Thursday, April 14, 2016

Salt verses Sweet......written by deno.......share freely.

       When we study the gospels we find out important things about Jesus' dealings with Satan. We find that where Satan is, the finger of God first points and then God pours out the power to bind and to remove the devil, but not without the Sons of God involved. We also discover that if Satans schemes have no known whereabouts, the children have no place to aim. Knowing Satans scheme and whereabouts is important. Much like the fact that even ones desire in prayer to God must have its known recognizable specific identity for the Spirit of the Lord to move a specific direction, and a Kings command must have it's targeted aim so that the decree of HIS POWER will have direction and known purpose. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.
       Jesus our Lord, he always first found out the demons specific whereabouts and then He said, WHO ARE YOU? to know their identity. Once that was established, then came down the fire of His Power directed by HIS DIRECTED ON PURPOSE AIM and he cast him out with the spiritual weapon of his warfare and destroyed his work. There are spiritual weapons and there are righteous physical weapons we are to use against the manifold schemes and works of the enemy. 
       Let not the children of God walk as blind for we are called to know even the hidden things of darkness to bind and to uproot their strongholds. Even the scripture over and over again in the book of the gospels and of the Acts REVEALED the IDENTITY OF who those organizations were that stirred up friction against the Son of God and against His SERVANTS (The Chrurch). Ask Paul, he knew exactly who slapped his face and ordered the stripes on his back and the stonings. Satan and demons Paul always cast out, but evil men who are evil flesh themselves often act with INDEPENDENT WILLS OF THEIR OWN against the things of God and his church, and those opposing men used swords and spears and whips and stones and organized movements against Jesus, Paul and the Church, from their kingdoms called the kingdom of men.
       Every evil in the world can be traced back to what Satan caused a long time ago, but every evil is not of his hands. Satan tempts but men choose. Billions of men join Satan in hell for their own sins. So likewise, there are a lot of good deeds done in this world, but not every good deed is of Gods Sons hands. A religion of kindness and of good deeds that at the same time spits and mocks at the Name of Jesus Christ and his gospel, is a religion of great good deception wrought in the form of sweet kindness. It's deceiving spirit is subtle and the evil prince of its deceiving power is hard for many to see thru. For it all SEEMED SO SWEET (but it lacked the saving SALT of CHRIST).
        Before every rebuke from the Lord He proclaims His aim whether His rebuke be to a person, to a church, or to a city, or to a nation, or to the whole world. When the world becomes to stubborn to listen to His Spirit, which is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the book of Revelations reveals God moves to the next level of the warfare and mountains fall and men run into the caves. And to God, His targets in that hour He  first identifies as His Sons enemies and then the earth itself shakes violently under their feets whereabouts at His Strong Rebuke. Even physical hail comes down upon them at His Spiritual Command. God takes up Arms from His Own Physical Weaponry.
        Satan can be in people crying out their demonic venom into the world and Satan can be in the organizations of men who war against the Church and against the Son of God. The natural worlds legal system has its place in the warfare. Let the lawyers for Christ not be asleep or lazy against what these organizations are doing against Christ and this nation. (Those organizations against Christ are not lazy and they are organized by blindness and by the stealth of Satan). Should God not also have His representatives on the earth fighting for His Sons Name, Cause, Light, Ways and Honor with their visible arsenal of human wit, authority, ink, voice, and power? 
.......(Note..Going off track just for a second here, but this needs to be said.....Just one dollar from a million believing fighting christians is a million dollars a month to help support those CHRISTIAN Law firms that fight in the courts for the rights of Christ and christians in America. We have at least a hundred million christians in this nation. Just think of the power and the weight Christians could launch for Christ in America if a million Christians gave 10 dollars each a month to the internal and external causes for Christ in this nation? 
      The enemies of Christ and of our faith are financed highly. That first 30 pieces of silver has drawn great interest in the last days. Financed by the interest gained in those 30 pieces of silver the enemies of Jesus are throwing their weight all over this nation in the courts with all expenses paid by the left to drive out Christ, to silence the use of HIS NAME in public, and prayer, and the Ten Commandments, and they want to snuff out the christian influence in the public arena of America's schools, politics, and government facilities, and operations. They are being SALTY for Satan while convincing the church to just be SWEET FOR CHRIST by the clever and crafty us of a word called TOLERANCE. Shall the Light of the world and the Salt of the earth  DO LESS FOR JESUS IN THE NATION FOUNDED ON GOD IN CHRIST AND BIBLICAL CONVICTIONS FOR LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ? 
       Let us all now become highly engaged and get richly involved in the fight and support those organizations that fight for Christ in the courts of America..People like David Barton and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) are two organizations proven honorable and worthy of our prayers and financial support in this most important end times atmosphere battle. Let's do it for Jesus, for our children, and for our Nation for blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...Jesus is Lord. ........Believers, we cannot remain Sweet in this, LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF OUR NATION, even some atheist cry at the course and the rottening they see of the American society. If we do, if we remain just sweet and not SALT we will lose even more ground and more spiritual territory in this nations soil and soul to the enemies of Christ. WE MUST BECOME SALTIER THAN EVER BEFORE.
         Now let's get back on the inspiration track...What i am about to say now, do not misinterpret. It is meant for wisdom from insight given, and not for disgrace. Don't run from it at first glance....Here it is, there are 2 of them.
.........First one.....Even Peter backed away from confrontation one time when he should have been standing his gospel ground. He backed away from the stand and from the fight because of FEAR of the confrontation and the Lord rebuked him. (In Peter's action he went from Salt to being Sweet in fear of confrontation and Paul God used to rebuke him sharply). 
.........So in the light of that we write now the second one and this remember, do not run from this light at first glance; Here it is....(Sometimes, not always just sometimes,  a prayer can be the act of a fear filled coward who uses prayer as a means to not face off his enemy and runs from the works that are really threatening. What do we mean? If David had that kind of heart and was just SWEET, then the enemies of Israel would have taken over Israel with all its women and children and its riches the day the Giant rose up to mock Israel and its God). Remember, do not misinterpret that saying. For prayer is powerful and effective against the spirits for the demons are subject to us IN Jesus Name. But not all the evil going on in this nation and in this world is devils a loose BUT EVIL FLESH AND BLOOD called MEN who themselves are evil by nature. Men stand before God to be judged for their own evils, not Satans. Satans evils must be dealt with thru the authority of the Word of Gods power and Name in prayer and in faith. But the evils of men by both prayer and physical action in formations of response.
        The church must not lay down any structure of her authority and power in this nation and in the battle for souls and for Christ. Its all in the arsenal of Salt and of Christ. Because she (The Church) laid down her achieved rule over this territory (over this nation) and did not fight a good fight to maintain the garden entrusted unto her in this land, America was shoveled way to the left where the goats the Lord said shall be gathered. She (the church in America) was told "BE SWEET", and she fell right into the hands of the enemies of Christ. She lost the morality of this nation to dogs and to the thieves and to men who erect businesses made out of sin, and to men who have no honor in whom Satan dwells in stealth attachments.
      She (the church) was talked into being SWEET by evil men who plotted with demonic SALT, who had an evil robbing bitter agenda (using Political Correctness and other schemes called TOLERANCE in both bold and stealth counter operations to conquer the soul and conscience of America to turn day into night, and to turn light into the love of darkness, and to exchange THE TRUTH for the Serpent's lies).
      They did all this satanic damage to the nation while to many of the Churches Watchman did as Peter did. Peter the Pastor of the Church, fearing the opposition he told the Church to BACK OFF and to be sweet and not salty. For decades now in our time, many pastors have commanded the church to back off as well and just BE SWEET and NOT SALTY and they have added their own drawing back delusion to their compromise. In fear of real confrontation that comes by being pure Salt in Christ, and thru a new look at the splendors of this age, we find many overseers of today's church sending their sheepfold away over and over again Sunday after Sunday promising them loads and loads of the milk and of the honey of this world yet without a cow nor a bee to draw it from. God forgive us all of every sermon or lesson that we've ever taught or preached that in your eyes were clouds without Your Water in them, but were lies or misinterpretations that could not fill, but only frustrate.
        We are now seeing the results of the Church just being SWEET & TOLERANT and what it did to this nation called America. Her faith identity, her convictions and creeds, her freedoms, and what she is and what she stands for are now all in question and in a maze of confusion. Even her traditional morals spawned from the bible are treated as by by words of the past. She is so confused she no longer can tell up from down, nor male from female, nor right from wrong, nor what is light from what is of darkness; nor what is of heaven and what is of hell. The nation is drunk with its own shame and mingled delusions of serving God and Mammon.
        Like Jesus said, If the Salt of the world loses its saltiness, evil and evil people take over the thrones of power and do so trampling over the salt that lost its seasoning. There is no Salt that exist that is SWEET....And if to you Salt is Sweet you've been deceived....Love me don't judge me did not come from God nor from HIS SON'S SALT...It was brought into the mix misused, spawned by perverted demons in SWEET MEN who love sweet and despise the Salt. These same men of the sweet that depise the SALT say love me don't judge me and such words they cleverly selected to use because of their refusal to heed Gods call to stop this sin and to repent. They even are known to cry, I believe in God and Jesus yet they make up their own rules. Why call me Lord Lord said the Holy One of Israel when you refuse to do what I say. This tolerance being now imposed on the American society has the power to destroy the world and bring to dust the glory of a nation even who once knew God and Light. This that is being imposed on the American society is driven by a powerful demonic force sent to this nation to upend more of her heavenly strength that has been in her from the prayers of her beginnings, and to crack further her moral foundations. Its weight is heavy and strong against America's founding pillars.
       And if a father walks into his house and thieves possessed by devils have broken in to steal and to kill and to destroy and men are trying to rape his wife and daughter and the father is just SWEET, then he and his loved ones will be run over. When he walks in and sees that evil going on of men against his wife and daughter, is the weapon of his warfare for that event spiritual or physical? Sweet or Salt, words or action? Or is it time for the man of faith to find him a slingshot with some stones in it turning his love and spiritual faith into physical formations? Christ prayed but he also went and got the hammer and the nails to destroy our enemies that had risen up against us.
       Sometimes Salt and the Spirit of Right and of Righteousness is forced to become flesh and physical formations to deal with powers of the darkness and to deal with those under Satan's spell and those who themselves by themselves are evil brute beast who despise authority, who honor not their parents, and who have little respect for life. These are the monsters of the flesh of this present evil world who live and do as their father the devil would depict to steal, kill, terrorize, and to destroy and to take away the peace of a society. Be sweet to them and they will destroy you and society. The devil loves it when people esp., THE CHURCH, TOLERATES him and his ways and push. We must BE SALTY against the monsters and not SWEET, for only in being salty to them have they any hope of change and to be purified and society kept in peace. 
        He that told us to love one another is He that told us also to NEVER LOSE OUR SALT or we would get run over by evil and by evil men. Tolerance of evil is like the sparing of the rod. God said such comes from HATE not from LOVE and that kind of tolerance God said would spoil the child. Just think what it will do to a society that TOLERATES most every wicked and perverse thing. America is now spoiled and becoming rot because of to much SWEET and to little of CHRIST REAL SALT. This will not change unless the CHURCH GETS REAL WITH GOD FROM THE HEART. The fancy shows want do it. DAY UNTO DAY  REAL SALT WILL, but not without the bees stirred up against us tempting us with their sweet.
        Many times in this evil world, the Spirit of Righteousness must take up BOTH SWORDS against Satan, His Craft, against his schemes and to topple his works. Do we go to the Doctors for the use of their stainless steel formed weapons against disease? Yes and we bless their weapons that they use against our common enemies of disease. Shall we disarm our doctors and take away their weapons against the evils and against the enemy of disease? The ridiculous wisdom given from Sweet might, but wisdom given from Salt never would. Not until death is swallowed up in victory and not until faith has no trace of doubt.
        And, We should never weaken, nor disarm this nations military strength and SALT POWER made for defence and for peace; nor disarm our police officers, nor THIS NATIONS citizens as the SWEET daily contemplate, wish for, and speak of. They are under the spell of SWEETS STRONG DELUSION. For to do so is an act of the deceived who live in a fairy tale called SWEET. 
     Friends let's face it, we are not living in the days of heaven on earth but in the days of hell on earth and Jesus warned us that it is going to get a whole lot worse before He returns with HIS SALT to make it a whole lot HIS BETTER. Therefore we should not lay down THE SALT our christian authority and power given us in Christ nor any of the weapons of our warfare for peace. Nor should the Lords Salt and Lawyers for Christ and Christianity lay down their SALT power and pens and voices and the christian people their votes against those organizations that seek to take away Christ and religious freedoms in this nation by the ridiculous wisdom and deceptions and lies that come from SWEET.....Sweet caused the decay, Salt preserves and heals..Enough said....Jesus is Lord....To God Be The Glory.......deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Candle Cannot Endure the Heat of the Fire.......deno......share freely.

