Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Christ made it to their minds but they blocked him from entering their hearts.....share freely.....deno.

.......When Christ is part of your mental culture but not a part of your heart, such fits these words of Jesus..."But Lord they will say, you taught in our streets, and we saw you preaching in our cities, and we heard you in our synagogues...But Jesus said, to some of them I will say...I never knew you, you must leave my presence. Into outer darkness they will be cast".
.......Going to church on a few holy days of the year, listening to a priest or a preacher occasionally but living life all your way and not as a servant of the Lord can have unwanted consequence. Christ must be in your heart and not just in your head. Not just in your mental culture, your occasional thought life, or in your occasional awareness.
.......Jesus warned us that there is a deceptive worship and believe me, Satan is promoting it. Jesus revealed the deceptive worship in these words..He said, these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me. He said their doctrines are from men, not from God.
.......I love you friend...Love you enough to share with you the truth...Give your heart to Christ...Ask Jesus to save you. He died for your sins punishment and rose again to assure us of our salvation thru him...Ask Christ to come into your heart. Fill you with His grace and Spirit. Save you from your sins and teach you to live as he wants you to....Amen.

My personal defense of the Cross of Christ and its power to save unto the end.......deno

I'll say it again to all the opposers of the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
        Jesus would not be seated at the Fathers right hand in the throne of God if God was not satisfied with the sufferings and sacrifices of His Son. His Son Jesus Christ thru the blood of His Cross paid the price to save us from our sins and from all our unloving uncaring acts. Jesus would still be on this earth being abused and bruised if God was not fully satisfied.
        In the fact that Jesus iis SEATED now at the Fathers right hand upon the highest throne tells us God is making a HUGE REDEMPTION STATEMENT..
.....By sitting Jesus down at His own right hand after he raised His Son from the dead, God is signifying to us all that He is certainly satisfied and pleased with all the horror that His Son went threw to redeem us and to save us from sin and from the wrath to come.
...... You may not be satisfied with the sufferings of Jesus but the Father is and God is Boss. No one is above His Authority and Say So. All my trust is in the revelation and the fact that the Father is SATISFIED with the sufferings and Cross of His Son and I have my faith in the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB JESUS CHRIST. The blood of the Passover lamb worked for Moses and all of Israel that night and that Passover preached about Christ and the power of HIS BLOOD to come in a mystery that we are commanded to trust and put our confidence in.
.......Since therefor God is himself satisfied with the punishment and sufferings Jesus endured for our sins as to sit him down right next to him in glory, who are we to belittle Christ sacrifice as to say there is not enough power in the Cross of Christ to put all our faith and trust in and to save and redeem us when God raised us up together and himself made us sit down together with our Savior?....Shame on your belittling the ultimate sacrifice and it's Power to save...GET REAL.
        In Christ, Immanuel which means God With Us, God tasted death for every man to bring many sons and daughters unto glory, so saith the scriptures.That taste of death of Christ had a purpose. Chri St full taste of death by God is the most powerful reconciling us unto God power and most sweet to make peace for us with God when you understand its purpose thru the power of the Spirit of God that unveils light and reveals all redemption knowledge and understanding.
.......How dare any Jew or Gentile say that that great sacrifice that Emmanuel himself endured is weak and lacks power to redeem, to save or to reconcile...His sacrifice is why it is by Grace thru Faith and that not of ourselves it is THE GIFT OF GOD.
.......I will always defend the Cross of Christ as THE WAY...THE WAY TO SALVATION...THE WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE.....THE WAY TO CHANGE OF HEART and LIFE....Therein is the POWER OF GOD and from there was made the great purchase from which flows all the power and gifts of grace from God to save, to infill, and to change hearts and lives.....deno.....share freely.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Billy Graham - For God so loved...

The Cry Heard In Hell....share freely.....deno.

      Billions and billions cry out in hell beneath. The sound of their groaning's are the sounds of dread and hopelessness and torment. Weeping and nashing of teeth never ceases. They all long for the breeze of the beach and the peaceful sounds of crashing waves. They all long for the sound of children laughing and playing and singing. They all long for the fragrances of the flowers and the sights of the earths beauty they once knew. But they are faced with the realization that they will never see or taste or enjoy those things never again. Its all hell and its torments and sorrows for all their eternity....Please someone, please they cry. Please just one drop of water. Please, just one. Those are hells most common words.
       We plead with you on Christ behalf. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ Name to save you. Jesus died for our sins punishment and rose again for our salvation. But all his saving power cannot do anything for us if we do not lay holt on to it. To lay holt of Christ saving power we must repent and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead. Heaven notes our heart when we do and heaven writes it down when we call upon the Name of Jesus Christ for salvation.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The sons and daughters of the beast.....share freely.....deno.

