Monday, June 5, 2017

Seeing thru the lie.....deno

......If love me don't judge me was of Gods Spirit and full truth, then there would be no hell. You could then do and live as you want and have nothing to worry about for there would be no judgement..But hell exist and why does it exist??? Because love me don't judge me does not work with God...It is a doctrine of devils sent forth from hell to mislead people to not worry about repenting of their wrong behavior....Keeping it real..Satan screamed at God in his heart, love me don't judge me, just let me live as i want..Just love love love and do so without judgement making no rules and drawing no lines. Satan right after that fell from heaven like lightning....deno.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.
......King David had a sin history liken unto us all. He also had a whole lot of wild and crazy things going on with his own children and family. And yet still, the bible declares that God used David in the ministry of a foretelling prophet that prophesied certain truths and events of Christ that was to come.
.......Folks lets all quit kidding ourselves. We can all talk about perfection and perfect relationships and families, but underneath our delusions we are all like David and his children and family. We all inside and out have spots, wrinkles and blemishes of all sorts. We all have imperfections galore. Still yet, For God So Loved...Still yet, God made good things to come forth from the most driest of grounds.... Still yet, from rock God made His refreshing water to flow....Still yet, when there was lack God brought forth plenty. Still yet, when there was hopelessness God made hope come back alive. Still yet, when Israels backs were pressed up against the wall God made a way thru the Sea...Still yet when there was sickness and disease God brought forth healing.. Still yet, when death was all over the scene God raised His Son from the dead....Still yet when the nets were empty God made a way that filled them up....Still yet when a woman was in the shame of the guilt of her sin, Still yet God forgave her and set her free and put a smile on that woman's face the world could not take away. Her soul was touched by God....
..... ..So there is you and I with all our flaws and imperfections, but let us not forget Gods STILL YET part. It is seen all thru the bible of God using such imperfect men and people who in themselves, in their relationships, and in their families had flaws and imperfections, but it was GODS STILL YET that made all the difference...Christ came to us from Gods STILL YET LOVE and Grace...Thank You God for...Still Yet......deno.....share freely.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

There really is no one good but God..I accept these words of Jesus.....deno.

......Sorry, but I am one of those that believes that there is no one really good but God as Jesus told us. Jesus either told us the truth in those words or he lied. I believe he would never lie to us..Being one of the not good ones as Jesus said, friend i confess to you that I do not walk on water. I do not do everything right, I have my faults, I get mad sometimes. I do not hit a home run every time I pray, and I may do some things that you would frown upon in your holier than thou position.
......I know me enough and Iv'e been around enough and seen enough to know that I need and we all need Christ and his grace, love, and mercy each and every day...Even those that preach the hardest have been known to sin the greatest.Is that not true?
......As all the wisdom in the world did not change the heart of Solomon and keep him from all that he did in the down and dirty, even so a great sermon does not always mean the heart is sinless or perfect, nor does the mighty shout of an Amen mean all is pure within the shouter..
.......I believe every honest heart will say, I have weaknesses and faults and sin in me sometimes and I need and we need Gods grace and mercy in Christ..Maybe I am wrong in this but this is what I believe...
........In this light that there is no one really good but God I accept that truth and walking in that truth I am free to love all into Christ seeing myself no better and no different than you..I am certainly not one of those that could ever say, God I thank you that I am not like the rest of these..Friends I know me and I know where i came from..
.......Sorry if this makes you look at me differently now, but only truth sets us free....So I say that I am what I am by the mercy and grace and gifts from God given me in Christ...The me and the you outside of these things is a terrible picture to look at..Accepting this truth sets me free to love and accept you with all your weakness and faults and you me with all mine as we grow together in Christ and his love and grace..Just a man pressing on In Christ.....deno.

Abba, meaning Dad my Daddy......deno....share freely.

......The word Abba used by Paul to describe our position with God in Christ means my father, but it goes even more intimate. It is like a child that cries to his father in love and in happy fascination DADDY...Each time Jesus said the word father, Israels ears heard him saying, DADDY MY DADDY...
......Being we are Gods dear children in Christ, we too should pray and call on the Father thinking and using the same intimacy as Jesus did saying, Daddy my Daddy. God has longed for the Church to wake up to this and call Him Dad, DADDY...Only Christ and His family of redeemed brothers and sisters has this depth of intimacy with God.
......You see when we pray and say father in Jesus Name in our approach to God, using that NAME means we also are approaching God in Jesus as Christ own flesh and bone and in the glory of Christ own CHILD LIKE INTIMACY WITH THE FATHER saying to God, Dad my Daddy...This could change your perspective. It can lead us all into a greater intimacy understanding and love walk with God, even to greater confidence in our prayer life....Dad my Daddy.
......That is always what Jesus said Dad my Daddy, and in His Name as His flesh and bone we pray and our mind needs to be set in and on Christ same child like intimacy with God our Dad my Daddy..The more we call Him Dad or my Daddy, the less the enemy can play with your mind and blessed assurance...Love you friend..PEACE.....deno.

The Spirit of the Lord is addressing all this FORTUNE TELLING going on in the church.....deno

.......I love and enjoy the good times like anyone. But there are times when God sobers us to His minds thinking..It is for our good. The Spirit of the Lord is addressing all this FORTUNE TELLING going on in the church.
.......Imagine Jesus who you know can never lie, saying to you at the beginning of your ministry that the day will come on earth when you shall die by the hand of others because you believe and belong and serve Me...Stay focused friends...Its not all about the the good times and the gains although we greatly welcome all that goodness and grace, but also for some, following Christ has a price..Have you not noticed how the Muslims are murdering Christians all around the world???
.......It is easy for all of us to shout his praise in the midst of joy and much comforts. But will we fall away when friends and family and the world turns against us for what we believe? Will we lay down HIS CROSS when under the fire of persecutions?
.......John the baptist greatly rejoiced in Christ appearing and visitation to Israel. His soul leaped with joy unspeakable and full of glory....But a few months later Herod's soldiers paid the same John a visit also in prison. In that discomfort John complained not..Somehow God is able to strengthen us in all our afflictions and persecutions whether it be to escape or to overcome them, or to endure them as John did...Keeping It Real folks...
.......P.S...Those of you that prophecy over people...If all you ever prophecy is peace and comfort and fame and fortune and yet you never declare upon anyone a warning nor any form of sufferings for Christ name sake you are prophesying from the human spirit and not from the all seeing Holy Ghost...The Lord rebukes you for your fantasy..True Watchman sound the warning and shout the alarm and tell it as it is good or bad and come what may...Lord this word is burning even so let it burn until we are purified from all our delusional prophesying and fortune telling in the Church......Love you friend......deno.