Saturday, April 23, 2016

Just God saying I Love You had not in itself any redeeming saving power. His love had to take action. His love had to grow feet and hands......deno......share freely

The Bread is in the writings.
Wisdom from what the Cross of Christ reveals and speaks...God's love was put into action. God's love was more than just words...This is important light.......deno.

.......Note: Every soul is greatly loved and cherished by God as worthy of His own willingness to become a man and to suffer and pour out His own atoning blood thru the Way of the Cross. 
God in His love for the world wills that no one perish but that all men be saved. Yes God greatly loves us all, but just having love and just saying I love you is powerless to redeem....Here comes the wisdom so incline your hearts ears right now.
But God loving us itself cannot of itself save us, his Word even reveals this. God just simply saying that He loves us saves no one. Think about that for a moment. Just God greatly loving us and just God saying I love you, those spoken words in themselves did not and do not have the redeeming weight, nor carry in them the power to save or deliver anyone from sin and hell.
        Think about it, even just God saying, I FORGIVE YOU ADAM & I FORGIVE YOU EVE WOULD NOT HAVE SAVED THEM NOR FIXED THE PROBLEM their sin caused. If is were that simple, salvation would have come by God just saying, I FORGIVE YOU. But as the scripture reveals, without the shedding of blood there is NO REMOVAL OF SIN.
       As we look at Jesus Christ and him crucified and by looking at his atoning blood that He shed on that cross, and seeing the tremendous sufferings of Christ, we see the wisdom of God. The bible says that the Cross of Christ is the wisdom of God and the Power of God. We see that just a good deed of God like feeding all the poor in the world, or clothing all the naked with cloths, or a me're kind word from God, WE SEE that those good deeds and good things could not redeem or save us. We even see that even the intense tears shed by the Lord in great soulish agony could not save us. We also see and find out that all the healing virtue of Jesus healing every sickness and disease of all humanity, did not have the necessary power to save the soul or the world.
        Those good deeds, those GOOD WORKS by God himself, in themselves could not save the world. If those GOOD WORKS and acts of God in his kindness of feeding all the poor, clothing all the naked, and healing all the hurting alone could have saved the world then Jesus would have been spared the horrendous agonies of the Cross. The gospel would have had NO CROSS in its light or print. It would have been a gospel of GOOD DEEDS and ACTS OF KINDNESS alone that would have saved and redeemed the world. 
        Since therefore God doing the GOOD WORKS of feeding all the poor in the world, and since by God himself doing the GOOD WORK of clothing all the naked in the world, and since God doing the GOOD WORK of healing every sickness and every disease of all the world with His healing virtue and many other GOOD WORKS and acts of sweetness and kindness could not undo and save Adam and Eve and all of us from sin, death, hell and the grave; And since God Himself doing those Kind Things could not save us from hell by those acts, GOOD WORKS, and good deeds of kindness and compassion displayed at those levels, then we to, yes none of us shall be saved by our own personal GOOD WORKS and GOOD DEEDS like feeding the poor and by clothing the naked.
We do those things because those things are the right thing to do but those good deeds have NO POWER to save the soul from hell. They have no redeeming saving the soul power in them. 
         The true gospel of God, its heart, its foundation, its lowest and highest most important point and all that fills its in between section is the Cross of Christ, his blood, death, and resurrection purposes. If you see no blood in it, it has no power to forgive and to save in it. As it is written, Without the shedding of blood there is no remission or removal of sin.
Christ which was GOD WITH US as a man, shed His precious sinless blood to redeem and to save the world. If he could have saved us doing all those GOOD WORKS that he was doing all those three years and side stepped the blood of HIS CROSS, then he would have been spared the Crosses agonies. But seeing now that God could not save us by HIS OWN GOOD DEEDS AND KINDNESS of feeding the poor, clothing the naked, healing all that hurt with sickness and disease, neither shall any of us be saved by personally doing GOOD WORKS. of our own kindness to others. If the Blood of Christ is not in it and if the blood of Christ is not the why for the good deed being done, then it is not the true gospel of God and Jesus Christ His Son. and it is a DEAD POWERLESS DEED no matter how sweet or how precious or how wonderful or how grand or how loving and kind it appears to be..
        Love that would have a real REDEEMING SAVING EFFECT had to be more than just a feeling, more than a good gesture, and it had to be more than just an emotional response said from God to us in words only for us to be saved. Love even had to be more than in just tears cried by God our Creator to save us. Love had to be put into the action of Sacrifice to save us, even the action of the Cross of Christ in Blood.
Without the Cross of Christ, all the love that God had for Adam and Eve and for us was without power to rescue and save us. That is the honest truth and that truth is the cause for the tears and the agonies of the Son of God. He died for our sins so that God's great love and passion for us would have power, power to reach us, power to lay holt on to us, power to redeem us, and to accomplish the will of God's love for us TO REDEEM US.
        If God could have saved us just from emotion and just from saying I Love You, and just from being kind and sweet, then that is how we would have been saved and Jesus would have been spared all the horror of the Cross. But we see in the tears and in the prayer of Jesus in the garden of his despair that just having love for us and just saying I LOVE YOU all the time was powerless to redeem and to save the soul from hell. Jesus had to put his greater love for us into ACTION and give up his life as a sacrifice for sin to save.
........And And And, we must note this also.... Yet even though Jesus poured out his redeeming blood to save us, if we do not receive his blood by faith into our personal souls cup, then all the power of his redeeming blood that he poured out and all the great power of his great sacrifice to save us will not help us in any way, shape, or form in the end by itself. It is not an automatic transaction. We must receive for ourselves THE GIFT by FAITH.
        In man's sin snare, just being loved by God alone could not undo what Adam did. God's love for Adam was the same after Adam sinned as it was before Adam transgressed. Sinless blood had to be poured out by a sinless man to atone for Adam's sin and to undo its power over us....Please listen now. This is important light here...... Even so just having love and just saying I love God with one's mouth cannot save a man just as God having love and just saying that He loved us could not by itself save you and I. (Jesus Christ and Him Crucified must be in the equation). Plus we must put action behind our love talk (Why call Me Lord Lord and yet you do not the things that I say?); and we must repent of our sin, and agree with God and His holy convictions and ways, and believe in Jesus Christ God's Son's atoning death, and justifying resurrection calling upon Jesus to forgive us and to save us.
        You can say God loves you and that you love God all day, but if you refuse to repent of your sin and refuse to agree with God's holy ways and convictions and obey Jesus, but actually fight against the Lord and his holy ways, Satan then is still hanging around in your life, seeing your passion sign for his ways is still up and this allows him to have your soul in his deceiving vice......(Read John 14:23-24..).....scroll down.

Lets now move on to deal with the Gender Bathroom Issue.

       The implementing of the gender bathrooms is not an act of compassion, nor special understanding although it is behind those wolves skin that it is sold to the American people. Remove all the wrappers off this issue and you will find it is a purposed offense against God and Jesus Christ, against the bible and Christianity. They are turning what is clear black and white given the world by God into delusional gray. And it is another test to see where the heart of the nation is and how much change we will tolerate of former moral beliefs and traditions. 

