Thursday, May 4, 2017

Whereby We Cry Unto God, Abba, Father, Daddy My Dad.....Blessed Writing......deno....share freely.

      Our preaching dad often rebuked me sharply and chastised me for my many wrongs growing up, but he always still loved me, called me son, forgave me, and restored our Father to son fellowship. You see my many wrongs never changed our father to son RELATIONSHIP..I was certainly BORN of MY FATHERS SEED....What he restored was our FELLOWSHIP...We need to discern THE DIFFERENCE..Mercy and forgiveness are Gods power weapons for all renewals, refreshing's, reconciliations, and restorations of all fellowships. Even yours to His.
      Our heavenly Father has loved us with an everlasting love in Christ whose tie and bind is even greater than what i experienced with my earthen father. My earthen fathers love overwhelmed me over the years of how true and genuine it was. It even brought me to all these writings that i do in honor of him and Jesus now.
      Yes my earthen dad really loved me and gave himself for me daily as a caring loving dad. HOW MUCH MORE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER who is perfect love loves us all even far more?. Most peoples problem is they have a tainted image of Gods love for them. A very shallow measure of understanding of the greatness of our Heavenly Fathers great love for us (John 17:23). Many can tell you and preach to you sermon after sermon about the wrath of God with hell, fire, and brimstone.. But greater is Gods love than his wrath...FAR FAR GREATER.
       God created hell which is said to be a small portion of this earths inner region down inside the core of this earth out of His wrath for the evil mean sinful unloving uncaring brutal spirits that rebelled, but with HIS LOVE God created all of the vast and beautiful heaven and earth and the entire Universe and the Cross of Christ whereby by His love for us he redeemed and saved us, and swore in His love to us that he would love us with His Everlasting Love and Everlasting Life thru Christ... 
......There is no sin and no situation that God with His great love cannot forgive, fix, heal, restore, and mend. We just need to humble ourselves before the Lord so that we are not resisted by God. For the scriptures says, God resisteth the proud but gives his grace to the humble....Love you friend.
     As it is written, And God has poured into our hearts the Spirit of Jesus His Son whereby we cry unto God Abba, Father, Daddy my Dad....deno.....share freely.


......Sometimes what we as Christians are battling within on the inside or in our lives, is a battle of or from something going on in the heavenly realms. Good verses evil, light clashing with darkness, all striving to control our lives, our days, our time, our interest, our words, our choices, our thoughts and activities. They even try to control our prayer life, prayer time, faith and what it is that we pray, decree, and say...
......Job on earth went thru something that first was going on in heavenly realms, then secondly he entered it in his earthly life and wrestled with all of it. Satan wanted Job to curse God..But the trial did not come to Job until first planted in the heavenly realm of two opposing powers, God and Satan..Something to think about..
......For we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against (Your up AGAINST THEM in the wrestling) against the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and with wicked spirits in heavenly realms...Salt is battling the spices of sin, and light is battling the powers of darkness.
.......We (the saints) are often times the arena of the conflict because of the great authority Jesus gave the church. Jesus said what we the church bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we the church loose on earth is loosed in heaven. He gave us the greatest power and authority on earth. What we do with it is our decision. We are battled against because the powers of light and of darkness are trying to control things on earth thru us (THE CHURCH) because we are the only ones Jesus gave those keys to on the earth. The powers of the heavenlies try to control how we use THOSE KEYS or that HIGHEST AUTHORITY on earth. Our nation right now is in a spiritual conflict and in a severe battle over that very thing. The Church of believers must stand strong right now in the Lord and in the power of HIS MIGHT. Using Those Keys He gave Us,. Those keys contain Christ Power and Christ Full Might and Authority..It is all in HIS GREAT and MIGHTY NAME...The Name which is above every name, Jesus Christ.....
......Jesus had and operated in that greatest power and authority that exist and he often times used those keys and using those keys (That far above all power and authority) he would bind the evil spirits and the demons in the crowds and would not even let them speak...That my friends is the same power and authority given us the church in Jesus Name that Jesus gave us. He gave us the keys. What we bind on earth and what we loose in heavenly realms is in our power in Jesus Name..When Jesus did not allow the demons to speak he was binding them on earth thru reaching into the heavenly realm using His far reaching authority and power that encompasses now all of heaven and earth (See Matthew 28:18-20)..
......Church, the course or the way of this nation is according to the saltiness of the Salt of the church applied or not applied, and the way we use the keys that Jesus gave us by which Jesus bound demons mouths shut often in many crowds, many towns, and cities..It is up to us. WE HAVE THE POWER...WE HAVE THE KEYS IN JESUS NAME.....In my Name bind the devil and cast out demons.....Jesus