......It is not fitting for any of us to proclaim a message of self perfection or to shout how holy we are. For who are we but dust to dust to utter the holiness cry to ourselves. Only One deserves the Holy Praise and that is the Living God, the Mighty God who thru Jesus Christ made the worlds; who thru Jesus Christ redeemed us unto God by blood, HIS OWN BLOOD that speaks thunderously loud against men boasting of themselves in any form other than in the Cross of Christ and Gods grace bestowed..
       What is this arrogance that men speak of self righteousness, there is no one good but God and Holy is His Name. Who are these voices that speak in the valleys that we are without sin and echo from the mountains I see no God. And who are these in the congregation of the redeemed that itch each others ears and click themselves together as like vultures who feed off the dreams and weakness of others but say in their hearts, sit way over there with that other bunch, this seats taken, but before you go from here to there, empty your pockets?
       God is sending his fire. God is sending his test. Yes He tries the hearts of his servants and all His people. Angels men are serving unawares. The heart of his people shall be tried and refined as with fire. The true of every heart shall be as the midday Sun that shines without a cloud to hide the true thing that it is. There is no cloak that can hide the truth and no front that can hide the back.The way things really are is that which shall be exposed and clearly defined. Nothing can be hid and nothing by God can be misinterpreted. Everything shall be found as it truly is, and in the judgement's of the church and then the world, the heart shall be the person for to God the person is the heart. What can be hid from men no man can hide from God. Let us all repent for the baptism of fire comes upon the church and let us enjoy the blessing of being washed in the blood of the Lamb for only By His Blood shall our shame be hid and our sin removed from sight and memory.
      Let no man therefore henceforth boast of himself about anything of himself. The candle cannot endure the heat of the fire, nor can the proud endure the day that God brings down every high mountain, and raises up every low valley until all is evened out and all the useless chaff gone in the wind....Jesus Is Lord.......deno.....share freely.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Christ Equals Us All In Him..... O How Beautiful......deno......share freely.