        He said a change is coming to America and this was part of that planned enforced change. He will be remembered by God as the president of America that promoted what God called an abomination. This sin God said is amongst the greater sins. The toleration of abominations and the promotion thereof gravely effects a people. It is like a fist towards heaven saying we do not want Your Rule over us. In the soul of that nation, in the spiritual atmosphere the damage of this tolerance and of this abomination promotion is like the effects of a mighty outbreak of the most deadliest of diseases that only repentance and the removal of that abomination can heal. Tolerating it will spread its soulish deadly disease in ways the world knows not of. Satan is totally celebrating on this one.
        This evil is an agenda. God save America...Even The In God We Trust is under attack also and traditional marriage redefined to give abomination it's ok and tolerance in the American society.
........ The war against God is alive in the nation. The people financing and promoting this war let us pray they all will be exposed whoever they may be and lose all their power and influence in our country and concerning its course.
....... When men who once knew God turn away from Him as to dictate to Him how things will be as they refuse His Word and refuse to agree with God on the issues and refuse to repent, but now actually promote the sin against the Thou Shalt Not , and He sees in their heart that ON PURPOSE  they are doing this,  a curse begins to form within them against their eternity. It strangely scratches against their soul everyday and when their soul leaves the body, they find out that that slight strange uncomfortable scratch was the claws of their appointed misleading demons, the spirits of their disobedience that deceived them thru their injected unnatural affections.
.........None of us are perfect and that truth is established, but some sin loving it and do so without any restraint. Everything within them flows in harmony and delight with the sin and nothing inside them disagrees with it. But there are those who in the spirit, in the hidden man of the heart are born of God by faith in Jesus Christ; yet they being still clothed with the sinful flesh body, they notice the banging of two wills going on on the inside of them when they sin. Now these sometime sin, but on the inside of their heart and souls they have a voice of disagreement echoing its disagreement with their sin by conviction with the Thou Shalt Not voice. The removal of heavens conviction is what they want to remove from the people. That is why they enforce the removal of the Ten Commandments and replace it with the Forget God and  "Do What Thou Will" evil spirit and doctrine.(Read Psalms 2:1-12 & Ephesians 2:1-3).
.........Without the salt of the holy voice of conviction, the world would even be darker than it is. There would be a 4th bathroom put in place for the comforts of Lucifer himself so he would not be offended or feel out of place in the world..That fourth bathroom is already way into construction........deno........share freely.

The Gender Bathrooms Issue......deno......share freely.

..........Note: Every soul is greatly loved and cherished by God as worthy of His own atoning blood. God in His love for us wills that none perish but that all men be saved. Yes God greatly loves us all. But God loving us itself cannot of itself save us, his Word even reveals this. In man's sin snare, just being loved by God could not undo what Adam did. Sinless blood had to be poured out by a sinless man to atone for the sin and to undo its power over us. Even so just saying I love God with one's mouth cannot save a man. He must put action behind his love speech and repent of his sin, agree with God and His holy convictions and ways, and believe in Jesus Christ God's Son's atoning death, and justifying resurrection calling upon Jesus to forgive and save him...You can say God loves you and that you love God all day, but if you refuse to repent of your sin and refuse to agree with God's holy ways and convictions and obey Jesus, but actually fight against the Lord and his holy ways, Satan then is still hanging around in your life, seeing your passion sign for his ways is still up and this allows him to have your soul in his deceiving vice......(Read John 14:23-24).....deno.

Now on the Gender Bathroom Issue.
       The implementing of the gender bathrooms is not an act of compassion, nor special understanding although it is under the wolves skin that it is sold on the American people. Remove all the wrappers off this issue and you will find it is a purposed offense against God and Jesus Christ, against the bible and Christianity, and christians of America. They are turning what is clear black and white given the world by God into delusional gray. And it is another test to see where the heart of the nation is and how much change we will tolerate of former moral beliefs and traditions. 

        He said a change is coming to America and this was part of that planned enforced change. He will be remembered by God as the president of America that promoted what God called an abomination. This sin God said is amongst the greater sins. The toleration of abominations and the promotion thereof gravely effects a people. It is like a fist towards heaven saying we do not want Your Rule over us. In the soul of that nation, in the spiritual atmosphere the damage of this tolerance and of this abomination promotion is like the effects of a mighty outbreak of the most deadliest of diseases that only repentance and the removal of that abomination can heal. Tolerating it will spread its soulish deadly disease in ways the world knows not of. Satan is totally celebrating on this one.
        This evil is an agenda. God save America...Even The In God We Trust is under attack also and traditional marriage redefined to give abomination it's ok and tolerance in the American society.
........ The war against God is alive in the nation. The people financing and promoting this war let us pray they all will be exposed whoever they may be and lose all their power and influence in our country and concerning its course.
....... When men who once knew God turn away from Him as to dictate to Him how things will be as they refuse His Word and refuse to agree with God on the issues and refuse to repent, but now actually promote the sin against the Thou Shalt Not , and He sees in their heart that ON PURPOSE  they are doing this,  a curse begins to form within them against their eternity. It strangely scratches against their soul everyday and when their soul leaves the body, they find out that that slight strange uncomfortable scratch was the claws of their appointed misleading demons, the spirits of their disobedience that deceived them thru their injected unnatural affections.
.........None of us are perfect and that truth is established, but some sin loving it and do so without any restraint. Everything within them flows in harmony and delight with the sin and nothing inside them disagrees with it. But there are those who in the spirit, in the hidden man of the heart are born of God by faith in Jesus Christ; yet they being still clothed with the sinful flesh body, they notice the banging of two wills going on on the inside of them when they sin. Now these sometime sin, but on the inside of their heart and souls they have a voice of disagreement echoing its disagreement with their sin by conviction with the Thou Shalt Not voice. The removal of heavens conviction is what they want to remove from the people. That is why they enforce the removal of the Ten Commandments and replace it with the Forget God and  "Do What Thou Will" evil spirit and doctrine.(Read Psalms 2:1-12 & Ephesians 2:1-3).
.........Without the salt of the holy voice of conviction, the world would even be darker than it is. There would be a 4th bathroom put in place for the comforts of Lucifer himself so he would not be offended or feel out of place in the world..That fourth bathroom is already way into construction........deno........share freely.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Kent Hovind - Topical - More Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid


Exposing Satan and Satanic Compassion......written by deno.