Use this key with me in Jesus Name.
.....Father in Jesus Name we the church bind the devil from stopping revival from coming to America and the world and we loose the abounding grace of God to make the revival with the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord and the greatest harvest of souls saved into the kingdom of God happen greater than all the world and churches yesterday histories. Amen..

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law.....deno.

Law verses Grace...A revealing light is shinning...PRAY FOR UNDERSTANDING BEFORE YOU ENTER...deno.
.......That which gave the Mosaic Law its power over the people under that Law was the fact that it (THOSE LAWS) were COVENANT TERMS and RULES with attached consequences. If the members of the covenant obeyed the terms they became exceedingly blessed as Deuteronomy 28:1-14 reveals. But disobey those terms, those commandments and you got hit with the curses mentioned in the covenant agreement as revealed also in Deuteronomy 28:15-68....But here is the wisdom of God in redemption... Remove that covenant, abolish its terms or commandments and when you do that then the strength of the transgression (SIN) is made void or powerless over the people and the transgressions (sins) themselves are dissolved. For sin is the transgression of the Law or the transgressions of the terms of the covenant. But where there is not law sin is not imputed or there is no transgression. Friends that is Gods redemption wisdom.
......This mentioned above is where Paul got the revelation wisdom of 1 Cor 15:56...He wrote..The sting of death is sin and THE STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW (meaning the strength of sin is the terms of the covenant that gives sin its reality and power and its cursing power over the people that disobey them?... And when we say terms of the covenant we mean all the 600 plus commandments found in the Law God gave to Moses.
.......The Law was not just a law or just a set of powerless rules, it was the terms of that empowered binding covenant or agreement between the parties involved which was God and Israel. If you obeyed those laws, those terms of the covenant had injected powerful blessings attached to them by Gods glory to bless beyond measure the obedient ones ON EARTH, but it also had by the injected power of a swearing God devastating curses that could make life most miserable if you transgressed against the covenant terms.
.......Well Israel nor you or I could keep those terms of that old covenant to the high demand level it demanded which was perfection (James 2:10). As it is written, Cursed is every soul that is not faithful to do all the laws, the terms of this covenant.
.......Due to the weakness of our common sinful nature and due to the wickedness in our hearts, we had spots of transgressions and blemishes of lack of obeying those commandments, those covenant terms all over the place. So God, in his mercy and love, he made diverse atonement's for our covenant transgressions of the terms of that old covenant. God injected covenant mercies to rescue us, spare us, and to save us from our sins which were our covenant transgressions. God did this sparring and saving by the blood of bulls and of goats and of the heifers etc, outpoured until the final sacrifice would come which was Christ who by the sacrifice of himself he would put away the power of our sins and the power of sin itself which was the Law. Remove the Law and the transgressions under the Law are gone away with it. That my friends is REDEMPTION. It is the wisdom of God in the Cross of Christ. Christ on the Cross was going after the dissolving of that Law to kill it so that its power over his covenant people could be broken off them. The stronger member of the covenant came down from heaven to go to the cross for the transgressions of His People to bear their sins, the sins of the weaker vessel. Christ and him crucified was a mighty covenant Sacrifice. For the covenant transgressions of His people Jesus was stricken. Christ took the curse of their covenant transgressions into himself by becoming cursed for them on the tree. By his stripes they were covenant healed.
.......Here is Gods wisdom...We now know that the strength of sin is the Law. The Law was the terms of the empowered covenant that was able to bless richly the faithful ones or to curse horribly the transgressors, and it is worth noting that the transgressions of Gods people under the Law or under the old covenant was MANY...But listen to the wisdom of God in Christ..Romans 4:15) The law, which was the 600 plus commandments or terms of the old covenant, it worked wrath. Why? The BAR was to high. The bar was sin not at all, not even one time or you are under the curse (James 2:10). No soul could do that, not one of us but that was the Bar. But get a holt of this redemption wisdom light that we find in Romans 4:15...But where there is no laws or no terms of a covenant which gives transgression their power, remove those laws and THERE IS NO ACCOUNTED TRANSGRESSION because that old covenant terms no longer exist and therefore transgressions power over the people is dissolved. For the strength of sin is the Law, the terms of the covenant, BUT WHERE THERE IS NO LAW THERE IS NO TRANSGRESSION....