......The sons and the daughters of the Beast can be recognized with ease. They cut people heads off thinking they are doing Gods work. They are the most deceived of all.
.......The sons and the daughters of the Beast of the book of Revelations, Jesus said that the lust of their father (which is the devil) they will do. They will lie, cheat, STEAL, LOOT. Jesus said they are thieves, despise decency, hate authority, love darkness. They are self boasting, proud, haughty, violent, brutal, destructive, unkind, uncaring, irresponsible, lazy, unfruitful, wicked in the tongue, vulgarity is their language.
.......The children of the beast, they are full of jealousies and rich in envy. They are covenant breakers, untrustable. Their eyes are always roaming with unfaithfulness. To sin unto sin they run. They live for fleshly pleasures rather than living for God. They love sin and its pleasures and hate righteousness. They curse, swear in public having no regard for God, elders, or children. They listen to the devils rhymes and dance to the beat of demonic chanting's.
..... The children of the beast, they are cocky, arrogant, puffed up people. They walk and talk proudly. They grab their crotch as if to speak. They mug, murder, and make a mess of themselves and of the world. They are fit for nothing but eternal destruction. Peter and Paul called them the Cursed Children that refuse to cease from sin fearing not the wrath of God unto damnation.
.....Jesus would love to save them, but they love darkness more than light and refuse to humble themselves unto repentance. Even if they did seem to repent, it is to bring more worship and attention to themselves than to be real and sincere toward God. They are vain. As soon as they leave the church service they are looking for the fellowship and pleasures of sin. They are lions looking to devour the lioness or the lioness looking to devour the lions even in the church. One of the first demons Jesus cast out was inside a man in a synagogue.
......Having their eyes full of unfaithfulness and adultery, and they cannot cease from sin nor care to repent. They are beguiling souls always with their tongues and flatteries leading women and men into harlotry. They are unstable souls whose heart has been over and over again exercised in sin after sin after sin, CURSED CHILDREN..These children of the beast and for the fire are now multiplying amongst us..They have no shame. No desire to change. Their hearts again have become as stone.....2 Peter 2:9-19 and much more...To whom does our heart belong?...Let us all repent if repentance is the fruit God sees we need...Im repenting daily it seems....Do you need to do the same ?...deno.
They laugh at truth and mock Gods light.

The Spirit of Elijah known as John the baptist is still preaching..Are we willing to listen?....deno.

........One day a man of God, actually the greatest prophet and man of God ever born into this world thru a woman came into a modern day church. He was wearing camels skin with its hair around his waist and shoulders with a rope tied around him as his belt. His hair was sort of wild and his beard was rather a bushy bush and he had a container of wild honey strapped around his shoulder. Grasshoppers and wild honey was his diet.
.......This man of God was filled with the Spirit and Mind of God from his mothers womb. From his conception God was teaching him all he wanted him to preach to HIS PEOPLE.
.......Passing thru his mothers womb and growing up in God out and away from the hustle and bustle of this world, the Word of God came to him clearly.
.......One day that man who was the greatest prophet of God that ever lived was asked some questions when he visited that fancy modern day church that sparkled and shined with gleam. In one of his answers to a question, John by the Spirit of the Lord at that fancy big church said, Well you should be content with such things as you have. Cause no one unjust harm. Take advantage of no one and never accuse someone falsely or give out fake or false news about people.
.........Another asked him about taxes and John told him, You should be honest when you do your taxes for God the judge judges all you say and do.
........Others asked him what they should do and John answered, Be charitable. Share your possessions and clothes and food with the needy and be thankful and be CONTENT with your pay.
.......So I ask you...What does the Spirit that you preach by tell you to preach ? Does it clash against or go contrary to what John the greatest prophet and man of God ever born thru a woman, and who was filled with the Spirit of the Lord from his conception preached? Church are we content? Or are we preaching now to chase vanity and to gobble up all we can from the gold dust falling from the trees??????
.......Paul who preached about giving and receiving and about sowing and reaping ALSO PREACHED THAT WE SHOULD BE CONTENT WITH SUCH THINGS AS WE HAVE..FOR WE BROUGHT NOTHING INTO THIS WORLD and surely we will not take anything of this world with us. So let us with food, clothing, and shelter BE CONTENT...Pauls words did not clash with John the baptist, the greatest prophet that ever lived sermons.
.......Our extra and excess is for blessings and for joy and for us being used by God to answer other peoples cries and prayers and needs...Not for self pile up in excess..Its great to have plenty and more than enough...But the more than enough has a calling of God attached to it also..Let us walk worthy of that calling and you that are rich do not fall short of it..(Remember what Jesus said about the poor man Lazarus and the self absorbed rich man)...For one of them it was a very sad ending that no period to its torment could ever be found.
.......Paul said let them that are rich be charitable. Be givers. Be willing to share and do so..You can be rich and content at the same time..You can be rich and the greatest giver at the same time..The heart is the matter in this.......deno.Image may contain: one or more people

I will spew you out of My mouth. A New Look at that scripture..This may surprise you.....deno.

Something to think about.
.......When our Lord and heavenly Father told that church in the book of Revelations that he was going to spew them out of His mouth if they did not obey and adjust to his counsel and do what he told them, the Lord was talking to HIS CHILDREN and not to his enemies. Those Jesus loves, he rebukes and chastises....He was rebuking them and about to chastise, not condemn them to hell as if he has no interceding power to save or to redeem.
.......Let us think about something here....When God spewed Jonah out of HIS MOUTH, out of the fishes mouth after he chastised Jonah, Jonah was spewed out closer to Nineveh where Jonah was supposed to have gone..God in his chastisement of Jonah in the belly of the fish, God was also transporting Jonah closer to His will and to Jonahs duty.
......Chastisement from God always has a will of God purpose attached to it. When God spewed Jonah out of the mouth of HIS USE, Jonah was ready to obey God and do what he told him to do. That spewing taught Jonah to obey the Lord and caused him to bring forth the fruits of the will of God in his life. God did not spew Jonah out of His Mouth into hell, but into His purpose and will...Something to think about.
.......Our saving covenant that we have with God in the blood of Jesus Christ is FAR GREATER in saving power, keeping power, attachment and strength than what Jonah had interceding for him in the old covenant..
.......Friend since God can save the worse of sinners, surely he can save the stubborn servants of his...He has the power and the love to do so..Look on the bright side of grace..The hope it gives us is greater than all sins and stubbornness.
........Are you and i in the belly of the fish right now? If so, despite the pain and the discomforts we are being transported closer to the will of God for us...I know and believe in the love God has for both sinner and saint, for the faithful servants and for the Jonahs that God is dealing with...It is better to be in the belly of the fish than to be in the hell beneath...Let us repent quickly and get our heart and serving God right.....deno.