EXPOSING SATAN and Satanic Compassion.....written by deno.
The Bread is in the writing.
        There is compassion which is from God, there is human compassion, and there exist satanic compassion (Yes Satanic Compassion). Let's break it down.
        God's compassion forgives the repentant heart but always expects agreement and conformity to God's Laws of holiness. If you do not agree with God and you refuse to repent, the compassion stops. That is why there exist hell. This is the truth. It must be preached.
        Human compassion sheds tears on the hurting and gathers together to help mend the pains of life in this world. It stops there.
        Satanic compassion removes the black and white about all it can to cause confusion and make gray what from God was given to us in clear black and white distinction, (so that in that last days type of new formed subtle temptation), by it's clever distorting confusing wit, people cross God's drawn lines and even justify themselves to do so. In other words satanic compassion takes the clear black and white, right from wrong Commandments of God, and makes gray everything that is right from wrong so that salt and light is removed from society to make the atmosphere more comfortable for the spirit of gray and so that what is clearly evil and wrong to God, feels more comfortable and welcomed to man, to the world. This is Satan's present satanic agenda.
        This gender confusion and bathroom issue is clear black and white turned into gray by the implementation of satanic compassion. It removes all need of repentance and says, Do As You Will, not as God says. It's the same persuasive voice that spoke to Eve that turned Gods black and white clarity into a gray issue that first confused and then deceived. Then once the gray was given place to, IT CURSED and RUINED THE WORLD. 
       Satanic compassion is also destructive to a nation where it is applied that tolerates all its gray and its satanic compassion laws. Satanic compassion influencing the human soul will even convince that soul and mind to cry tears and feel sorry for even Satan himself and strive to make a comforting place for satan and his satanic evil perversions in society.
        This also it will say and do to all those that do not feel sorry for satan and his spiritual confusion and evil; All those that oppose this satanic compassion law on Satan and his gray issues, the world would call those opposers mean, the cruel, the evil unloving ones, even the haters, while they being deceived cry tears for satan himself feeling sorry for his sin and for his confused mind and they go down with him in time.
         God's Spirit does not tolerate or feel sorry for Satan, nor does God have any compassion on Satan at all because the devil cannot deceive the Lord or hide his wicked destructive evil intents. God knows Satan is more dangerous than a rattle snake and more wicked and more monstrous than any human soul. His evil spirit today is working within satanic tolerance and within all the gray. Soon the world will accept the fulness of his final greatest lie of the antichrist persuasive wit. He will turn it all, even the former light and traditional ways to gray first. America today is full of this Gray. Then after the confusion is set in place, the devil comes to turn everything, even the whole world totally UPSIDE DOWN challenging all the worlds former beliefs and traditions. He confuses first his prey to make them wonder and question. He deceives secondly and then after he has deceived/bitten his victims, he then injects the Serpent's poison.
       The whole world fall's together for Satan's greatest believable last days gigantic satanic lie of his antichrist who Satan himself sits down upon the world's highest throne in darkness (Rev 13:2). The world in that hour will go from its gray position (because it is utterly confused from the effects of the satanic poison that is messing with their head), to total darkness (Strong delusion), believing the greatest lie of all is the truth and that the former truth that they before believed was a lie (2 Thess 2:11-12). They fall away from Jesus (2 Thess 2:1-3) into the arms of Lucifer unto damnation. He will lie about God and Jesus Christ and exalt himself above all that men have formerly believed, but his own mouth of blaspheme will cause his unending destruction. Jesus destroys him at the brightness of his return (2 Thess 2:1-14).
        The world is right now FAR into the gray area. The serpent's fangs are being drove deep into position for the full poisoning of the soul of the world. Soon comes the full climax of the darkness which will cause the serpent's hiss to sound like a beautiful angelic voice BUT THAT PERCEPTION COMES FROM THE SATANIC POISON RUNNING THRU THEIR VEINS......Jesus is the Truth and Jesus is both Lord and Christ. Stick to him forever....Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Give place to the devil and he will eventually ruin and destroy his bitten prey with both his gray and darkness spell potions and most deadly poison (AntiChrist)......share freely.........deno.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Power and Glory of THE WORD......deno.....share freely.

        The Word of God became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Those that believed and  mixed faith with THE WORD drew out from THE WORD OF GOD it's living, breathing, blessing, healing, life saving power. They did not just hear and behold the WORD OF GOD GLORY. THEY TASTED ITS GLORY and POWER. THEY EXPERIENCED IT FOR THEMSELVES WHAT THE WORD COULD DO WHEN STRONGLY BELIEVED. Those that did not mix faith with THE WORD, to them it was just interesting conversation from the fellowship level of hearing only. Jesus said, it is when we BELIEVE we will experience the Words Power and the Glory of God in HIS WORD......deno......share freely.

Beloved Now We Are the Sons of God.......deno......share freely.

        Jesus, was the Son of the Father's  house and all of us the servants and slaves. The Son loved all of us who were the servants and the slaves of the house. He loved us as he loves himself. REAL LOVE. So Jesus  purchased our freedom from the servant status and from all of our slaveries to sin and to Satan with His own precious blood. Therefore knowing of the GREAT PRICE HE WOULD PAY FOR US (For our freedom & Adoption), He said, whom the Son has made free is free indeed. Now we who are in Christ Jesus, we are now not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world-EVEN AS-EVEN AS- EVEN AS Jesus is not of this world(John 17:16). This also reveals to us that we are FREE INDEED even as Jesus is FREE INDEED for we who believe are all the sons of God in Christ. Note: The flesh and bone of Christ has the same exact everything (Freedom and Everything) as Christ their HEAD has. The body and the HEAD are ONE and it was God himself that made it so.
         Our freedom was bought with a price. But the GOOD NEWS does not stop there. His Father took the love a step further; He adopted us -who were the slaves and servants and He adopted us as Sons of God to give Jesus many brothers and sisters as revealed in John 20:16-17..Common English Bible (CEB). In Christ Jesus we are now the sons and daughters of God of the same household of Christ. We are so loved by Jesus and the Father that they have together made us heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus of all that the Father has (1 Cor 3:21-23).

Let's read some scriptures and see what they reveal.
        After the Resurrection Event.
John 20:16-17....16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
She turned and said to him, “Rabbouni” (which means Teacher).
17 Jesus said to her, “Don’t hold on to me, for I haven’t yet gone back up to my Father. Go to my brothers and sisters and tell them, ‘I’m going up to my Father (Dad) and your Father (Dad), to my God and your God.’”
       Now lets read 1 John 3:1-2... Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God (even the brothers and sisters of Christ): therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

The Great Adoption Scripture.
In the flesh we have earthen fathers, but In Christ our spirit is born of God, meaning also our spirits are the sons of God. We are spiritual royalty. Kings and Priest.

Galatians 4:4-7New King James Version (NKJV)
4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive THE ADOPTION AS SONS.
6 AND BECAUSE YOU ARE NOW SONS, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, by which we cry, “Abba, Father (Daddy)!” 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave BUT A SON, and if a son, then an heir of God thru Christ. 
       It is amazing who we are and what we are now in Christ. Oh like Paul said, there is such glory soon to be revealed in us (Romans 8:18-19). For I reckon that the sufferings/persecutions of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed IN US.19) For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits for the MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD.
       All the sons and daughters in Christ share in the reverence of the Risen Son of God and in this God and Jesus take great pleasure in. As it is written, He is not ashamed to esteem them as His brothers and sisters......Amen......deno......share freely.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

There is No One Good but God.....Jesus' Counsel to the Rich Young Ruler......deno......share freely.

Luke 18:18-27New King James Version (NKJV)

Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler
18 Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
19 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 20 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.
21 And he said, “All these things I have kept from my youth.”
22 So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
23 But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.
With God All Things Are Possible
24 And when Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful, He said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
26 And those who heard it said, “Who then can be saved?”
27 But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