How beautiful it is when the Church dwells in unity.....deno

        Paul said of the church and its many members, We are God's house, we are God's field. Jesus has a GRACE DESIGN for each HOUSE of HIS. He has a GRACE MASTER BLUEPRINT of what He wants each of His Houses to look like on the outside (Holiness Presented) and what He wants His House to BE LIKE on the INSIDE (Love, Pure & Clean and Disinfected)... But Jesus runs into a major construction problem pretty often. ITS CALLED OUR FREE WILL.
        Church, Jesus, He sure needs our cooperation. He has to share this house with another occupant and that is you and me, and you and me have our own totally independent God given us freedoms and wills. Such can sure cause us troubles and GRIEVE THE OWNER when we don't think right and surrender to His Higher Intelligence and to the GREATNESS OF HIS LOVE and POWER. We need to surrender our will to His with the Assurance of His peace and goodwill for us seeing He paid dearly, he paid a great price to save us, to purchase us,  to own us and to call us HIS.
         I hear this scripture echoing in my hearing right now, Oh that old familiar scripture, HOW CAN TWO WALK or LIVE TOGETHER UNLESS THEY AGREE...? Most of the time they can't, at least not in peace and harmony. It can be like wild cats and dogs in the house. But friends Jesus has such a peace and goodwill grace plan for us that is out of this world in joy and gladness. None of us love ourselves near as much as we are loved by God and Jesus. Therefore who do you think has the best and brightest plan for us? He that knows us better than ourselves and He that loves us most....JESUS and the FATHER.
        You stomp your toe and you take off running from the pain trying to escape it. Jesus, they nailed to the Cross and he in his love for us just laid there without uttering one complaint. He wasn't running from the pain BECAUSE HE WAS THERE GOING THRU ALL THAT FOR YOU, for your blessings and benefits. You don't want to endure even a stomped toe size pain for you.
        But church, let us take a minute and sober up. WHO IS LORD? WHO CREATED ALL THINGS?  WHO IS BOSS?  Who bought our house with severe pains and blood, precious blood? Jesus the Greatest Love.
        Seeing that He paid such a high price for us, surely we can render unto our OWNER DUE HONOR AND RESPECT and some serious TRUST looking at how HE VALUES US WORTHY OF THE PRICE OF HIS OWN LIFE AND BLOOD. Such a price paid shows us how dear we are to his heart and how he wills us all some serious peace and Goodwill. And why not? After all lets look at some wisdom and light that is shining here from this great price that he paid to purchase us all. Every house Christ bought, Jesus paid the same price for...THE SAME.
       Can't we see that He  (Jesus our Purchaser) Must  REALLY LOVE US GREATLY? Can't we see that He must have a LOVELY BEAUTIFUL GRACE PLAN FOR ALL THE HOMES HE BOUGHT seeing the great price He paid to purchase them all? He paid the same price for all showing His Value of them all is THE SAME.
         Everyone is loved by the purchaser equally the same and valued the same. The same HUGE price was paid for them all.The schism's in the church come from our pride and selfish, fleshly exaltations, when we lose sight of that which is  patterned after the price of the blood of Christ that equalizes us and gives equal value to every home that the MASTER with His own Blood Purchased.....As Paul wrote, So that there would be NO SCHISMS in the CHURCH (In the Body)...And let no one do anything in the church in human vain fleshly glory, such causes divisions of the wrong kind. He said that is evil and is no way a reflection of the wisdom of God in the Uniting Equalizing Cross of Christ.
         Christ own Blood is THE BEAUTY and the GLORY and THE SHINING EQUAL VALUE OF US ALL EQUALIZING ALL THE SAME... Even as Jesus said in John 17:23..Father that they would all BE MADE PERFECT IN ONE and that they would come to really know and see this, that You love them even as you love Me. Even as is an equal term.
        Church God loves and esteems us all the same, and the blood of His Son is our equal value and oneness light, wisdom, and calling to love one another as Jesus loves us all the same. To let the devil take us from the blood of Christ  price & wisdom by using other comparisons like external skin color, outer looks, wealth status etc. is of evil. Those things and others brings schisms  into the church from the world, the flesh, and of the clever devil who is always trying to divide us (GOD'S CHURCH) and the nation.
       Those evil dividing schemes are not from the EQUALIZING UNITING Spirit of Christ,  nor from what His Purchasing Blood Speaks...It is from human vain glory of people who have fleshly cravings, world appetites, and desire some form of self idolizing in the great congregation of the redeemed. That is what happened to Satan and brought forth his calamity.
       Church we are One..Equal to Jesus in Value and every member Equally loved and that is what His Blood speaks and will forever preach....Rich, poor, and all in-between, the blood of Christ is our strength, our equal value, our personal and spiritual self esteem, and uniting equality.....Amen.....Thank you Jesus for Your Word.......deno.....share freely.

A Man in Man...The Hidden Man of the Heart.....The Bread is in the Writing.......deno.

