Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Message Of Hope.....Gods Greatest Blessings Rise From Anti Jesus Persecutions.......deno.......share freely.

         A Message Of Hope........In the midst of the greatest persecution against God that the world has ever heard of or seen Christ was crucified. Seen by the world as a defeat, but seen by the Christians eyes thru the Spirit, it was Gods greatest blessing to the world. The blessing of everlasting life and of the resurrection followed.
         In the midst of some of the greatest Anti Jesus movements the world has ever launched against Christ and Christians, Paul was beaten many times and imprisoned. From those wounds and from that prison cell the Spirit of the Lord rose up in Paul and from that environment God poured out another one of His greatest blessings to the church and to the world. Those blessings are the letters of Paul to the churches. What a mighty blessing that was from God to His children given right in the midst of great persecution.
          When the barrel of persecution was aimed at the beloved St. John he was exiled to an isle called Patmos away from the civilized world. and on that isle, there came the great day wherein He writes, Here exiled on the isle of Patmos for the word of the Lord and His testimony I WAS PULLED DEEP INTO THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD ON THE LORDS DAY and in the Spirit I SAW and I Heard....Church on that great blessing the church day, John wrote what he saw and heard from the Lord and from that persecution situation came to us the great blessing of the BOOK OF REVELATIONS.
         In this present atmosphere in America where there is a rise of the enemies of the Cross of Christ to persecute Christ and the Church and the Word of the Lord as to silence Christ voice and influence in America past, present, and future, we can be assured God sees, God is Aware, and God has His blessing in store...Lets believe. Lets ask. Let us be in the anticipation of faith and of real hope for HIS BLESSING to our generation. As it is written, Hope Thou In God......deno.....share freely.

Repent & Believe The Message Of His Cross......deno.......share freely.

       He loved us to warn us. He preached to us judgement and the need for Christ for the forgiveness of sins. He preached that there was healing at the cross of Christ and free justification for everyone in Christ resurrection, received in all who believe. That men need to humble themselves and repent and to turn from their wicked ways. He told us, the world was evil but God still loves us and still wills us good if only the nations would all humble themselves in repentance and meet God at the Cross of His Son Jesus Christ.
       Evidently these below listened to a different sort of a preacher, a non peace maker. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Satan transformed as a messenger of light only to spread division and evil. Wonder what is the message of the words to the beat they listen to. Could it be Love one another? Evidently many still haven't heard the TRUE MESSAGE. Or maybe they heard but refused to heed or believe as to make a difference in their life and conduct. Maybe the message went cross grain with the lust they daily chased to gratify in all forms of sin and wrong.
       Those were violent times in the days of Noah. Sin and hardness of heart was every where to the four corners of the earth. Men were proud, arrogant, self serving, sinful, uncaring, and roamed as beast without restraint or shame. They had no honor of life. No decency of thought. They defied God, His message and authority. Their hearts looked for reasons and for open doors and for excuses to express the beast and the bad and the shallowness of thought that roamed within them. Their hearts, the bible says, was set to do evil continuously.
       God rose up in His disgust of their behavior and His wrath He poured out from heaven and rained out His judgments upon them in the great flood. Then afterwards using Moses, God gave the Law of Commandments contained in ordinances to restrain the evil beast in man. Then after the reign of the Law that showed us all how guilty we all are before God, God then sent His Son to the Cross to save us from our guilt and from our sins by repentance and by faith in Christ blood, death, and resurrection. After Jesus rose from the dead and went back up into heaven and sat back down in the Throne with His Father, He and the Father ceased from their redemption labors. No other message will come from heaven. No other Cross will Christ have to endure. All that is left now is the clock of His grace ticking down the finals seconds. Please, cries the Spirit. Repent and believe and turn from evil lest your pride drown you with eternal perdition. It is not to late. Repent and believe the Message of His Cross......deno......share freely.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Unstable Souls That Refuse To Cease From Sin. The Threat To Americas Society........share freely.....deno.