         In our text we have spiritual gold nuggets of sound redemption doctrine. From the lips of Christ himself, Jesus sets the record straight with his answers on some very important redemption doctrinal issues and questions that many have.
         First of all we have a young man in our text that wants to be saved. Somewhere along the line of Jesus' many teachings this young man's ears heard of eternal life and that he wanted (WHO WOULDN'T). So he set out on a journey to find this Jesus who preached on the glorious eternal life he was seeking to inherit.
          Well the time came when the young man found the Lord. In his excitement he hurries to the Master and says the words, GOOD MASTER, what must I DO to be saved, to inherit eternal life? Jesus hears the young man's zeal and he starts his response. The first thing Jesus ON PURPOSE responded to was to the first two words the young man said, he said "GOOD MASTER". Jesus took this opportunity to share with us all what he wanted that young man to know and all of us to know about who is really good, (Jesus knew this passage of his life and words was going to make THE BOOK-the BIBLE. He even knew that one day I would be writing on these words and that you would be reading them. What an ALL KNOWING MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE.
          In His  ALL KNOWING GLORY JESUS looks at the young man and says, Why do you call Me Good? THERE IS NO ONE GOOD BUT GOD. Jesus in saying that was teaching us all what WE ALL NEED TO KNOW. He was stripping from all people the idea that they are good WE ARE NOT. 
         The bible says that it is absolutely impossible for God to lie and that God has spoken unto us in these last days thru HIS SON. Knowing those scriptures THAT GOD CANNOT LIE and that GOD HAS SPOKEN UNTO US ALL IN THESE LAST DAYS THRU HIS SON, we must all agree with Jesus THAT CANNOT LIE that there is no one good, BUT GOD.
           Let us think about THAT TRUTH for a moment. The best person we could know who is kind, generous, gentle and yet of strong spirit who is honest, loving, and giving; though he has some traits of good character that shows these things, IS HE WITHOUT SIN? No. Notta. No Way.
           Good in God's honest eyes lines up with this, with these words. God is light and in God there is no darkness at all, not even a speck. Can any of us honestly say we are that pure in heart? Lets not kid ourselves. Some of the nicest outward appearing people even in the church, have some of the most awful secret sinful imaginations and other secret sinful things going on, on the inside. Jesus knows the heart of all of us for to Jesus the heart is the person and the person is the heart, not our bodies looks and physical organs. And when Jesus said, THERE IS NO ONE GOOD BUT GOD, HE WAS NOT LYING. So by the Lords own words, all of us together are stripped of any right to self boasting about ourselves or about others as to say that we or they are really good and that by being good enough we can save ourselves. As my dad often said and preached when he was still with us, such a thought is a devils deceiving lie.
        Let us remember that God's thoughts are much higher than our thoughts and God's ways are far higher than our ways. Even as high as heaven is from earth, so are God's ways higher than our ways. None of us in the flesh can honestly say we are good like God for until you are light in whom there is no darkness at all not even the smallest speck, then YOU ARE NOT GOOD according to Jesus' high standard.
        Friends when God judges the world in the future, He will be comparing and judging us according to HIS MOST HIGH WAYS, not according to man's deprived level of thinking. Whereever there is a speck, a spot, a wrinkle, or a blemish of sin or of darkness, we are tainted meat unfit to be called GOOD BY GOD. Since God cannot call us good, and yet we think we are really good, we are deceived. THERE IS NO ONE GOOD BUT GOD.
         Now also in saying that there is NO ONE GOOD BUT GOD, Jesus was prepping us all for our great need of the blood of His Cross, and of HIS ATONING SACRIFICE. He did not die in vain (Galations 2:21)
         Some time later in our text above, Jesus said some other needful light. He told us about a camel and the eye of a needle. After Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to fit thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, Jesus took that opportunity (Being the wisest teacher ever) to lay down an unbreakable foundational scripture to make clear to us all an absolute doctrine of Christ truth. This truth was to be exalted and upheld unto all generations by all the elders of God's Church until the end of the age would come. Thru this doctrinal truths constant upholding and by the understanding of that doctrine of Christ, WE ALL WOULD FLEE INTO CHRIST.
          The disciples hearing that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, these words astonished Peter, James, John and all the disciples. In their concern they cried, "Lord who then can be saved"? 
          Now what Jesus said IN RESPONSE TO THEIR QUESTION lays all the arguments to rest about how we are saved. The mouth of God himself spoke these words and as we learned earlier IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE. Jesus answered the disciples saying this; He said, WITH MAN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Mans is stripped again by the Master Himself of any self dependence to save his own soul. What Jesus said reveals that man is in a lot more trouble than he can naturally reason or understand or get himself by himself out of. Jesus was revealing that man is in such a legal snare against his soul by Satan and sin that for man to save himself, SUCH IS IMPOSSIBLE. Jesus was saying and revealing that no matter what men do or say or try to do on their own to save themselves IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Man on his own IS HELPLESS AND WITHOUT STRENGTH TO SAVE HIMSELF. 
        When we become settled in our hearts about what Jesus was revealing to us all in these words, that it was impossible for us to save ourselves, we finally, realizing that none of us are good according to God's measuring sticks and that there is nothing that we can do to save ourselves, it is then we can finally ENTER INTO THE REST that He came to give us thru faith in His Ransoming Blood. For after Christ revealed to us clearly that no man can save himself and that such is impossible for any of us to do, we find Christ bringing in the NEW HOPE that could. And that NEW HOPE comes from these following words. For though it was IMPOSSIBLE for man to save himself, he did not leave us hopeless. Jesus said,  YET ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. And when you accept Christ you accept God whom salvation is possible only by.
       Man was helpless. No one was good but God. Even those we called the nice people they did not fit the requirements for God to called them GOOD. The rich young ruler wanted to know what he could do to be saved. Jesus revealed in our text that there was nothing any man could do to save himself. SUCH WAS IMPOSSIBLE. BUT ALL THINGS JESUS SAID, WAS POSSIBLE WITH GOD. We Needed God to do it. We needed God to make His move from heaven for man on the earth and He did that when the Word became flesh (John 1:1-14).
         Church, let us not kid or deceive ourselves. Even the sweetest of us are still NOT GODS GOOD when compared to HIS PERFECT LIGHT. Jesus that cannot lie said so. So we all bow our knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and thank God for doing what we could not do for ourselves. He saved us BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF. Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification by faith.......deno.......share freely. 

Christ The Only Foundation.......deno.....share freely.

          Don't make yourself your foundation. You will quickly crack because the weight of your sins against you is too great for you to overcome. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead is the only God given UNBREAKABLE FOUNDATION for our sure hope and blessed assurance.

Christ Is All.......deno.....share freely.

         None of us are allowed to approach God  in our own righteousness, nor with any confidence in our own names. Totally unacceptable. For this cause God blessed us, empowering us with His Son Jesus Christ very own Far Above All Name and made Jesus to be for us OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is a gift to us from God by faith in Jesus Christ.
We cannot call upon our own names and be saved.
We cannot call upon our own name to bind and cast out devils.
We cannot even pray in our own name and move God.
In the kingdom of God and Christ concerning the Redeemed of the Lord, ALL THINGS have to be done in the Name of Jesus Christ, all words we speak and all deeds...With God there is no other acceptable way.....This is the true doctrine of Christ.
      Can you see with these truths how you are not to be the one who is your hope, your salvation, or your glory, strength, power, and way unto God on high? Just like Paul preached...Christ is all.....Amen.....deno......share freely

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

God's Love Revelation...A Most Important Light......deno......share freely.

     Jesus said to those that opposed His words and light, I know that the love of God (GOD'S kind of LOVE)  is not in you" (John 5:42). Explaining what Jesus was revealing. This is such important light. It must be, it has to be seen and understood...There is too much at stake to not have GOD'S KIND of LOVE in your heart......Lord open our eyes.