A Man in Man.......deno
        Jesus said, I speak unto the world about HEAVENLY THINGS and as he spoke such light he brought attention to the fact that all men have a spirit in them, which is the heavenly part of them. All of the human race both male and female have a spirit man residing inside them. Peter called him THE HIDDEN MAN, the hidden man of the heart. (1 Peter 3:4 KJV)
       In James 2:26 we read that, no ones body is alive or remains alive without the spirit of that person still residing in that body. When the spirit leaves the body, the flesh man dies, but the spirit man lives on. It is that spirit man (who is the life to the flesh man) that God WHO IS HIMSELF AN ETERNAL SPIRIT, sent His Son to shed his heavenly light upon and to give NEW LIFE unto, NOW IN THIS WORLD, thru faith in Christ blood, death, and resurrection from the dead....Receive Ye Christ.
        Thru eye opening study, we can clearly see that the bible is gleaming with the knowledge of the reality of the spirit man and its condition and that the spirit man has its own type of condition and death much like the physical man or our outer man does. The more we become spirit man minded and spirit in man educated, the more the bible in many of its spiritual passages MAKES SENSE. 
        FOR INSTANCE...In John 5:25 Jesus after speaking to Nicodemus about spirit man reality said these words to others...Truly truly I say unto you, the hour is coming AND NOW IS... (When Christ said AND NOW IS, he was shedding light on immediate right now activity not just futuristic activity and thought). He said, AND NOW IS the time when THE DEAD will hear the voice of the Son of God. In this verse Jesus is talking of the spirit of man, for the time IS Now  and NOW IS he said. In this verse Jesus also reveals spiritual death. He said THE DEAD shall hear His voice. There is a dead state of the spirit of man and there is an alive state of the spirit of man. They both are alive in the existing sense, but their nature is different. Angels are holy spirits. Demons are evil spirits. Angels are spirits of life, demons are spirits of sin and death. 
        Both angel spirits and demon spirits exist and they will exist forever, but they are different in their nature and character and they have two different everlasting destinies (Heaven or Hell). Angels are holy in nature and alive unto God. Demons are evil in nature and dead (Separated) unto God (THAT IS SPIRITUAL DEATH).
      Jesus said (of the spirit of man) that the time NOW IS when the dead (men whose spirits are evil and dead and separated from God-which is everyone born into this cursed world of sin and death), those dead spirits of man and inside men shall hear the voice of the Son of God. Those that hear shall be made alive (see Eph 2:1-10). They shall be changed into Christ image and likeness of spirit (Eph 4:24) and character in Spirit and made alive or reconciled and reconnected unto the Spirit unto God. For the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus shall make them free from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2). This is wrought by the power of the recreating Word of God given us in Christ.
      The bodies resurrection comes in the future at the end of the age, its time was not in the NOW IS time of Christ. When Jesus said, The hour is coming he was talking about the resurrection of the body in the last day, and when Jesus said and NOW IS, he was referring to the spirit of man and his condition and response unto the voice of the Son of God, the Gospel. He said, the hour is coming and NOW IS when THE DEAD shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live (Be made alive ,John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:1-10)...The DEAD have a great need. They need to be MADE ALIVE AGAIN. They need to be BORN AGAIN (John 3) or come back to NEWNESS OF LIFE. They need eternal pardon and forgiveness and resurrection life that only Jesus can give. He is the ONLY ONE who is of God to us THE RESURRECTION and THE LIFE. All others have not this glory, but are false prophets flooding their deceit and false light into the world to destroy and to deceive. Jesus is the TRUTH.
       Spirits, all spirits have a condition much like our flesh man has its state or condition. Good or bad is the condition of mans spirit, and dead or alive is the spirit of every man. One or the other is the condition and state of the spirit. Our physical body is either healthy or not,  and its either dead or alive and we can easily recognize those physical conditions. But no man can naturally know the real condition of the spirit within by the physical mans condition or by the physical senses. But his faith, what his heart believes and confesses reveals it to the physical world....What's your name or who are you, Jesus said to the spirit or the person. What they confessed back, by that confession they were known. What we believe and what we confess from our heart is the true identification of the spirit (1 John 4:1-6) and 1 John 5:1-5). What we believe WE SPEAK....And no man can deceive or lie unto God. God knows the truth of and in every man's heart. Jesus knows HIS OWN. (John 6:36-37, John 10:3-5, John 10:vs14, 25-29.
       Our five physical senses have not the power to convey to the mind the knowledge of spiritual reality by itself. Though our flesh has its life by the energies of the spirit man inside it, the world of the flesh is blind or ON THE MOST PART SEVERELY NUMB to spiritual presence, realities, spiritual truth and wisdom unless taught it, revealed it, or exposed to it thru Divine or demonic encounters.
       On the day of Pentecost, God gifted the church (The Believers) with the greatest DIVINE ENCOUNTER of His Spirit's outpouring INTO THE INSIDE OF THE CHURCH...On the day of Pentecost , Like a RUSHING MIGHTY WIND was their ENCOUNTER EXPERIENCE. They had already had certain measures of the Holy Spirit encounters after Christ resurrection (Luke 24:45 and John 20:22) but the day of Pentecost was going to be the ENCOUNTER of all their encounters. They would experience being endued with POWER FROM ON HIGH. What a glorious GRACE DAY it was AND NOW IS....ASK in Jesus Name (Luke 11:12).
       Believe me, they were HIGHLY EXPOSED that day to fuller spiritual realities of God's Sons Spirit and RESURRECTIONS POWER. They even supernaturally spoke in languages of heaven and of earth that they were never trained to know. This was a DIVINE SPIRITUAL ENCOUNTER that was so powerful and even so tangible to the touch and to their five physical senses that it would forever register its glory and reality even upon their natural man's mind as they would remember and contemplate this third and yet the most mighty of them all Baptism in the Holy Ghost experience.
       Peter preached that this mentioned Holy Ghost encounter or infilling is for all them that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, SO DID JESUS (John 8:37-39). Sometimes it is like a rushing mighty wind in some, and sometimes it can be like The Lord opens your eyes to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45), or like the Lord breathes on you and you receive His Spirit (John 20:22). The disciples themselves experienced all THREE of these Holy Spirit measured out outpouring encounters, effects and receivings so saith the full counsel of the word of the Lord. (See Luke 24:45, John 20:22, Acts 2:1-40....We Can To...Even all of them as believers in the blood, death, and resurrection of the Son of God our Savior.
       But no man can receive any infilling encounter of the Holy Spirit without first being MADE ALIVE himself in their own spirit, in their spirit man that marks the man (like circumcision) for the promise of the infilling. Remember our text? Jesus said, the time is coming and NOW IS when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those that hear will be made alive. Christ voice heard and believed, is the HEAVENLY Seed of our spirits new born resurrection. We are born again by the imperishable Word of the Lord, the gospel. His Word recreates our spirits making us GODS NEW HOLY INFANT SPIRITS that lives deep inside these mortal bodies, and because we are NOW BORN AGAIN, we are now ready to enter into the promise to be filled with the Mighty Holy Spirit of God.
       Right before this verse Jesus revealed what happens when people (in the spirit) really hear the voice of the Son of God and believe. He tells us exactly what takes place and that which takes place does so NOT IN A MAN'S FLESH, but in HIS SPIRIT. John 5:24 Jesus said, Truly Truly I say into you, he who HEARS MY WORDS (My Voice) and BELIEVES I was sent from God, HAS EVERLASTING LIFE and shall not come into condemnation, BUT IS PASSED, PASSED, PASSED (or resurrected) from death unto life (He's a NEW MAN in his spirit man.
       This just mentioned above that Jesus spoke of, is the NOW IS RESURRECTION of men's spirits (of the people) who hear HIS VOICE in the gospel and BELIEVE. Those of us who have heard HIS VOICE, we have BELIEVED and responded and He has raised our spirits back up thru the Word of the gospel of HIS POWER, making them New Born Again spirits created in Christ Image in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:22-24).
       Our born of God spirit that is CREATED in Christ Jesus is now different from the spirit of the world that is inside the unbelievers of this world. As God's HOLY SPIRIT is totally different in its nature than the devils unclean evil spirit, even so is our spirit that is made NEW in Christ Jesus that much different than the spirit nature of those who are still dead in tresspasses and sins who have not heard or believed the Voice of the Son of God.
       The flesh is not ever to be the tell tell of any of this so we do not go to the fleshes senses to understand that which is spirit or spiritual. For that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit, they are not one and the same. Matter of fact as a christian, our fleshes nature and desires are opposite and opposing and is contrary to our NEW SPIRITS NATURE and our sinful flesh wars against our spirits new holy nature. So in this light we can clearly see why we cannot go to or go by our flesh and it lust and desires and its 5 physical senses to tell us about our spirits NEWNESS and condition in Christ Jesus. We have to learn by Gods Spirit these things. Paul did and he wrote of his revelations and revealings in his letters to the churches. (1 Cor 2:9-16).
       In Christ our spirit is a NEW CREATURE created in the love and holy image of the Spirit of God (Thank God-2 Cor 5:17 and Eph 4:23-24). But the spirit nature of those who do not receive Christ, their spirit nature remains and is like the spirit of their father the devil and his eternal destiny is theirs if they do not break free and overcome the darkness of this blind world and be BORN AGAIN themselves in their spirit man. For this reason, Jesus speaking in Spirit and about the spirit of man, said, Unless a man (the spirit man) be born again, he cannot understand nor enter into the kingdom of God. 
      When this above saying confused people, Jesus said to them, there is flesh and there is spirit, My words are spirit and they are life, the flesh does not profit from them. He said, there is a spirit man and there is a physical man. There is a man in man. Every man has his own spirit man. If your spirit man is not born again, he remains the living dead in his grave, but if He hears My VOICE and believes, I will make him alive. He will be BORN AGAIN (Resurrected and Made New), passed from death unto life (John 5:24). That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not confuse the two as to marvel at My saying..You Must Be Born Again (John 3:16-18).....Amen....deno.....share freely

The Trump Voter Handbook & Insult Repellent - A PSA

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lord, It's Me Again.......deno......share freely.