......But just how do you undo or get rid of that old covenant that the people be spared and the curses upon them removed?. You have to kill it. You have to destroy that old covenant with all its power to bless and to curse. You have to abolish its ordinances and commandments which are the terms of the covenant. Do that, and the people ARE MADE FREE....Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the old covenant by the sacrifice of himself. When he abolishes that old covenant and strips it of its power by the sacrifice of himself, all the transgressions made under that covenant by the people are all removed and TAKEN AWAY...That is how Christ took away the sins of Israel and of the whole world. By the sacrifice of himself Jesus destroyed Adams first covenant Law of sin and death and all the laws, all the terms of the old covenant given to us from God thru Moses. And you resurrect a New One...Behold Jesus said..My Blood is the blood of the NEW COVENANT...The New Covenant is Born of God in Christ and born of God in Christ are all the New Covenant Members. If you are not Born of God in Christ you are not a member of the New Covenant.
.....We find this happening in Ephesians 2:15 concerning the power of the sacrifice of Christ...We read that Jesus abolished in his flesh (in the sacrifice of his flesh unto death) all the friction and enmity that was in the old covenant. He even abolished the LAW OF COMMANDMENTS which were the terms of the old covenant ordinances...In Colossians 2:14 Paul speaks on this some more saying...Jesus blotted out the handwriting of ordinances (Covenant terms and transgressions) that were mounted up against us, which were contrary to us and Jesus took all of that out of the way NAILING THEM ALL TO DEATH TO HIS CROSS..
.......When Jesus the Lord from heaven, WHICH WAS HIMSELF THE LAW GIVER and maker of the terms of the old covenant) when he THE LAW GIVER tasted death, the Law, meaning all the terms of the old covenant was killed along with him. And when Christ rose again from the dead unto newness of life, even so the terms of the NEW COVENANT which is established upon better promises and better tender mercies, and greater compassion and a greater infilling and fellowship with God was also erected and ESTABLISHED.
.....Brethren, because the old covenant has been abolished and killed by the powerful death of the Law giver himself, we are no longer under the Law but under grace. Law was the old way, grace thru faith in Christ is now the New..Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law...We are no longer under the Law for Jesus killed it. Its power is only in the mind that is still blind to what Christ did for us on the Cross...We are not longer under the Law but under grace RISEN WITH CHRIST TO WALK IN NEWNESS OF SPIRIT AND OF LIFE IN THE FAITH WALK OF THE NEW COVENANT of tender mercies and incredible promises to them that believe and obey Christ....Amen ....deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Christ made it to their minds but they blocked him from entering their hearts.....share freely.....deno.

.......When Christ is part of your mental culture but not a part of your heart, such fits these words of Jesus..."But Lord they will say, you taught in our streets, and we saw you preaching in our cities, and we heard you in our synagogues...But Jesus said, to some of them I will say...I never knew you, you must leave my presence. Into outer darkness they will be cast".
.......Going to church on a few holy days of the year, listening to a priest or a preacher occasionally but living life all your way and not as a servant of the Lord can have unwanted consequence. Christ must be in your heart and not just in your head. Not just in your mental culture, your occasional thought life, or in your occasional awareness.
.......Jesus warned us that there is a deceptive worship and believe me, Satan is promoting it. Jesus revealed the deceptive worship in these words..He said, these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me. He said their doctrines are from men, not from God.
.......I love you friend...Love you enough to share with you the truth...Give your heart to Christ...Ask Jesus to save you. He died for your sins punishment and rose again to assure us of our salvation thru him...Ask Christ to come into your heart. Fill you with His grace and Spirit. Save you from your sins and teach you to live as he wants you to....Amen.