       Real love, God's love, heavens kind of love which  is the real guiding mark of true love is self sacrificing love. This is not the only way God's perfect love is expressed but it is the greatest expression of heavens greater love.
       The world's love (Matthew 5:43-48 & Luke 6:27-36) is basically based on the interest of one's own self. How does this or that advantage me, or what is it in for me if i do this or give  that.
       One day Jesus was talking to some religious men that seemed to always have something negative to say about Jesus and what Jesus was saying and doing. Jesus who reads all of our hearts knew that those who opposed him, they were outwardly very religious appearing but on the inside a great emptiness he could see (They were missing something). 
       He said to those opposing people the words that reveals and separates  what is of heaven from what is of  hell, and what is of God from what is of this world. Jesus said to them, Though you honor each other and pat each other on the back and are searchers of the scriptures,THIS I AM SURE OF, Gods love is not in your hearts (John 5:39-47). Now they had a love in their heart BUT IT WAS NOT GOD'S LOVE., It was self love not sacrificing love. They only showed love to those that advantaged them or could exalt them, or when it could bring back to them favor or pleasures of some kind from the same. Self denying, discomforting sacrificing love was far from them NOT EVEN IN THEM according to Jesus the heart analizer. They loaded people down with religious bundles but would not help them carry the load. It was to discomforting. To bothering. Not to self advantage. To costly. To time consuming. It would interfere with their plans and day's agenda and personal life goals and comforts to help others with their burdens. And to bless and to do good to their enemies that caused them grief and pain, NO WAY, not in a thousand lifetimes of living.
        The bible reveals to us in Romans 5:5-10 & Gal 2:20, that Christ loved us and gave himself sacrificially every day for others. Every day Jesus was really denying himself, giving himself,  and taking up his cross daily living for God and for the good of others, even for the good of his enemies that opposed him. Seldom did he live unto himself (He practiced what he preached. Jesus was the real Love of God. His love for sinners, even for His enemies shocked Israel's elders and even shocks the world).
        Then after all those day unto day living sacrifices of himself, Jesus revealed to all the world the real measure of God's greater love. He went to the DISCOMFORTING CROSS to lay down his life for the sin of the world. To bear our burden, to save us, and to take the burden of the weight of our sins and of the Law off our backs, even off the backs of those that drove the nails.
        Jesus did not sacrifice himself so painfully to destroy others as evil beast do today. Jesus sacrificed himself so painfully for the good of  people to save them. Paul wrote that this is the revelation that reveals the difference between God's love and the world's natural love which is the love from evil. Yes there is love that is of God as Jesus said (John 5:42), and there is the love that is of this world and of evil (Matthew 7:11). He said God's great love is revealed in that Christ died, Christ sacrificed himself for the ungodly, THE UNDESERVING, even for the blessing and salvation of his enemies that only pained him and discomforted his life. RIGHT THERE IS THE LIGHT OF THE BIG DIFFERENCE between Christ love (GOD'S LOVE) verses this world's evil love.
         God's love, the love of Christ heart is not limited to self advantages, but will do the same for it's enemies even as it does for its friends. Christ died to save and interceded for his friends and Christ died for his enemies, to save and to intercede for those that crucified him..
         Jesus said one day as he was speaking on God's love, he said, If you do good to only those who love you, (Like to your family, to your friends and to those who can advantage you) he said there is no reward from God in that, everyone in the world does that. But he that does good and makes discomforting sacrifices for his enemies and strangers to bless and to do good to them (NOT TO DESTROY THEM), will have reward from God.
         God sees and Gods more greater rewards come from the discomforting sacrifices we make that saves and blesses others, especially those we do for our personal enemies that use us, crucify us, that abuse and persecute us.
         All the world loves and praises and does good to its own and to those who can advantage us and give us pleasure. God's love goes way beyond that and even loves, and does good and blesses its own enemies and makes discomforting sacrifices for even the most undeserving people day unto day. The evil spirit of the heart of this world's love mocks, gossips, condemns, speaks evil of, gripes, complains, throws stones at, accuses, and wishes ill will towards those people.
         Jesus knew that in those (RELIGIOUS PEOPLE) who fought against His Words and Light daily, he knew that they had only the natural self advantaging love of this world and of evil beings in them and not the Love of God (John 5:42. 
       Let's read intently  (Matt 7:l1 & Luke 6:27-36). Here is the light of those revealing verses of scripture combined and simply put...Jesus revealed....Evil beings KNOW HOW to DO GOOD to their own and to those that can return to them favor and EVIL BEINGS know how to GIVE GOOD THINGS TO THEIR CHILDREN).
......All the world Jesus said does that...In saying those words Jesus revealed a startling revelation that this world of Evil Beings and of Evil creatures have their own type of love AND THEIR OWN TYPE OF GOODNESS and THAT EVIL BEINGS, THEIR LOVE EVEN KNOWS HOW TO DO GOOD (Matt 7:11). But none of it is of God and that it is not the love of God (John 5:42), it is EVIL'S LOVE (Satanic Love)
.......Evil itself has a certain type of love and evil loves its own and knows how to do good and to give good to its own.  THATS WAS and IS THE HUGE REVELATION POINT that Jesus was revealing to the world AS A WARNING and as a WAKE UP CALL to His people. In that revelation Jesus warns us and  was revealing that Evil has a love, Evil has a goodness, and Evil even knows how to give good things to its own. Evil even falls in love with its own, marries and raises children BUT IT IS STILL NOT GOD'S KIND OF SACRIFICING LOVE, who does for its enemies the same as it does for its family and friends..Right there is the DIVIDING DISTINGUISHING MARK and THE BIG MAJOR DIFFERENCE.
       CHRIST made personal self discomforting LIVING SACRIFICES every day for the good and blessing of others, even to those who were his opposers, persecutors, and to his enemies. The scriptures say....Christ sacrificed himself to save and to bless his people, his friends and even for his enemies, the ungodly and the undeserving (Rom 5:5-10 & Gal 2:20 & John 15:12-14).
        THIS IS THE IMPORTANT POINT OF THIS WHOLE LIGHT....Here it is.....It's the kind of love in us (IN OUR HEART) that reveals if GODS IS REALLY IN US or not. The normal natural love of this world's heart and of the world, Jesus said is evil. The world's natural kind of love is not GOD'S LOVE. The Kind of love in our heart is the mark of what and who is living within us, not the knowledge and the quoting of the scriptures as Jesus' religious appearing enemies could do greatly. (Matt 7:11 & st John 3:14-18)).....Lord open our eyes......deno......share freely.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Revelation of the Ark of Christ........deno......share freely

Wisdom whispers. Are we listening?
The Bread is in the writings.