Lord, it's me again.....
       Paul said, When we were helpless and without strength, it was right at that moment God poured upon us His Greatest Strength, Power, and Love Gift...Christ died for us.
       Do we feel helpless and without strength today? Are we facing mountains of problems all around us? Does it seem like your back is up against the wall and the Red Sea is ahead of you and troubles coming at you from all other directions?....Here is some GOOD NEWS....Have Faith in God, The Name of the Lord is a Strong High Tower and the BELIEVERS call upon His Name and they are saved, delivered, rescued.
        In the perfect and right time the scriptures says GOD GAVE US HIS SON. We have learned in our simple text that that exact perfect time and timing of God included when we were all without strength and when we were helpless to save ourselves.
        Many times when we are in a situation where we are helpless and without strength, Miracles are born and performed and greatest gifts bestowed....Do not lose faith. Jesus said, People should always pray and be calling upon the Name of the Lord and not faint.....deno....share freely.

Monday, April 4, 2016

A Segment of the Vision....Christ Words to the daughters of God and our sisters in Christ. It does not just pertain to them, but in the vision it was our sisters in Christ this light was given......deno....share freely

....Years ago in my quest to understand more of our RISEN LORD and our christian faith that he gave us, I spent untold hours and hours seeking His Face in the fellowship of His Written Word and Prayer. I was so hungry for God. My soul thirsted for God, for more of the living God. I could not get enough of Jesus and His incredible words and presence.
.......One day in this craving for more of Jesus I was studying about the Throne of God and those 24 thrones that were placed round about Gods throne in the book of Revelations where sitting upon those 24 thrones were worthy people who (while on earth) chose in their love for God and His Son Jesus Christ to give God and His Gospel their all in living for Gods good pleasure and in serving the Lord. It was during those days of that study and grace in my life when the Lord gave  me a divinely imparted vision.
........There are many things I could write about of that vision because it covered much needed light and bread for many of us In Christ today, but in this immediate writing I feel led to cover this one section of the vision.
.........In this section of the Vision, God is (IN HIS LOVE), he is addressing many of his daughters in our day. Now there is much from the vision where (we men) God addresses as well and I have written of some of these things in my written testimonies that you can find by typing the words....Deno.....America Founded By Believers For Believers....But for now I am gently pressed to write these things to the daughters of God , our sisters in Christ Jesus. And I do so without a stone.
.......In the vision, I was in the glory of the Lord and His tangible Power that our words cannot adequately describe in its  power. I was graced to FEEL HIS VIRTUE FLOWING IN ME and FROM ME. In the divine vision I had no control of anything. I was fixed, I was gripped by the hand of God upon me to go thru this whole event in all its sights and sounds and I was allowed to ponder, to wonder at the time what these things might mean. It was grace time later when God would open my eyes to the meanings of what I was seeing.
......In this vision there came a time when God set me supernaturally behind a pulpit in a large congregation of christians. When he landed me behind that pulpit I saw myself utter the words, THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS....Soon after i uttered those words I was graced to go to what i will call a greater grace in the Spirit that day and somehow in and by that further grace I was enabled supernaturally to see thru walls, see people and to hear people speak in closed in rooms.
.......In a room in that vision I saw several women, young women around 15 all the way up to women that didn't seem to be much older than 40. Their ages was never what was pointed out to me although i remember they were on the most part young women.
........As i was staring at them in that room i suddenly was enabled to hear what they were speaking in that church room. Now before I go further into revealing what i heard i must make something very clear here lest people think of me above that which i am. I am by no means a man without any sin. Nor am I a man who can boast in self righteousness. The truth is I may have been washed of more sins than many in the body of Christ....But yet even after Solomon had greatly sinned against the Lord and against visions and visitations from God, when Solomon got older his heart was turned toward his children to teach them from all he had learned in life from the natural stand point to the spiritual. From the good, the bad, and the ugly Solomon incorporated his life lessons to others in hope that they would not make his mistakes or commit the sins that he committed before God. So do not think of deno as some man that has walked on water. I failed the Lord so much that in my latter years all i can do is call out for Christ and his mercy to re write my life for the blessing of my children and for others. 
.......With all that being said, in that visions grace point I did supernaturally see thru walls into rooms where in a room several women were. I noticed they were not quiet women at all. They seemed to have a drive to have to talk and speak. Chatter chatter chatter was the noise. Then my hearing was intensified and i could hear more clearly the words of their speech and chatter. I like blushed.
.......On the inside of me deep in my heart and soul region, the Spirit of the Lord did a strange switch in me for a brief moment. As I was looking at those daughters of God in that room and hearing their words, God took my human feelings out of the way and gently put His feelings so to speak in my gut to enable me to taste and to see His feelings about what they were talking about.
.......Folks do you remember what Isaiah the prophet said when for the first time his eyes saw in measure the glory of the Lord (Isaiah 6:1-5)? In his God given him vision, At the sight of Gods purity glory Isaiah cried, Woe is me, for I am undone. All he had previously thought about God was so less than the real purity and glory of God in His glory. The sight and the effects that that sight had upon his soul upended his previous levels and thoughts about God or about himself and his condition compared to God. God is so much greater than we all could imagine and far more glorious in holy splendor and righteous purity and we are so much more unclean than we could imagine. This is the truth (yet we are so greatly loved). Even as Jesus said then so we say now, In good or in goodness comparisons between God and men, there is no one good but God. Lets not kid ourselves.
......Isaiah cried WOE IS ME I AM UNDONE and then he cried these words,  For I am a man of UNCLEAN LIPS and I dwell in the midst of a people of UNCLEAN LIPS. The first thing Isaiah noticed when He saw the purity glory of God was how we on earth are people of UNCLEAN LIPS. We speak so much evil with our tongues. Even a world of sin and iniquity. Unclean Unclean Unclean Isaiah said were all our lips.
.......When the Spirit of the Lord did that switch in me and placed in me, in measure, HIS FEELINGS about what those girls and women were speaking about, I too became UNDONE. I was like unraveled for a few seconds on the inside of me. It was like breath taking. I somehow felt how the pure sinless God feels when we speak or talk evil and when we speak filthy or have  unholy conversations of unclean speech or gossip with ill will intent behind those words. Seemed like He was somewhat embarrassed yet not a bit shy. I felt no anger in those feelings at that time (It's not time for the anger or the wrath yet though that time is approaching). I felt love yet like a cry of, Why do My daughters who call upon My name say such things and speak such words of filth and of evil with their mouths, I Am A Holy God. It was like the Lord was in shock and was SO EMBARRASSED and was like a real super loving Father so DISAPPOINTED IN THEM...While catching my breath as His feelings subsided and my normal feelings came back, i thought to  myself in the Vision and said, I wonder what that and all this means?...Ladies, Do You?????
........In His grace and love I wrote this. Throwing stones at no one, for I too have been wounded disappointing the Lord often in the battle field of control of self, of the flesh and of the tongue..But God is still calling us all to repent, change, do the right thing, choose the holy road and to come back home thru Jesus Christ the way. Ladies, Men, our tongue was giving us for holiness and not for evil filthy communications.......deno......share freely.

By our own words Jesus shall judge us......deno.....share freely.

