Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The operation of the seven wicked spirits that Jesus taught about.....written by deno......share freely.


.......The scriptures says.....Be filled with Gods Spirit everyday....Then on the other side of the coin we read...And do not give place to the devil.
........Both God and the devil are spirits. One is eternal and has always been and ever shall be. He is eternal in the heavens. He is God....The other is a created spirit who in the day he was created was the seal of the sum of perfection, but he let his beauty puff him up with self admiration beyond the holy realm and his heart became lifted up with pride. Right then the idolatry of the worship of self, of the worship of the created more than the Creator began. Yes it began with Satan right then and there in heaven. From there he fell and great was his fall from heaven. Like lighting Jesus said.
.......Both God and fallen Satan war after the souls of mankind on the earth. Gods number one war weapon that he uses to save men is the message of the love of the truth that is in Christ Jesus and him crucified for the sins of the world. It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the POWER OF GOD unto salvation... But Satan on the other hand, Satan uses all that made him fall from glory to war against our souls salvation and safekeeping. He uses lust, self admiration. Self talents. Self worship. Self ambition and he will offer us the pleasure of the moment and the finest of flesh and the glory and splendor of things of this present evil world in darkness to bring us into the traps he sets behind us and before us for the destruction of our peace and souls in this life and on departure day..
........But one of the most important revelations we all need to know and heed concerning Gods Spirit and evil spirits warfare operations is this. All spirits, Gods Spirit and Satan's spirits use WORDS to connect to those they target and to travel thru to destinations and determinations, and or to ENTER into those they want to save or destroy, set free or to possess. THAT IS IMPORTANT.
........Words Words Words are more than just the vibration of sound waves in the ear. They are spirits weapons. To spirits, words are vehicles that they travel thru, send their power thru, and use for their spirits transport from themselves into others. God and Satan drop off or rain into or pour into or disperse a whole lot of themselves and the things of themselves and the things of their kingdoms into people thru their use of WORDS
.......In the day of Israels visitation from the Messiah called Jesus Christ also know as Immanuel which means God with us, in that hour we read about that transport this way,...And THE WORD WAS WITH GOD and THE WORD WAS GOD and THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONGST US. That traveling WORD that was God with us said, I came down from heaven SENT by my Father. The Word of God God traveled in in all fulness, for all the fulness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Christ whose name is forever THE WORD OF GOD. God traveled Himself from heaven to earth and then into men's hearts thru HIS OWN WORD that became flesh. His word is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one connects to the Father but THRU JESUS CHRIST THE WORD OF GOD.
......Words matter. Words are powerful. Words are more than just talk and chatter nothingness. God and Satan and demonic spirits use words. They INHABIT WORDS, CONNECT BY WORDS, THEY TRAVEL THRU WORDS and ENTER PEOPLE THRU WORDS;...And they drop off their things into people, good or bad things thru the use of words they inspire and author that we welcome and join our tongues into agreement with or in some cases we just agree with as to desire what those words are showing us and telling us.
.......Folks there is more than you think going on IN YOU in the music and words you listen to. There is more traveling thru that rock music, rap music, country music, or gospel music than just a beat and enchanting INVITING sound. An attitude is traveling thru those words. A lust is traveling thru those words. A purpose is traveling thru those words. A persuasion is traveling thru those words. An invite is traveling thru those words. A knocking on the door is traveling thru those words. A calling is traveling thru those words. A sin and a sin participation is traveling thru those words. A demon or a defiling unclean evil spirit with their sinful way is traveling thru those words in hope to make their residence in you whether you recognize their presence or not.. SPIRITS SPIRITS SPIRITS are traveling thru those words changing people for the better or for the worse depending whose the author and master of the words we choose to listen to.