         So man people in the faith of Jesus Christ think that their emotional feelings are their spirits condition and voice, yet no where in the bible does it say our emotions are the voice of our spirit or its condition.
         Let me try to make an important point here that is needed. Ok.Help me Lord.
         When a loved one dies and we look at the condition of that body in the coffin, is the condition of that body and all that that dead body is telling us, is any of that any indication of the true condition of the spirit that no longer lives therein? No. Everything about that body in that coffin is dead, but the spirit is living on elsewhere. The body is one thing, but the spirit is another thing. 
          Also, We can by no means by looking at that dead body, none of that which we can see there can tell us any truth about whether that soul went up into heaven or descended down into hell. Even if that dead persons body has a smile on its face does not give Us a 100 percent guarantee that THAT soul went to heaven. People laugh and smile all the time all over the planet who are not saved and some of them have died with a smile on their face and some lost people have even died while  laughing. So we do not want to fall into the trap of basing spirit conditions solie on physical feelings, physical sights, conditions, and circumstances.
         Also, speaking of the Spirit of God, Jesus said of the Holy Spirit in John 14:17.. He dwells with you and shall be IN YOU.
          Now lets think about that truth for a second. Jesus said the Holy Spirit shall be in you, IN YOU. IN YOU, IN YOU....Think about that, the Spirit of the Almighty is in us who have received Him. Paul said, Christ in you INSIDE YOU the hope of glory. Do you suppose you and I as we check our emotions, feelings, moods, and the desires of our being, do you suppose we are feeling and experiencing and tasting all the fulness of the Spirit. Are we feeling all of Almighty Gods Joy, Presence, Love, Peace, Perfect Assurance and Power? Not even close. So again, our feelings and our moods etc of the flesh cannot be depended upon to tell us the truth of how God feels. Some wisdom given is soon to be revealed
           Now let me lay this out there where many of you can relate. When we have those compulsions to sin, (and we all do if we are honest), are those feelings, compulsions, emotions, and desires to do wrong Gods Spirits feelings, emotions, and desires? BY NO MEANS. God cannot sin. God does not even have a micro speck of sin desire in His Holy Pure Being. But how often it is that people think their moods and emotions whether up or down are God's Spirit or their spirit when on the most part it is only their own fleshes sensational sensual moods and emotions and that mostly of their  body, not of their spirit..
            I have noticed that when my fleshes sinful side and strength is strong, the passions for sin and to do evil or wrong are high and numerous. Sometimes those evil passions of anger and other desires and sinful moods are almost to overwhelming for me when they are pressing against me (my spirit) with their dictating strengths.
             I think most of you can identify with that. When the flesh is wound up whether in anger to punch or to slander or to gossip or to sin other ways, its voice is so loud  that it is like the sound of a dog barking because he is starving and its voice is so loud it's echoing. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming we feel almost helpless against those passions and rages and feelings and those sin cravings. Well friend, that's the sinful flesh Peter and Paul preached to us about that wars against the soul. It will be warring with us until the day that death is swallowed up in victory.
              I sought the Lord over this because I'm hungry for understanding, for understanding me, you, us and for the spiritual wisdom of things. I crave it.
             Well in that hunger I said to Jesus, Lord where are you on the inside of me when I'm all wound up like that and my sinful side is barking so loud because it is hungry?  The Lord got back with me on that. Be still and know God said. So I got away and got quiet. Then all this light and wisdom that i had never even heard before began to start crossing over from His Spirit into my mind.
             He said, I am set apart within you. I am sanctified down on the inside of you with your spirit man that's born of God in my holy image and righteous likeness. Like Noah was set apart in the Ark in the place where My wrath could not get to him, even-so likewise I am sanctified within you with a shield of my power and glory where your flesh and sin cannot get to Me. I have made sin reaching into Me impossible no matter where I am in My creation. That way I can fulfill My promise to live and to abide with My Children forever.
             All that sin cannot touch Me though I live with you, with your spirit in that body. In those times of your infirmities of weakness when the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, I'm the gentle conscience, that gentle voice of holy conviction saying do not do this. I'm the thou shalt not voice. It is not so much a feeling although I can turn the belly bitter and fill the heart and soul with joy. My voice is in your conscience and in the depths of the deep within you where sin cannot reach as to defile Me.
              Your spirit and My Spirit fellowship in the Ark of Christ sanctification within you. Sin can never reach into My Holy Spirit . It can only reach into My hearing in the confession of sins and to  My awareness thru knowing yet without ever being able to touch My Person as to defile My Spirit or to be in any way a part of My being. It falls dead before it reaches me. As Christ was surrounded by sin and by sinners yet was never defiled and was without sin himself, even so My Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Christ on earth is surrounded by sinful flesh, but my Spirit does not mingle with those passions, nor can sin touch Me. I ride around on the inside of you (with your spirit) in the Ark of Christ within you. Sin is just around Me as My wrath was all around Noah yet Noah was protected and fully shielded from all that wrath that pressed upon the outside of that  Ark from side side as He stayed in the Ark of His sanctification.
             Son you and I are riding around on the inside of you in the Ark of your sanctification which is Christ in you your hope of glory...This is the Power of the Cross of Christ which is the Ark of eternal refuge dwelling inside you....This light shall help open My Peoples Eyes....Amen.....deno....share freely.

Three Kids In Trouble At School, one says to the other, What Are You In For? Wait till you find out why?......share freely......deno.

Discovering THE HIDDEN TREASURE......deno......share freely.

Luke 24:13--32...Go and read the WHOLE TEXT for the lesson. This is an after the resurrection event.

15) So it was while these two disciples conversed and reasoned together about the things concerning Jesus and the events of the last few days, Jesus Himself  (THE WORD OF GOD) drew near to them and walked with them.
16) but their eyes were closed and restrained and by that they did not recognize him. (Failure to IDENTIFY the GLORY)
30) Now it came to pass later that evening, as Jesus sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them.
31) Then their eyes were opened and they knew it was Jesus; and He suddenly vanished from their sight.
32) And they said to each other, Did not our heart BURN WITHIN us while HE TALKED, while HE talked with us on the road, and while He opened up the scriptures to us?

       I love this text, what a divine resurrection encounter. You know the scriptures tells us that with many INFALLIBLE PROOFS Jesus showed himself alive from the dead. In other words the resurrection of Christ is infallible. It can be lied against, and the blind can refuse to believe it,  but all those lies and all the unbelief in all the world can never change the fact that God raised HIS SON our blessed Savior from the dead, and SAT HIM DOWN at His own right hand IN THE THRONE OF GOD. It Is A Done Deal. It is infallible to God and by HIS SPIRIT so it is to men.
       But here in our text (Hope you went and read all the text), is something the Lord wants us TO SEE. These 2 disciples (here in our text) had been walking with Jesus down a road for a few hours. They were in a level of fellowship with the resurrected Master. They were listening to Jesus, looking at him right in the face speaking the Word, and these two even spent the whole afternoon with the Lord, THE WORD OF GOD. But we need to see something that is happening here during this whole visitation so that we can pray about it.
       These two BELIEVERS have no idea who it is that is walking right there with them. They were in the Presence of the Living Risen Lord and Christ but were blind to the glory. They did feel something burning in their hearts as this man was speaking to them but their eyes were blind to the glory of what was staring them in the face and to what was being said. 
        Part of the reason for this NUMBED HARDENED HEART AND UNIDENTIFYING STATE was they were in a state of doubt and unbelief and Jesus rebuked them for that(Luke 24:25 & Mark 16:14)).
      According to Romans 14:23, that verse of scripture tells us that doubt and unbelief are spiritual sins. Sin has consequences. It can make the heart hard to see and understand Jesus and the Word of God. We can even believe in Jesus, even belong to Jesus, and BE SAVED, but at the same time doubt His Word and miss out on a whole lot of what he is saying. We can even fail to RECOGNIZE or IDENTIFY things of Jesus and His Word, and you can have blind areas in you spiritual redemption understanding. Yes your saved and yes you belong to Jesus and He knows you by name, but at the same time your doubt and unbelief of His Word and your lack of IDENTIFYING THE HIDDEN TREASURE  in the field of the scriptures is robbing you with their effects upon your eyes, upon your heart and life, and by that we fail to enjoy the fullness of blessings of the gospel (Romans 15:29). We are grieving and quenching the Spirit. And we all know that as long as the Spirit is being grieved and is in a state of being quenched, then we are not enjoying the fulness of the blessing of the gospel in our churches and in our lives, but just fragments of the glory.
       All afternoon these two disciples were seeing and hearing the WORD OF GOD and yet they did not see the glory nor the value of THE WORD, though THE WORD was masterfully being proclaimed to them By the Lord himself who was right there next to them alive from the dead YET BY THEM UNRECOGNIZED. Their eyes were closed in their heart and mind.
        So it is with us sometimes who believe and belong to Christ. We have read the Word of God, heard the Word of God.  We are listening to preachers preach the Word of God yet we just don't get it, we just don't see the value. We like, read the word of God but to our understanding it seems to be nothing more than a blank page before us. We just don't get it. 
       Well let's stop kicking ourselves in the head about it and here is a good reason why. These two men in our text were followers of Christ for years. They loved the Lord and they were believers. They had been with Jesus for years and knew him well as the Son of God with Power, the Christ. But we find in our text that there is a place that can be in even in a believers life where though he does believe and belong to Christ,  his eyes can still be in a restrained or closed type position in the spirit and in the mind. In that state, you can be in the Word and hanging around the spoken Word all evening and not see the glory nor the value of what is being said or presented. You hardly get a thing from it. That can be certainly true as we see its reality in our text. 
        These two believers were hanging around THE WORD all afternoon with the eyes of their hearts and minds in a restrained closed spiritual position and THEY WERE SAVED CHRISTIANS. This is the same state many believers are in today and many others have been in, in the past generations. 
        But friends as in all things, THERE IS ALWAYS REAL HOPE IN CHRIST. Jesus Opened Their Eyes. God has an answer. We find in our test that the Lord can heal us of this closed eyes condition and our eyes can be opened to His Recognizable Presence and to the Riches of God's Glory that He has placed in His Word. Like Elijah prayed so should we. Elijah praying for his servant said, Lord open his eyes. Then suddenly God opened his eyes and that servant SAW THE GLORY that had been theirs all the time with them of which he was numb and blind to before.. It was there all the time BUT HIS EYES WERE RESTRAINED AND CLOSED TO IT. Once he saw it though, HE GREATLY REJOICED and was TREMENDOUSLY COMFORTED.
       There is GLORY, MUCH GLORY, even the glory of God in HIS WORD,even riches OF LIFE and VALUE, blessings and benefits beyond all this world's natural understanding. All we need is our EYES OPENED to THE HIDDEN TREASURES THAT ARE IN THE FIELD OF THE SCRIPTURES......deno......share freely.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