.....It is better not to even say a word, than to have a record in heaven to judge you by that is filled with evil and filthy communications, half truths, false statements, false fronts, exaggerations, truth stretched out beyond its intent and purpose, small lies, big lies and idol tratter, idol statements and words and promises that you never meant to keep and wicked talk such as self exalting words.
.....When I was in the third grade, we had a fellow student that at school (in the class room or outside on the playground) he would not speak a word. He would not speak at all. He had a personal fastener on his mouth.
.....Well this student played with us the games we all played outside, he was even rather good at the games we played, but that boy would not speak a word to any of us. NONE, not even one. 
......As that school years days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, that boy still had not said a single word. None of us knew what his voice even sounded like. We never heard him even grunt, nor laugh.
.......Well after a while and this was in the latter 60s, this began to really concern our teacher. I suppose she got permission from his parents to use teachers classroom battle tactics to get the boy to speak because one day our teacher called him to the front of the class. He went up. We were all staring at him as he went to the front and our eyes fastened on him and the situation. Then after this boy went up front she picked him up and placed him on the teachers desk. He was standing. She got a thin paddle out and used paddling (small spanks) to try to get him to speak. That boy no matter what, no matter the inflicted pain, he would not say a word and he did not even cry. He kept silent. He would rather keep silent than to speak. The whole year that boy did not say a word at school. But we learned this after months of his silence, you could call him at home and there he would talk to you. He and I after i learned that, we had some phone conversations but not one ever at school. What a lesson we can learn from such tongue discipline and control.
...... The bible says that Jesus only spoke the Word of God. Imagine that testimony. It's the New testament Gospels. It also says that Jesus had the Spirit of God greatly, even without measure. Jesus Watched His Tongue always to speak only what God told him to speak (Gods Word) and His Word was with God's power. Jesus spoke only God's Word and also it is written that God gave His Son His Spirit and Power without measure. Let's make that grace light connection. Words of God and the Power of God. That was Jesus. He could be trusted with God's power and fire. He Watched His Tongue.
......Jesus said, on judgement day we shall give account to God for every idle  word that we spoke. Every word shall even be brought forth for the judging, even all secrets of our hearts. We need to somewhat do as that boy did when I was in the 3rd grade and control our speech no matter the pressure that our friends or the world presses against us. Let us all WATCH OUR TONGUES. Let us all control what we say with our mouths in the love and fear of God.......deno......share freely
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The Prophetess Anna's Fire for God.......deno......share freely.

Luke 2:36-38 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB+)

Anna’s Testimony
......36 There was also a prophetess, Anna.......,. She was well along in years, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, (but he died)  37) and she was a widow about 84 years of age. She did not leave the temple courtyard, but served God there night and day with fasting and prayers. 38 At that very moment ( after Simeon had prophesied words concerning the baby Jesus) she came in and began to thank God also and to speak about Jesus there to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem....scroll down.

.......Anna had a true heart for God. Her passion and zeal for the Lord was clearly evident by her prayers and fasting's day and night in the courtyard of the Lord's Temple. She stayed in God's presence. She was not going to let this world, no person, no worldly pleasure, or no thing get in between her and God and their sweet fellowship.
......Anna, she was addicted to His presence blessing. God tasted so delicious to her soul that nothing could compare to the sweetness of God in the soul. She loved God's presence so much that she never wanted to be away from His temple, nor from His sweet and rewarding presence.  She was addicted to serving the Lord with gladness. It was a love relationship between her and Jehovah that very few in Israel had ever experienced in the old covenant. (David surely did and a few others, but only a few).  O taste and see that the Lord is good and she was tasting His good in her soul, even for many decades and years.
...... She drew near to God every day of her life and He certainly had drawn near to her. God was so close to her heart that when Jesus as a baby was in the temple, she heard God say, THIS IS THE PROMISED CHILD to redeem Israel.

......God wants us all to be so close to His heart that we to hear His voice clearly and know His movements on the earth each day. (That closeness is attainable. We see it in the bible).  Even to the degree that each day we hear in the heart and we receive from the Lord His move, His instructions, and His movements for us each day.
..... Jesus had that level of fellowship with the Father going on inside him every day. Anna was also so dear and so close to the heart of God that she to heard God say, This is My Promised One, the hope of Israel. And so did many others in the New Testament testify to the things of God that they had seen and had clearly heard even as to touch the Lords holes in his hands and feet and put their finger into his risen side and as to hear HIM SAY INSTRUCTIONS to them in their inner hearing and in their outer hearing often.
......Family let us draw nigh to God and He promises to draw near to us. How can we do this deno? Well we read and study his word with other believers and we do often the things Anna did. Stay night and day serving the Lord. Stay in God's presence and work. Pray and fast often..Do it because we love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and body...With every part of her being, and with all her time on earth, Anna was serving God. Anna was about God's business doing her part and God made a memorial of her devotional love for Him and wrote it in HIS BOOK.
......Friends, the work of the Lord needs us. God craves our attention and love and our service in Christ our risen Lord's kingdoms work. He craves our devotional love, for it is in devotion and not just emotion that the true of our love for Jesus is found sincere and real.......deno.......share freely..+++

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Write these things unto the Church in America......deno......share freely.

Write these thing unto the Church In America....The Antichrist attack against the Body of Christ in America and in the nations.