.......In this revelation recall with me this...Jesus said when an evil and wicked spirit is cast out of a person, that spirit goes about dry places looking for rest, looking for satisfaction but finds none and becomes frustrated like an addict in need of a fix. In his yearning that wicked spirits heads back to the house he was cast out of to see if there is a welcome back sign in the hearts door. He sees it is and that the door is opened to him. He says, wait a minute. Let me go and get 7 other spirits who are more evil and more wicked than me. He goes and gets them and they all together come and ENTER INTO THAT PERSON and Jesus says the LAST STATE of that person is worse (More wicked, more evil, more sinful, more sin minded and maybe even more troubled and disturbed) than the first state when there was just one. Then Jesus went on to say that so shall it be in the end in the people of the end time evil, adulteress, wicked and unfaithful generation.
......Now in the light of this, let us look at something here about the American people and our societies condition. In America let us go back the years. Was not America a more pure hearted nation decades and generations ago up to the 50's? YES...Then NOTICE how the MUSIC began to change in the mid 50's.......As Elvis and others were singing that NEW MUSIC and NEW TYPE OF SENSUAL ENCHANTING WORD LYRICS, people were shocked how girls and women began to behave in the audience as they watched and listened at the concerts. Never before had American women screamed, cried so, and fainted from what was going in IN THEM from the NEW SOUND and THE NEW WORDS being sung. Elvis one time ran off the stage in fright of what he was seeing happening to the girls in the audience. He asked, What is happening to those girls. His friends and others said, We don't know. But whatever it is get back out there and keep doing what you are doing. Friends, often times even those causing spirits to roam about are blind to their presence and to their maneuvers in the dark or thru the true light. So it is with this blinded generation that is being prepped and exercised by demons for a great falling away.
.......Then came the Beatles and others with the Aleister Crowley satanic spirit connections and from there the hearts of women and of men in America and around the world began to backslide more and more. They began to backslide more and more in pureness of heart and of the minds thoughts and imaginations. Each decade from that period on has produced more impurity of heart and of mind in the people than the decade before. The stats and the look of our society confirms it.
........This same wicked spirit entering operation also went on for decades and generations thousand of years ago right before the flood of Noah's day. The scriptures says that in the days that God called Noah to use hammer and nails and wood to build a mighty Ark of salvation which represented Christ in a mystery, it says that God looked into the heart of that generation and He found that mans heart and his minds imagination was wicked and set to do only what was wrong, sinful, and evil. I assure you, that generations heart, mind, and soul was heavily defiled, unclean, impure, and and and men and women individually were filled in their hearts and minds with 7 wicked spirits all over the globe that caused the last state of those people in many ways to be worse than their first days.
........So it shall be with this generation because this generation want listen, refuses to repent, loves darkness rather than light, and says all this that we are revealing is nothing more that just foolish talk. So said Noah's generation at every nail he hammered....But then came the rain....scroll down.
.......Friends, let us all see Gods revealing wisdom in this light and its counsel and let us all repent and begin to guard our hearts and souls by guarding what our eyes are allowed to see and our ears are inclined to hear. Rock, Rap, and Country Music today is filling up the hearts, minds, and souls with wicked spirits and their manifold drop offs and with their operations making their prey act more sinfully and think more demonic like and sinfully until it is like a possession, as those wicked unclean spirits SEE THEMSELVES in all their lust and wickedness and rebellion against God, ACTED OUT in this wicked and adulteress, covenant breaking, unfaithful generation....He that has ears to hear let him hear.....deno....share freely