When God Opens Eyes This Is What You See.....deno......share freely.

Then Jesus OPENED THEIR EYES to understand the scriptures.
When God Spirit opens the eyes of the world this is what they see.

Luke 24:44-53....New King James Version (NKJV)

The Scriptures Opened
44 Then Jesus said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me (The Christ).” 
45 And He opened their eyes, their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
46 Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for THE CHRIST to suffer and to rise  from the dead the third day, 
47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 
48 And you are witnesses of these things. 
49 Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”
The Ascension
50 And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them.
 51 Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. 
52 And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen.

To Save A Country.......deno.....share freely.

To save a country.....written by deno.
       To save a country you MUST HAVE, you have to have real great love of country with patriotic passion, otherwise it's people nor it's ground to you will not be hallow. All you will think about in your decision makings is yourself and not US, and not for what is good for the country's fiscal well being AS A WHOLE and for what we stand for as Americans according to the guidelines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as a FREE PEOPLE. You may even betray it, EVEN AS TO EMPOWER OUR ENEMIES AGAINST US, their economies and their military might while using our nation's wealth to do it. GOD KNOWS.
       And you wonder why these wolves in political sheep's clothing, these many thieves in office today do not push patriotism, nor love of God and country, nor love for America. People are even being more and more slapped in the face and in the pocket book for their public display of their traditional American faith and patriotism like in the raising of the flag in the places where the left can get away with pushing such a negative agenda against American Faith and Patriotic Traditions.
        But oh how these same ones, they love to apologize for America publicly, some even globally, and make it known how they are not proud of our nation. It's time to get wise again AMERICAN PEOPLE and never ever elect anyone in office ever again whose love and whose loyalty to this nation is in question.
        WE NEED THE HELP AND GRACE OF GOD UPON OUR NATION LIKE NEVER BEFORE AND TRUMP who has chosen to be a healing servant to the recovery of our nation. I'm all for Let's Make America Great Again. God blessed us that way before, but we have let disloyal, UNPATRIOTIC PEOPLE and POLITICAL LIARS deceive us and to little by little remove our Strengths to foreigners, our businesses to distant lands, while burying us within with piles of monstrous national debt. And also, they wage political war with the christians of this nations to force the expression of our Christian faith in God to the closets and our light underneath the bushels only to make themselves comfortable while they tie Jesus' hands again in their wish to silence the influence of God, His Ways, and His Church in this nation as it was for over 300 plus years before as the Nation enjoyed the blessing of the Lord. 
         I believe that He that can restore the soul and that raised HIS SON from the dead to give us His divine testimony to the world, can raise this nation back up if we will turn our hearts to Him in repentance and in faith...As it is written, HOPE THOU IN GOD for He alone is thy life....And ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE GOD......Deno......America Founded By Believers For Believers.

You Are His Special......deno......share freely.

      So you feel that you are a nobody? No one dear or special at all?...Well God came to you and visited your heart thru the Spirit of His Son. He personally picked your heart out for His Sons gospel visitation and because you believed, God took you and placed you in the life of His Son as a member of the body of the most important man of all, the GOD/MAN JESUS CHRIST who sits today in the Throne of God with His Father.
      Now that you are a part of him as a member of His Flesh and Bones; you are Royalty beyond your wildest dreams. The glory that shall soon be revealed in you is beyond natural human fathoming in beauty, in joy, in life, in bliss, and in the riches of His glory....In your patience Jesus said, possess ye your souls......For friends it is a glorious paradise. The greatest Love and the greatest life. No pains. No sorrows. No death, just joy of life and more abundant living all around. It is a great great endless never changing inheritance........Jesus Loves You......Amen......deno.....share freely.

God is Love......deno......share freely.

God Is Love...written by deno.
The Bread is in the writings.

Matthew 22:34-46....New King James Version.