Acts 9:22-24....New King James Version (NKJV)
22 But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving ( by Gods Spirit and the Scriptures) that this Jesus is the Christ.
Saul Escapes Death
23 Now after many days were past, the Jews (being enraged by Paul's strength from Christ)  plotted to kill him. 24 But their plot (their hidden agenda, schemes, and scheming against Paul the christian) became known.
......Here in our text,(after the resurrection of Jesus) we have some first expressions of the spirit of the AntiChrist against Christ and his christians. We see and learn that strong light from Christ in a christian agitates the AntiChrist spirit where ever it is and in whom it resides. Note....The greater the light of Christ is shining thru christians, the more the demons (who are the spirit of AntiChrist) feels disturbed and aggravated even as to MURDER those In Whom Christ and his light lives and shines from.
.......This present day massive attack and slaughter of christians all over the world and their beheadings etc. are all from the motivation spawn from the AntiChrist spirit (his demons) in men's hearts and minds. It is so prevalent in them that in their souls is the lion's cravings and thirst for the blood of christians. He hates and despises them. You can easily see this evil lion monster in their eyes and merciless wild behavior against Christ and christians.
........It would be wise counsel for leaders of the nations of Christ and his light to wise up to Satan's clever (last days evils) and manifold schemes to undermine them. Where the most christians are so is the most stealth like undermining work of the devil (AntiChrist) going on to take them down (even to destroy the strengths of that nation especially in the financial area). He knows and understands that pressure. He has caused it and he had seen it millions of times all over the world and the sorrows and the evils that accompany it. World history, individuals history, and family histories proves the point.
.......Satan knows how to crash  a person and a nation financially and what will accompany such a crash if that person or that nation's morals and faith has failed (Great Evils & Anarchy). His weapon? Its called unbridled debt and he knows exactly how to form that financial weapon against a person and a nation, even against a most wealthy nation, to snare it for a mighty fall.
....... He destroys many of them even by the plot of compassion without restraint. He positions liars and deceivers in high places of power, men on the take. He uses men who have no real fear of God, political wolves in sheep's clothing who have no honor or disciplined patriotic national loyalty. He uses some people who are like leeches that just lay around able to be productive but are unwilling to be productive for the nations well being who refuse to work, who fill the air with threats if not fed without working.  He uses unbalanced budgets. Undertable bribes. Greed. Out of control spending for compassion sake and for evils sake. This is going on today FAR MORE than the leaders of America and of other nations see or think as a purposed direct ploy of Satan the antichrist against them, against their peace. And if they do know it and see it and do nothing about it, they are under demonic powers of tyranny against that nation. They are drunk men, yet drunk without wine. They are drunk in their reasonings under the spell and control of demonic powers that have them off balance and in derision. Like unruly unwise children governing where strong and mighty Princes of nations used to stand.
.......America, all because she has so many who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, because of this (like Paul experienced in our text), has been under these AntiChrist stealth attacks and plots for decades now to bring her little by little, yet more and more into subjection to his (the antichrist) throne of power and of authority (Revelations 13:1-9) soon to be revealed. Those who he used to crucify the Lord of glory in the day of our redemption are included in his use. Easily traced, searching men have found them even today at the wheel of many of these stealth plots against Christ Jesus and against christianity in America. They push the increase of our overwhelming debt and darkness while they by Law and tyranny strive to crush Jesus Christ Truth, Light, Commandments, and Gospel out of his way or at least placed under the bushels in his controlled atmosphere where Christians fear to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ publicly. Political correctness is a doctrine and persuasion of devils.
.......But as it was in Paul's life as we see in our text, so it is happening today, God is exposing the stealth schemes and plots of these who have risen against Christ Jesus and the christians in America. The American christians who are in the majority in faith in America for decades now have noticed the increase of the spirits of the AntiChrist in their nation and his works to crush the light of the gospel. Right now this nation is in an intense spiritual battle for her faith, soul, light, and national strength, health and course.
....... This next Presidential election in America is the most important of all and that is why we see such desperate passion from the left warring against the right and the stirring up of the bees in their own parties. (There is war and disturbances in the heavenly place of darkness clashing with light over this nations soul, light, and course). .......Satan fears to lose his Stealth grip on America to further ensure his dark agenda to bring this nation into financial ruin and subjection to his rule in the last days. He knows America will react to his false hope as spoiled desperate brats if he presents a plan for her recovery after the fall that promises her awe and wonder of recovery.
....... Now days, even every day the spirit of the AntiChrist preaches to the warring demons under his rule that Jesus and the christian light and salt must decrease that his dark agenda and his demonic darkness can increase. Shall we christians in America allow Revelations 13:7 to come to pass in this land that God gave us from the start to till as His Garden for His Son's Name, Gospel, and Glory? 
.......In closing saints I write this. The first church members came to Jesus one day when they had confronted Satan and said, Lord, this demon would not come out of his place after we commanded him to in Jesus Name. Lord why not?  We have had success in doing so before, but this time we failed. Why Lord, why did we fail to cast him out this time?? Jesus said, because of your doubt and unbelief you did not uproot him....Nonetheless, to cast this kind out, YOU MUST FAST and PRAY...There's A Sign....God still drinks from his peoples personal living sacrifices that are offered unto God without blood spilling. (See Romans 12:1).....deno.....share freely..

Monday, March 28, 2016

Defending the Word of Faith......deno.....share freely

......Some are out to bash the Word of Faith message. Paul said in Romans that it is the Word of Faith that we preach. That if we will confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead We Shall Be Saved. He said, It is with the heart man believes and that faith is now his righteousness in the sight of God, and it is with a mans mouth he makes the confession of his faith unto his salvation (Romans 10:8-11).
.......From these words above we can see that real faith HAS A CONFESSION. Faith always has a confession. Paul said, I believe therefore I have spoken. We believe therefore we speak or confess with our mouths what we believe.
........And so what else does faith do? How does faith advantage us? Well in so many ways but here is one for sure...Ephesians 6:16...When we are wrestling with the devil, which is almost a constant battle in the warfare, God gave us His Armor to wear in the fight. The part of the Armor that he said was the most important of all was the mix of faith in all of it. He said in verse 16) Above all the rest, be sure to take up the Shield of Faith, for by the shield of faith you will be able to destroy Satans every attack, even all the fiery darts he throws at you.
.......So lets just use some 2+2 common sense here. The scriptures here tells us that the Shield of Faith will do something. God knows what it will do. It will do something we all seriously need today. The Holy Spirit said that the Shield of Faith will destroy every satanic attack of the devil. Put to nothing every fiery dart he launches at us. So who do you suppose wants the Word of Faith message suppressed in the church????? It is that old hungry lion that Peter said is thirsty for our souls and blood (1 Peter 5:8-10)....Satan.
......Even as Paul wrote about faith in Hebrews 4:2) He said, if God's Words of the gospel or our confessions are not believed, are not mixed with faith then we do not profit anything from them. That whole Armor of God that God has given us all to put on in the battle, WE HAVE TO BELIEVE IN All THAT ARMOR'S PROTECTION POWER AND PURPOSE or we are shooting blanks and in the battle we are highly exposed.
........So what have we learned in this light. Faith is powerful. Faith is a Shield. Satan is no match for the Shield of Faith. Faith always has a confession that accompanies it. Paul said, I believe therefore I have spoken. We believe therefore we confess what we believe.
....... So since faith is a shield and faith always has a confession, then the Word of Faith or the Confession of Faith is the shield IN USE. We rickoshea the devils darts with Words. We rickoshea the devils attacks with Words Believed and Believed Words SPOKEN. Jesus was never quiet or wordless in his casting out Satan or binding him. He never just looked and stared at the devil and got results. Jesus every time said Words in faith to him and the devils screamed and left. Quiet lips want sink the devils battle ships. Words Believed and Words of Faith will...Have faith in God and in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Savior......deno......share freely. 

Proof The Earth Is Young and Noah's Flood

The Evidence For a Global Flood. Kent Hovind

THE BEST Global Flood EVIDENCE Presentation You Will Ever Be Able To Fin...

THE BEST Global Flood EVIDENCE Presentation You Will Ever Be Able To Fin...

The Ark is being built according to the Scriptures.....Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis)......deno......share freely.