Sunday, January 8, 2017

There is No One Good But God.....Grace Comforts......deno....share freely.

 ......Do you think you are not good and so unworthy? Well your right and your not alone. None of us are. Jesus made it clear to us all that there is no one good but God (Matthew 19:17). You can cash that truth check. That truth check in Gods sight and according to His own mouth will not bounce.
......Do you see yourself as a bad person, sinful, awful and terrible, not even worthy to look up into heaven? There is given you some great news from Christ and his love. He said there is no one good but God, and he said, You are all evil. He said those words about ALL OF US, even to ALL THE WORLD. Those words make it clear that he knows how bad we all are within. No beautiful smile, no amount of monies sparkle and shine, and no other outward expression can hide the sinful thoughts within going on in us in secret (God sees all).
......Also we have this GOOD NEWS to us the awful terrible ones, It is written, When we were terrible acting and sinful, Christ died for us, yes Christ died for the ungodly, us terrible ones. (Romans 5:5-10). We all need to be baptized in that revealing light. We all need to be baptized into that lights GREAT GOD, AUTHOR and LOVE every day, JESUS CHRIST.
......Friend in Gods eyes there is no one good but God. You and I compared to His holiness and compared to Gods pure heart and mind are devils in comparison. The bible says, One sin makes us all guilty of all, so under the Law guilty of all is our real self truth and our real look to God. The guilty of all have nothing to boast about. WE ALL NEED CHRIST. Christ we all can forever brag and boast about.
......This i know for sure and i have learned in the seeking and finding grace that God offers all sinners who believe, of whom i figure im one at the top of the list. What I am sure of is this....Being that we are all sinners, awful and sometimes even terrible, this for sure makes us all very qualified. Qualified for what deno? Qualified for the love and mercy of God and qualified for the power of the Saving Cross of Christ and Christ interceding love where God said thru the prophet Isaiah that those who believe on His Given Crucified Son who he raised from the dead, he said that those that believe in Gods love and in the giving of His Son, He shall ABUNDANTLY FORGIVE AND ABUNDANTLY PARDON. (Isaiah 55:6-7 & Isaiah 54:4-10).
.......Friend we are all terrible and awful compared to Gods personal holiness and purity of heart and mind. He knew this completely and still He loved us and gave himself for us. It is when we put on the holier than we are fronts, it is then we get into trouble with truth and grace and with the words that there is no one good but God.
P.S...Until you accept the truth that there is no one good but God as Jesus said, you will wrestle with Christ and the power of his Cross, and you will be wrestling against truth and grieve and frustrate Grace called unmerited favor...Pressing on with you in Christ.....deno.

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Jesus said, What do you want Me to do for you?......deno.....share freely.

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Jesus said, What do you want Me to do for you?......deno.....share freely.
........When Christ who was God with us said, What would you have Me to do for you?, and He said those words to people often; he opened up a WHOLE NEW LIGHT for us to walk in in the New Covenant of faith and of obedience, of greater love, of a greater relationship, of a greater covenant established upon greater promises, and of greater fellowship with God, and of believing and of believing you receive. And He said those words to people who were strangers of the New Covenant, who were not even yet citizens of the kingdom, but their faith justified them, approved them and moved God upon and into their situations. As it is written, Faith is the new righteousness. Faith in Jesus the New Access that we have WITH CONFIDENCE.
.......How much more Christ will say those words to the children of God born of God, who believe and obey him, to whom THE KINGDOM BELONGS. They are the rightful citizens. As it also is written, "If you who are evil KNOW HOW to give GOOD THINGS to you kids, HOW MUCH MORE will your HEAVENLY FATHER give GOOD THINGS to them THAT ASK HIM?". Surely He Knows How. He has been giving GOOD THINGS to His Creatures since the beginning of the Creation. How much much to the Sons and Daughters of God.
.......If we want God to do as we ask, let us plant the seeds of believing and doing first what He ask (John 15:8). And yet God is so good that He did what many people asked of Him in Christ when yet they were on discovery trail and not even sure who Jesus was in all his Fulness (God with us).

.......God is such a Wonderful Giving Loving God when you really know Him.....Pressing On with you in Christ.....deno.

Dog Paddling to Save Yourself and Backsliding from Grace is draining your joy in the Lord.....share freely.....deno.