The Scribes: Which Is the First Commandment of All?
34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
         John wrote, When we love God we love His children also. The real measure of one's love for God can be seen by the way we love one another. The two are un-seperable. 
         John wrote by the Spirit, If a man says he loves God but hates his brother (means his fellow man), that man is a liar. Those are pretty stout words used calling a man a liar, but the point had to be made, because there were many spirits that had gone out into the world claiming that they were and are of God and that they knew God. The world is flooded and full of these deceiving misleading spirits...See 1 John 4:1-12.
         But the disciples, (including John) really did know God. He had become flesh and dwelt amongst them for three years. Emmanuel which means GOD WITH US as the prophet Isaiah foretold, had paid the world THE PROMISED BIG DIVINE VISIT THRU CHRIST. And John had seen Him, John had handled Him , touched Him, heard Him, talked face to face with Him, and watched Him in action and everything he observed about Jesus was just awing and so incredible, so not of this world in glory and wisdom and power. 
         Jesus was not just your ordinary man. No one had ever seen such a man as Jesus who was excellent in all his ways AND ANOINTED. He even walked on water and calmed the raging seas. His character and strengths in every way were flawless and without any form of blemish. He was Divine in Spirit and Divine in His thinking. His way of doing things was far above our ways and His level of thinking was as high as heaven is above the earth compared to our level.
      We think according to the flesh. Jesus' wisdom thoughts and thinking was according to the Spirit and Power of God. We use boats to get to the other side because that is on the level of which we think and believe. Jesus uses his feet walking on the water to the other side or FLIES IN THE AIR TO MAKE THE TRIP, because that is the way of HIS MIGHTY THOUGHTS and the level of HIS FAR ABOVE ALL THINKING and BELIEVING. In no way was that water holding Jesus up or down. It was the glory of HIS BELIEVING. He was Emmanuel, God With Us that had become flesh.
        John knew Jesus was the Lord from heaven. He knew Jesus was the Word, and that the Word had been with God and that the Word WAS GOD and he knew that THE WORD which was God had become flesh and was now with them. John knew Jesus was and is the brightness of God's glory and the express image of His Person (Heb 1:1-3). And He by witnessing God for three years in action and watching Him in His divine character on earth in the flesh, he knew God was PERFECT LOVE and so MIRACULOUS. His Word was like no others and His Word never failed no matter the weight of the demand put upon them, even to the raising of the dead, or the calming of the seas. His Word made it happen. God was being God in the midst of men.
         After many days of showing great love and compassion to crowds and multitudes by way of miracles, and after healing thousands and thousands who had been oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38), John heard this incredible Christ one divinely blessed day on earth before men utter the MONUMENTAL WORDS that to this day blesses and brings joy and comfort to many all over the world and has now for 2000 years....Jesus said, BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.
          Jesus did not just say those INCREDIBLE WORDS and then vanish and just leave the planet. No, Jesus continued mightily to back those words with Love, Power and divine demonstrations of His Glory from on High that backed His love of God light. Jesus had so shook the world in those days with the GLORY of those words I AM, that his fame grew so great that the onlookers one day being heaven struck said, Behold, the whole world has gone after him.
         Many people do not realize HOW BIG THIS MOVE OF GOD ON EARTH WAS IN THOSE DAYS. God was ON EARTH walking with men. God with us in Christ was the most MONUMENTAL MOVE of GOD ever on earth since the fall. Greater than all the esteemed prophets had formerly seen or tasted or experienced. A greater One than Moses is here Jesus shouted and His Father on the mount of transfiguration bore the same Divine Witness in His glistening glory saying, THIS IS MY DIVINE SON WHO I LOVE, LISTEN AND OBEY HIM.
          Jesus one day said to his disciples, If I had not done the works that no other man has ever done before, then Israel would have excuse. But now they have seen and have heard but they still do not believe, therefore there sin remains. In other words Israel had finally broke the back of the patience of God. This is that heir they said in their hearts. Let us kill him and all shall be ours. This was Israels worse transgression.
        Of all the blood of the prophets that Israel had shed thru-out the years (Matthew 23:37-39), this One's (Gods Son) bloodshed would cost them and their children greatly on earth even into eternity. Part of the cost was this. The Covenant of grace would be taken from them and a wild branch (The Gentiles) would be engrafted and the gospel of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) would be handed over to the gentiles for a period of time for life and for entrustment. Then after the fulness of the time of the gentiles was accomplished, an awakening would take place in Israel. From the offspring of Abraham and of Sarah would be heard the cry, Blessed was Jesus that came to us in the Name of the Lord and Jerusalem in that our would be reborn from within and again shine with the glory of Israel which has always been the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Lord from heaven whom they had pierced in the day of their monumental visitation from Immanuel.
         God had loved Israel for years and they over and over again showed Him as a nation little love back. They often killed the prophets and stoned those He sent to them and now their hearts had become so full of Satan they were about to crucify the Lord of glory HIMSELF, not understanding the day of their visitation. They could not understand HIS GREAT LOVE FOR ALL EVEN FOR THE GENTILES that they despised. But John really got to know God. His ears were amongst the blessed ones that did hear and his eyes were amongst the fortunate ones that did see. Having eyes he saw and having ears he heard.
        John's heart, to simply say it, GOT IT. He understood the Lord and He got to know God's heart and true eternal character maybe more than all (Maybe). He was THAT FRIEND that saw the love of God in Christ. He realized the call and the heritage of Israel was not just unto themselves, but that God had raised Israel up in order to have the REDEEMING COMPASSION of HIS LOVE to reach ALL THE WORLD thru Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. God clearly has told them their calling in these words to Abraham and HIS SEED.... I will bless you He said, SO THAT you will be a blessing, and in another place. From your seed shall ALL THE NATIONS of the earth BE BLESSED. That seed was Christ. Christ was born from the virgin thru the power of God so that the works of God would be manifested in HIM.
         Yes, John knew the Lord. John knew God. He knew that the rest of mankind was blind and in the darkness and that they had been misled and deceived by Satan about God, about divine things, and the true things of God. But he knew Him, he had seen Him, he spent three years, THREE INCREDIBLE YEARS with Him on earth in the flesh and saw ALL THE GLORY.
        John in those three incredible years with God learned much about God. He came to really know God. He learned that the one true God is love and perfect in holiness and was rich in mercy and compassion. And he knew also that if a man or a woman or a spirit said he or they knew God, or that he loved God but that same man or that same spirit hated his brother or sister or fellow man, or preached a message of hate, he said that man and that spirit is a liar, a false prophet, a deceived heart, a lying spirit, even a murderer, a demonized soul though he seems to even look religious (Islam).
         Friends no matter what men say on earth or boast of how much they know God, John who lived and loved with God for three years on earth said, If you say you love God but hate others or are prejudice about others, he said in your heart you are a liar and a murderer, you don't really know Him. All these people all over America, in the middle east, and all over the world that boast that they know God but terrorize and kill in the name of their god, and that hate others and preach hate by skin tone or by any other dividing differences ARE LYING...Jesus even said, Love your enemies. Do good to those that do you wrong. Pray for those who use you and persecute you. By doing so Jesus said you would be like your Father which is in heaven. LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS CHRIST LOVED US.
..........Friends, the One true God is LOVE and He is Jesus Christ The Word, God with us.....scroll down......deno......share freely.

Jesus: How Can David Call His Descendant Lord?
41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42 saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”
They said to Him, “The Son of David.”
43 He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying:
44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”’?

45 If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.

Friday, April 15, 2016

For the Pulling Down of Strongholds.......deno.....share freely

The Bread is in the Writings.....The Warfare Light.......deno
2 Cor 10:4-6)
       For the weapons of our warfare (battle with the spirits that rule the darkness and spiritual ignorance of this world and that fight against us to hinder the evangelizing of the world with the gospel) our weapons are not of flesh and blood, but are of God and given to us in the giving of His Son, His Word, His Grace, His Name and His Spirit. God has given us these mighty weapons for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS of the lies, the philosophies, false doctrines, false religions, believed lies, wrong convictions and deceiving ideas and thoughts found in the mind and hearts of men all over this deceived and blinded world.
        By our use of these mighty weapons we fight and war empowered by the Spirit, Mind and Grace of Christ strength, going everywhere within and without, CASTING DOWN personal and global planted arguments, theories, oppositions, deceitful lust, unnatural affections, deceptions,  imaginations, human fantasies, misguided beliefs, and every high and promoted thought, idea, best guess, presumptions, and thing that in this world in our hearts and in our minds has been planted there by the spiritual forces of darkness that we wrestle and war with. All those things that those spiritual forces have planted in us and in all the world thru out the many ages that is exalted and exalts itself thru the demonic power that is in those theories and lies and misguided beliefs that fight against the knowledge of God and wars against  the truth that is in His Son Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead, we being empowered by God and His Grace with these weapons we cast down and out Satan's manifold plantings that he planted in us and in the world, subjecting everything now to Christ the Son of God who is God's true light to all MANKIND.
        And by these powerful weapons God has given us we bring into captivity every thought to line up with the truth that is in Christ Jesus and to His Words, to the obedience of Christ, (to the faith agreement that all things of God are in Christ Jesus only  and no other and that Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and this is God's Exaltation of His Son that we preach and stand in faith upon forever without compromise and without deluding  Gods Message & Words with the lies of the worlds many shortcoming beliefs that are not in line with the light of the Son of God who was crucified for our sins and risen from the dead for our justification)...Amen.....deno....share freely.

Gods Wisdom Is Crying in the Streets for the World to heed His Light.....deno......share freely.

The Bread is in the writings......Wisdom is crying from the scriptures......deno
         Every evil in the world can be traced back to what Satan caused a long time ago, but every evil is not of his hands. Satan tempts but men choose. Billions of men join Satan in hell for their own sins. So likewise, there are a lot of good deeds done in this world, but not every good deed is of Gods Sons hands. 
         A religion of kindness and of good deeds that at the same time spits and mocks at the Name of Jesus Christ, is a religion of great good deception wrought in the form of sweet kindness. It's deceiving spirit is subtle and the evil prince of its deceiving power is hard for many to see thru. For it all SEEMED SO SWEET (but it lacked the saving SALT of CHRIST)........deno....share freely.