. The atmosphere was different than the atmosphere outside the Temple, even back then when Christ was behind the holy of holies.
......The tents of wickedness in this verse in those days we would call today bars, party places where anything goes, and hook up for sex places, and places where demons were thought to be gods and were hoped in and prayed to.
.......Well i have been into the tents of wickedness in my life but i can tell you as a repented man, nothing is sweeter or better than the presence of Christ....NOTHING...No high...No buzz...No thrill....No Pleasure....Keeping it real. folks.....God is calling our generation back into His love and mercy and presence thru Christ...There is a grave awaiting all of us..There is Grace offered to us all...Jesus Christ.......deno.

Love is keeping ones Vows and Word....deno....share freely

......Love is keeping our vows and word to the people we say them to..
......Friends let us all (including me), be honest here....How we as a people and as a nation have fallen from the beautiful heights of true love.
......Only in mercy is there real hope. Law works wrath. Love has mercy....THANK GOD that GOD IS RICH IN MERCY....We need it....Ephesians 2..
......Have mercy upon us God according to your mercy. According to your lovingkindness...Heal our hearts. Heal our thinking....Heal our land....Restore unto us the joy of YOUR salvation and the joy of YOUR PRESENCE.....deno.

To Reveal His Love In Us.. This Changes Everything......deno.....share freely.

.......Jesus appeared to Paul with a purpose. To give Paul the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of God, His Son, and redemption. He also appeared to Paul to put Paul into ministry and to have him write and teach and preach all He was going to show him and REVEAL to him about God, about Jesus the Christ, about redemption and about the Church, the things of the Spirit of God and so many other things.
...... Those revelations. those things Jesus revealed to Paul were in abundance (2 Cor 12:7). One subject that Jesus gave the spirit of wisdom and of revelation to Paul about was Gods love, the greatness of Gods love revealed and fully expressed in Jesus Christ. Gods love was still not real clear in the land. The church was seeing Gods love in shallow levels. Seemed only John really had a deeper insight into Christ great love and John wrote in measure what he understood. But Paul was given the length, the breath, the depth and the height revelations of Christ love that passed natural human thought and understanding.He wrote some of that given light in Romans 5:5-11. What an awing edifying the believer revelation.
......In Ephesians chapter 3:14-21 Paul said that THE CHURCH must be STRENGTHENED by Gods Spirit in the inner man to know and understand the love of Christ that passeth knowledge. Yes he said THE CHURCH to grasp Christ love we must be strengthened by Gods Spirit to obtain the length, the width, the breadth, and the height of Gods love in Christ awing measure..
......Christ love is by no means a shallow measure that just anyone can comprehend, but one of such VAST DEPTHS OF GREATNESS that EVEN THE CHURCH HAS TO HAVE THEIR EYES OPENED TO IT and BE EMPOWERED TO COMPREHEND IT. And since the church must or has to be empowered by God to see it and comprehend it, then the world in its blindness by no normal natural means can know it, and they must depend on us THE CHURCH to unveil it to them in the form of light, works, deeds, wisdom, and power.
......Friends what if we as believers (as the church) never attained to such strengthening to see the full greatness of Christ incredible love? Would not that effect how we perceive God and effect the measure of how we understand this glorious good news gospel that we have given us in Christ Jesus and how we demonstrate the love of Christ with power in this world and to the world? It certainly would.
.......Church it is time for the bride of Christ to break thru this glass ceiling. Time to get to praying earnestly Pauls prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 for ourselves and for all the saints..That we be STRENGTHENED BY GODS SPIRIT IN OUR INNER MAN to comprehend the length, the breadth, the width, and the height of the love of Christ which passeth normal reasoning and knowledge. When we reach that light level, Paul said the results will be this awesome grace glory. He said in verse 19 that those that obtain that higher lever of understanding Christ love will end up BEING FILLED WITH ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD in their life....WOW WOW WOW ...Glory to God...Im On....Join me in this prayer and its glory to come....Amen...PRAY without ceasing Ephesians 3:14-21....deno.

The Gospel is THE POWER OF GOD....deno....share freely.

......The gospel was planted and born, it grew up and flourished, it even took over people and nations that viciously wrestled and warred against it at the first. (Read that again listening).
......The word of the gospel my friends can bore thru rock. It can take root and grow up into great fruitfulness even from the most hardest dried up ground. It is the miracle producing power of God producing life and promises fulfilled even in the midst of the greatest resistance.
.......Gods word called the gospel is THE POWER OF GOD unto...unto salvation and unto many needs met.The gospel and all its promises just needs our faith to activate it's glory in our lives and nation. The mix of faith is the vital key. The power in the gospel is never the problem. The mix of real faith is.
.......Since therefore the gospel with its power and glory bore thru the rock of Christ grave and into the deadness of his crucified body and raised him from the dead, there exist no situation or circumstance that the word of the gospel which is the power of God cannot be applied to in faith that it cannot heal, mend, supply,or fix..
.......Therefore from the gospel are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises so that by the power of the glory of God in them, we can partake of the presence of the Spirit of Gods glorious power given us in Christ for life and godliness, filling us with a real and living hope each day and night for all situations.....Fear not Jesus told us and BELIEVE ONLY and he said then we would see THE GLORY OF GOD (The gospels powers)....deno.

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Jesus said, "Be Believing or Be Perishing".....share freely.....deno.

......It did not matter how holy the people of Israel seemed to be, looked to be, or appeared to be. Jesus told them. If you do not believe that i am the Christ, you will perish in your sins (John 8:21-24))...In this Jesus was revealing that by the works and deeds of the Holy Law no man will be justified in the sight of God for no one could keep it perfectly. The just shall be justified by faith. Mix your hearts faith with Jesus Christ crucified for your sins and resurrected from the dead for your justification. Christ is Risen indeed. Jesus said to Israel His First Covenant People, "Be Believing or be perishing". He has said the same to the rest of the world (Mark 16:15-16)...This is the word of the Lord.

The Beauty and the Glory of our days and of our nights, and of our life, living, and being....deno....share freely