My personal defense of the Cross of Christ and its power to save unto the end.......deno

I'll say it again to all the opposers of the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
        Jesus would not be seated at the Fathers right hand in the throne of God if God was not satisfied with the sufferings and sacrifices of His Son. His Son Jesus Christ thru the blood of His Cross paid the price to save us from our sins and from all our unloving uncaring acts. Jesus would still be on this earth being abused and bruised if God was not fully satisfied.
        In the fact that Jesus iis SEATED now at the Fathers right hand upon the highest throne tells us God is making a HUGE REDEMPTION STATEMENT..
.....By sitting Jesus down at His own right hand after he raised His Son from the dead, God is signifying to us all that He is certainly satisfied and pleased with all the horror that His Son went threw to redeem us and to save us from sin and from the wrath to come.
...... You may not be satisfied with the sufferings of Jesus but the Father is and God is Boss. No one is above His Authority and Say So. All my trust is in the revelation and the fact that the Father is SATISFIED with the sufferings and Cross of His Son and I have my faith in the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB JESUS CHRIST. The blood of the Passover lamb worked for Moses and all of Israel that night and that Passover preached about Christ and the power of HIS BLOOD to come in a mystery that we are commanded to trust and put our confidence in.
.......Since therefor God is himself satisfied with the punishment and sufferings Jesus endured for our sins as to sit him down right next to him in glory, who are we to belittle Christ sacrifice as to say there is not enough power in the Cross of Christ to put all our faith and trust in and to save and redeem us when God raised us up together and himself made us sit down together with our Savior?....Shame on your belittling the ultimate sacrifice and it's Power to save...GET REAL.
        In Christ, Immanuel which means God With Us, God tasted death for every man to bring many sons and daughters unto glory, so saith the scriptures.That taste of death of Christ had a purpose. Chri St full taste of death by God is the most powerful reconciling us unto God power and most sweet to make peace for us with God when you understand its purpose thru the power of the Spirit of God that unveils light and reveals all redemption knowledge and understanding.
.......How dare any Jew or Gentile say that that great sacrifice that Emmanuel himself endured is weak and lacks power to redeem, to save or to reconcile...His sacrifice is why it is by Grace thru Faith and that not of ourselves it is THE GIFT OF GOD.
.......I will always defend the Cross of Christ as THE WAY...THE WAY TO SALVATION...THE WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE.....THE WAY TO CHANGE OF HEART and LIFE....Therein is the POWER OF GOD and from there was made the great purchase from which flows all the power and gifts of grace from God to save, to infill, and to change hearts and lives.....deno.....share freely.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Billy Graham - For God so loved...

The Cry Heard In Hell....share freely.....deno.

      Billions and billions cry out in hell beneath. The sound of their groaning's are the sounds of dread and hopelessness and torment. Weeping and nashing of teeth never ceases. They all long for the breeze of the beach and the peaceful sounds of crashing waves. They all long for the sound of children laughing and playing and singing. They all long for the fragrances of the flowers and the sights of the earths beauty they once knew. But they are faced with the realization that they will never see or taste or enjoy those things never again. Its all hell and its torments and sorrows for all their eternity....Please someone, please they cry. Please just one drop of water. Please, just one. Those are hells most common words.
       We plead with you on Christ behalf. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ Name to save you. Jesus died for our sins punishment and rose again for our salvation. But all his saving power cannot do anything for us if we do not lay holt on to it. To lay holt of Christ saving power we must repent and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead. Heaven notes our heart when we do and heaven writes it down when we call upon the Name of Jesus Christ for salvation.