Friday, April 15, 2016

For the Pulling Down of Strongholds.......deno.....share freely

The Bread is in the Writings.....The Warfare Light.......deno
2 Cor 10:4-6)
       For the weapons of our warfare (battle with the spirits that rule the darkness and spiritual ignorance of this world and that fight against us to hinder the evangelizing of the world with the gospel) our weapons are not of flesh and blood, but are of God and given to us in the giving of His Son, His Word, His Grace, His Name and His Spirit. God has given us these mighty weapons for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS of the lies, the philosophies, false doctrines, false religions, believed lies, wrong convictions and deceiving ideas and thoughts found in the mind and hearts of men all over this deceived and blinded world.
        By our use of these mighty weapons we fight and war empowered by the Spirit, Mind and Grace of Christ strength, going everywhere within and without, CASTING DOWN personal and global planted arguments, theories, oppositions, deceitful lust, unnatural affections, deceptions,  imaginations, human fantasies, misguided beliefs, and every high and promoted thought, idea, best guess, presumptions, and thing that in this world in our hearts and in our minds has been planted there by the spiritual forces of darkness that we wrestle and war with. All those things that those spiritual forces have planted in us and in all the world thru out the many ages that is exalted and exalts itself thru the demonic power that is in those theories and lies and misguided beliefs that fight against the knowledge of God and wars against  the truth that is in His Son Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead, we being empowered by God and His Grace with these weapons we cast down and out Satan's manifold plantings that he planted in us and in the world, subjecting everything now to Christ the Son of God who is God's true light to all MANKIND.
        And by these powerful weapons God has given us we bring into captivity every thought to line up with the truth that is in Christ Jesus and to His Words, to the obedience of Christ, (to the faith agreement that all things of God are in Christ Jesus only  and no other and that Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and this is God's Exaltation of His Son that we preach and stand in faith upon forever without compromise and without deluding  Gods Message & Words with the lies of the worlds many shortcoming beliefs that are not in line with the light of the Son of God who was crucified for our sins and risen from the dead for our justification)...Amen.....deno....share freely.

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