      People that have no real faith that can bring to the heart the Spirit of the Lord and His righteous convictions; Plus wicked people that love not God or America, who are not Patriotic, they have no inner heart tie God, to righteousness, or to the nation they live in, they are a serious threat to the health, peace, and welfare of our society. 
      The devil for a couple of decades now has been at work pounding in them his message and ways by song, by demonic lyrics of hate and distrust, and has been patiently forming his evil wicked spirits formations inside the heart of a generation in our nation effecting both male and female. 
      These are people whose morals are without restraint or sensory of convictions, and they have no time nor need in their eyes for repentance. Little true love was shown them, little love they have to give. Peter said, they are unstable souls, brute beast that have no fear of God in their eyes. They despise authority, and they cannot cease from sin. 
      Our streets today in America are full of these. They have drifted so far away in their hearts rebellion and sin that their constant way in the wrong they perceive is the right thing to do, and what is right and lawful they consider the wrong path of choice. They are and will be a thorn in our nations side unless the curse is broken off of those people in the spirit. Only giving their heart FOR REAL to Christ Jesus can break the snare that possesses their envious souls, their unstable souls. Like Paul said, in the latter times, a people will arise without normal healthy natural affections. (2 Timothy 3:1-7) (2 Peter 2:12-22) (Jude entire chapter).....deno......share freely.

Oh That Old Snake Skin Called The Sinful Flesh. Who Can Bear It?......deno......share freely.

       Our bodies called by Paul the sinful flesh do not want to do what the Holy Spirit says and leads to do. How could it? It is sinful flesh, not holy flesh as some creatures in heaven have. The Holy Spirit says pray today for an hour. The sinful flesh RISES UP IN RESISTANCE and wants to go to sleep, or run the roads, go to a movie, or maybe shopping, or facebook all day. Anything but pray for an hour.
        The Holy Spirit says, I want you to fast for 2 days. You flesh suspects the threat to one of it's favorite delights Pizza, and it is Pizza night at your house and home. Your flesh is used to eating all the Pizza Hut it wants on family Pizza night whenever it wants so it turns on the hunger pains for Pizza and not only do you end up eating a whole Pizza yourself but you also end up eating 1 whole bucket of KFC on top of that. The power of the sinful flesh and its cravings. How many of us has the sinful flesh kept from the further blessings God has in store for them if they would only control the sinful flesh instead of the sinful flesh directing our path.
       The Holy Spirit says be still and be quiet today, and your flesh rebels and wants to thunder a lightning loud conversation out its mouth. The Holy Spirit says, don't look, don't watch, and your flesh can't get enough of the sight. The Holy Spirit says don't listen to that kind of music and the sinful flesh says GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN I'm not under Law but under grace. I can listen to, look at, and touch all I want. Sound familiar to anyone? Can any of you relate? I can. Paul the great apostle himself could. Read Romans 7:7-25. Galations  5:13-26. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
        Paul said, But as many as are lead by the Spirit of God (That means also as many as obey the Holy Spirit of God) they are the children of God..Lets repent and keep pressing ONWARD....Father in Jesus Name I ask that we your children in Christ will BY GRACE overcome the control the sinful flesh has had on our lives and over our walk and relationship with You and begin to please you by the Holy Spirit, in the Spirit, and thru the Spirit more abundantly..Amen......deno......share freely.

More Of The Spirit Of The Lord......deno......share feely.

      If you will stop wrestling for peoples attention and wrestle only for Gods attention, you will find yourself in the path of the blessings of the Lord and in the path of the life lived where you continuously are experiencing God honoring you. 
        Jesus said in the book of John that those that God exalts, and those that God draws near and gets involved and promotes are the ones that seek the honor and attention and praise not from people, but from God only. Jesus lived exactly this way. He lived each day to please God his Father only to receive Gods attention and praise and honor ONLY and God the Father honored Jesus for that devotion to Him, giving Jesus His Presence and Spirit without measure performing his every prayer for the people. 
      Do you remember what Gods Spirit did and His Spirit accomplished in the Beginning when He moved over the face of the deep? The whole creation came forth. Just think what could happen in your life with more of the grace and Spirit of the Lord working for you, in you, with you, thru you, and not against you every day. Imagine the life where God is HONORING YOU every day, every where you go. Well lets do as Jesus did. Learn to live for Gods attention and praise and honor only. It is so worth the life of living sacrifices.....
      The More of the Lord Spirit and the less of us equals blessings abundant and joy and happiness truly made full. A truly fulfilled life in Christ.....deno.....share freely.