Psalm 4:7...New Living Translation (NLT)
7 You have given me greater joy
than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.
.......There pours out from the throne of Christ and His light a river of joy that exceeds all gladness known to the world. Christ said there exist food the world knows not of and there is a joy that the world knows not of. 
.......The path to that river of greater gladness and joy of heart and soul FEW FIND. Some do find it and their days are filled with lightness and brightness and soul rich rejoicings. Others have found it but the souls enemy comes to talk or preach it out of them or persecute it out of them. Some survive the doctrinal back talk against grace and some survive the blows of that persecution and maintain the joy from on high. Others for this reason or that weather not the back talk or the storm raged against their peace and the joy becomes QUENCHED and their excitement in the Lord dulls down. They someway lose their rest in the Lord.
.......Usually or lets say quite often its by the subtle re entrance of doctrines that salvation is by works of self and legalism and of the old wine (THE LAW) and not by grace thru Christ that their JOY begins to be drained. They become loaded down again in the soul and in their thinking with religious weights and bundles that grieves Grace as they try to (WITH WORKS and religious dog paddling) save themselves and stay risen with Christ, when already with Christ by the grace and gift of God they are saved and they have already been risen with Christ as these scriptures reveal. (Colossians 3:1-4 & John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:1-10).
.......Grace backsliding and Religious dog paddling is miserable work. It torments peace and crushes joy. No rest to the soul have those who are trying to dog paddle their way to heaven by their own works and not leaning all on Christ and him crucified. They are living in doubt and in doubt there is no BLESSED ASSURANCE.
.......But such thinking and religious dog paddling Paul said wears us out and makes you fall from the risen with Christ by grace heights, joy, and peace. Somehow, that which is SALVATION by grace thru faith and the FREE GIFT OF GOD is deceived out of your thinking and you try to earn with your works what was already paid for in full and freely given to you by the receiving of faith. In your thinking Grace is no more Grace and Satan turns you into a religious fear filled doubting slave again as you try to earn with YOUR OWN SWEAT what was freely given you thru GODS OWN BLOOD.
........Friends Christ is not double minded about the free gift. He knows the great and incomparable price he paid to save you and give us that salvation as a precious gift and he was there when that gift was paid for IN FULL and FULLY PURCHASED.
........Until your heart sees that the gift of salvation has been paid for in full and the purchase transaction already fully completed, you have not found the REST AREA that God has called us into in Christ. The joy unspeakable and full of glory Peter wrote about is still waiting for you to discover it. You will not ever discover it in this life as long as you are trying to save yourself by religious dog paddling, nor will you taste it if in you you are backsliding from grace and from the knowledge that God has already paid for the gift IN FULL thru the blood of His Own Cross..
........King David from time to time, in his heart he found that blessed path of the greater joy found in our text and he wrote of its reward to the soul to those few that find it and experience its spiritual joy delicious taste. A joy he said that exceeds the gladness of those who make great profits and that is greater than the merriness of those who are high on this worlds best wines or weeds.
........David did not find that path to the greater joys of the presence of the Lord because he was king, but because his heart became hungry for the things of God and for the presence of God. As he wrote in his findings, he wrote, In Gods presence is fulness of Joy and at his right hand (which is to us a place of near my heart to thee communion and fellowship with God where Christ everyday resides) are satisfying pleasure forevermore.
........So like the truth and the old song says...Seek God with all your heart and you will find and we in Christ must trust and obey the Lord. We must trust and obey for there is no other way to be really happy in Jesus but to trust and obey..SEEK GOD, SEEK HIM WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART and DISCOVER THE REWARDS THE LORD PROMISED THOSE THAT DO.The Joy of His Presence, The joy of God drawing closer to you as you with your heart in the REST OF FAITH draw nigh to Him......deno.
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Saturday, January 7, 2017

The love me don't judge me delusion and lie.....share freely.....deno.

       Satan's spirit and his satanic deceiving counterfeit love demands the right for every sin and lust and way of life to have its right, freedom, and course without any form of counter judgement. All who oppose Satan's satanic love and anything goes rules he cleverly calls haters when the opposite itself is the real truth. God who is perfect love says, Thou shalt not and he says that a lot.
      God who is real love, even perfect love, as a loving parent says the Thou shalt not because He is trying to save you and protect you from Satan and evil, and from joining Satan in his fall to the bottomless pit.
       Satan's spirit and love includes all out rebellion against God and the drawn lines of God saying anything goes. But Gods who is love, even perfect love does not allow every lust and way of life to have its right, freedom. and course without consequence.
        Think about it....Hell is filled with souls that thought love does not judge, but love tolerates all and love gives liberty and equal rights to every desire and lust without consequence....Satan deceived those souls in hell with his love me don't judge me delusion and lie. Do not be deceived the bible says, for God cannot be mocked.

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