The Deceivers Clever Hiss.......share freely......deno

       None of us can look at all the sin, the darkness, the worlds curse, the hate, the crimes, the frictions between the nations and the races, the murders, the divorces, the rapes, the abortions, the stealing and the thieving, the drug abuse, the fighting's, the word breaking, the wars, the friend betrayals, the filthy talking, the poverty or the hunger, and by the sight of all those things know or understand that God is Love, nor can those things tell is how great God loves us. Those evil things are Satan laid to hurt, divide and to deceive. All of those things are of evil and not of God, nor of Jesus, but are all done by evil people and their union with Satan.  Jesus said to them, You are of your father the devil, and his evil desires you do. He was a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies and deceptions that destroy.
       We are to look only to the Cross of Christ for the truth of the love God has for us answers and reality. Looking elsewhere is straying from the light and from the truth to other deceiving voices, and like a sheep that strays away from the fold, you could get devoured by the lions and the wolves out there who hang out in this world arrayed with all it's hate and sin and bitterness who use it to stir up trouble and preach deceiving words about God.  Listen the present condition of this world with all its troubles, problems, with all its hate and evils, it can tell you all about the devil, but very little about God, about how He Is Love, and His great Love for us. 
        Watch out for those evil people that with lies and with real world looking delusions hiss at you trying to remove your eyes from the exceeding great love that the Cross of Christ preaches. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever believed in Jesus and the blood of His Cross and Resurrection would not perish but would have everlasting life. Keep That Your Hearts Faith and constant Focus and it will go well with you....share freely......deno.

Please Join In Prayer For Oprah Winfrey.....We all love her....Lets lift her up in prayer that her eyes will be re-opened and she returns to the Lord......deno......share freely.

        The Word of truth, the scriptures foretold us that in the latter times these words would be fulfilled.."And some will depart from the truth giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of misleading demonic spirits"....Satan smiles and Lucifer always looks like he is having a great time as he preaches his lies pulling people off and away from the Cross of our redemption....This is very sad what has happened to our beautiful and precious Oprah. But that is why it is so dangerous to go to church not having the true connecting Holy Spirit that causes the heart and its faith to cleave to Christ and Him crucified and risen from dead. My sheep hear MY VOICE and they do follow Me and another's Voice they will not follow.
     When one tries to say God is everything to all people depending on their own individual path, so all paths lead to God, that is MODERN IDOLATRY....It is a new cover for idols and false paths everywhere. Follow yourself and yourself shall be your guiding light to God after all life teaches us that self is always right and self is never wrong. Right? No. SO WRONG. How many times in life in different matters or equations have ourselves thought we were Oh SO RIGHT even as to swear by it, only to find out later on HOW WRONG WE REALLY WERE? How can lies be right? They can't. This to you is your god and way. That other thing to him is his path and god. All paths lead to the same ONE AND THE SAME END....SO WRONG. 
       Even Jesus and the Word of God says so. One scripture, There are many ways that seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction... Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE comes unto the Father but thru Me. Jesus knew that his Cross would be the saving launching platform for all thereby by faith, could ASCEND UNTO GOD. He said, Narrow is the way that leads to life but few find it and few enter in. Broad and wide is the way that leads to destruction and the many go down that path. It is also written, Be not wise in you own thinking. Fear the Lord, repent and depart from evil and run from the things of darkness that deceive and blind men unto eternal ruin.
......New Age Idolatry says there are many paths to God, many ways to God. No specific way. That is unanchored souls making up THEIR OWN RULES by what they think and by what they see and perceive of people all around the world are doing, instead of getting their information from the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus told the disciples and he told us to go into ALL THE WORLD in the midst of all those beliefs and PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THEM, the Word of THE TRUTH..

      But if you do not have the Spirit of the Lord, you can more easily believe lies and deceptions and be led astray (2 Thessalonians 2:1-13) and fall right into the devils ear tickling snare.....
Folks, even to preach for one to forget the Cross and go back to the law of commandments given to Moses and do them for that is your salvation, EVEN THAT TO CHRIST IS NOW IDOLATRY. It is false and not right and it was God who gave the tablets but for to lead us to the need for Jesus Christ  and Him Crucified. How much more Oprahs' New Age Anything Goes Doctrines God will not accept........deno.......CLICK BELOW TO WATCH VIDEO.

Oprah Winfrey openly denied Jesus Christ the Only Savior.
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