......Ken Ham....President of Answers in Genesis so loves our risen Lord and defends His word and truth from the beginning of the scriptures to the end. They are building Noah's Ark according to the scriptures.. All the world will be able to come and tour the Ark inside and out. In all you say and do, do all to the glory of God and in honor of Jesus Christ.
.......Note... We who believe the gospel of our salvation that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead for our everlasting hope thru grace, have Entered into the TRUE ARK, which is the Huge Auditorium of our Lords RISEN BODY, and inside that Body together we have Risen with Christ Col 3:1) and Ascended Far Above (Eph 1:1-9) with our Lord. And the Ark that we ARE IN, (being we are IN CHRIST JESUS), our TRUE ARK has DOCKED. And where did our TRUE ARK Land or Dock??? At the right hand of the Throne of God.
........In Christ Jesus (which is the True Ark), we who believe have landed FAR ABOVE in Christ and with Jesus in Gods Heavenly Places. We have docked there safely in Jesus and with Jesus (Eph 2:1-9).
.......Noah's Ark was like almost impossible but all things are possible WITH GOD and GOD WAS HUGELY WITH NOAH, even to the shutting of the door.  Grace was all over the man. Gods Grace was all over that ship to. Even in and upon every plank and nail that bind. There was NO WAY that ARK was going to fail its God ordained mission or come apart NO WAY. The same power that God poured into Jesus when He raised Him from the dead was functioning in great measure in that Arks Construction. (Powerful God Infused SPECIAL GRACE was in and upon Noah and that Ark). The world in its humanistic arrogance always forgets to include the GOD FACTOR in the Noah's Ark Upholding Power and Strength. God the bible said Shut the Door. When that happened the blessing of the Lord was all over the wood, the nails, and everything and everyone in it. He that upholds Hid Universe and all things thru the Word of His Power upheld that Ark and Its Saving Mission and the eight souls in it.
....... God was so greatly with Noah that the world will not understand the energy and the great heavenly determination that worked inside Noah mightily. Elijah out ran the horses by the same. Samson had incredible strength by the similar grace to slay a thousand soldiers to his one. Noah had MIGHTY GRACE UPON HIM TO. Building Grace. Patience Grace. Determination Grace. He had an I will not quit or fail Grace in him. The world will not understand or accept this just as they cannot understand or accept the Holy Spirit, but Noah was a big man with a lot of BIG HELP.
.......Noah's Ark was a mighty shadow of the so great a salvation that was to come thru the Cross of Christ and that so great a salvation has come. The Lord from heaven Jesus Christ had come to us in the flesh.....It is written....And He (Jesus by the Cross) shall save His people from their sins. And in a another place....Jesus saves us from the wrath to come...Also it is written, In Christ Jesus we have REDEMPTION thru His Blood, even the FORGIVENESS OF OUR SINS..It is also written, In Jesus we are saved  and thru HIS BLOOD we who believe are justified and have peace with God by trusting In Christ.
...... Jesus landed back in Paradise safely. We who are IN HIM and that REMAIN IN CHRIST have no other landing but the same as our Lords landing, in perfect peace with God..After all, if the truth be revealed and made known, We all went there together with Jesus from the Cross to the Throne..As it is also written, I was crucified WITH CHRIST....And, We Are Risen With Christ....For God has raised us UP TOGETHER (With Jesus) and GOD HAS MADE US SIT TOGETHER (With Jesus) in heavens highest seats (Thrones of honor) in heaven (Ephesians 2:1-10).. We Are Risen With Christ (Colossians 3:1-4)....deno.....share freely.

In judgment, our God provides salvation -- the Ark Encounter will remind the world that Jesus is our Ark of salvation.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Can You Hear It? Those Hammer and Nails?......deno.......share freely.

Acts 4:25-26) 25 Who by the mouth of your servant David have said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?

26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ.

......This above scripture is rising up from the pages of the Word of Prophecy again in these last days. Even in America those who possessed that AntiChrist spirit back then that crucified the Lord of glory are at work in the same today in stealth to do and to scheme all they can against Jesus and the faith of the Risen Son of God. Finding they cannot break our faith they have schemed to break this nation and us thru the means of financial debt unto disaster.

....... Since that evil spirit was all willing to crucify the Lord of glory THE INNOCENT ONE for their hate of his name, faith and words back then, think not that that same spirit that hated Jesus then will have mercy on us his followers today. One of the main plots of the spirit of AntiChrist is to make war with the saints (Rev 12:17 & Rev 13:7) and to over throw or throw off all their grip and influence on America and the world (Psalms 2:2-5) so that he can replace Jesus with his own lying wonders and deceptive glory. We have entered into those days.
.........When the spirit of AntiChrist is in the heart of those of upper power, wealth and influence in a nation, that nations Christians and their faith will be brought under fire. You will hear the possessors of the spirit of AntiChrist  hammering their nails against Christ and the Christian Faith on TV, News, Media Princes, Movies, Music, Radio, and Bulletin Boards all over the face of the nation.
.........Friend can you hear it? Can you hear their hammers as they freshly are pounding those nails today? Its going on in all the nations, even in the once Great Christian Nation called America. These people who are scheming against Jesus and His Christian Faith, Light and Gospel are like Eve who partook of that which was forbidden. It will not end well for them in the end. For in the day when God avenges the blood of His Son, those same people engulfed with great wrath shall cry the words, It would have been better that we had never been born...Read Psalms 2 entire chapter.......deno......share freely.

America Founded By People of Faith For People of Faith...Faith Under Fire...What Shall the Believers Do?......deno.......share freely.

The Lord Jesus Christ has already given us his answer and told us what we are to do when our faith (THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST THE SAVING TRUTH) is under fire. Read Below Acts 4:8-33 King James Version (KJV)

8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,

9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;

10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

14 And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

15 But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves,

16 Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.

17 But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name.

18 And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.

19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

21 So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.

22 For the man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed.

23 And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them.

24 And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is:

25 Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?

26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ.

27 For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together,

28 For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.

29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word,

30 By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Christ Most Important Words......deno.....share freely.

.........Of all that Jesus said, THESE WORDS are His most important to us all. Without knowing and believing this foundational TRUTH, the rest does not even matter...Who Jesus is, is the first and most important truth to Know and Believe.....Read Below.

****Christ Words in John 8:21-25....Revised Standard Version (RSV)
    Jesus tells the Jews and all the world His Highest and Most Important Words in these verses. Of all Jesus said, These words rank His most important sermon and message to all of us, even to all the world.
21 Again Jesus said to them, “I go away (back to heaven), and you will seek me and die in your sins (unsaved); where I am going, you cannot come (if you do not believe these words Jesus said, they would die in their sins unsaved, unpardoned, and unforgiven.”)
22 Then said the Jews, “Will he kill himself, since he says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?”
23 He said to them, “You are from below, I AM FROM ABOVE (Heaven itself); you are of this world, I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD.
24 I told you that you would die in your sins, for you will die in your sins UNLESS YOU BELIEVE THAT I AM HE (The Christ, the Son of God).”
25 They said to him, “Who are you?” Jesus said to them, “Even what I have told you from the beginning.
........Then some time later Jesus ask his twelve disciples, Who do you believe and say that I Am ?....And Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. After hearing this Jesus said to Peter, Blessed are you Peter, for nothing of this world made this known to you, My Father in heaven opened your eyes to know who I really am.
....... Then even later John the disciple remembering the words of Jesus wrote....1 John 5:1-5....Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Faith Conquers the World
.....1 Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God ( born of God means is saved, is justified, is a new creature in the spirit of our being), is a child of God, and every one who loves the parent (the Father) loves the child (The Son-the children). 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments (Commandment...You shall love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law is summed up in that One Commandment obeyed). 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whoever is born of God overcomes the world (Saved); and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith, our believing. (Eph 2:8-10...For by grace you are saved THRU FAITH (Thru what you believe) and that not of yourselves, IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, not of works lest any man should boast). Paul said we are saved and justified by faith). 5 Who is he that overcomes the world but he who BELIEVES (Believes what????) Believes THAT JESUS IS THE SON of GOD.
Friends you and I who really believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God BY WHOM GOD MADE THE WORLDS, this truth we know and this truth that we believe gives value to all of Jesus Christ WORDS and SACRIFICE. Jesus Is the Lord from Heaven.
    Jesus was not an ordinary man. He was the Christ, the Son of Almighty God by whom God CREATED ALL THINGS BY. In Christ, Immanuel which means God with us had become a man.....That's the BIG DIFFERENCE between Jesus and all the other self appointed so call prophets....Jesus who in the Spirit is Creator ranks FAR FAR FAR ABOVE ALL.....Jesus is Lord......deno....share freely.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Reasons To Hope to the End.......deno.....share freely

       Church, God has always had a remnant and God has always prepared for them a place no matter the worlds condition, whether its a needed Ark, or a Name that is a STRONG TOWER, or whether they need an Upper room for a passover meal celebration, or whether they need a CITY or a NATION...Remember what Jesus said to Paul ? Jesus said to Paul in a certain CITY,. He said, Fear not Paul, keep preaching, no one shall hurt you here for I have much people who belong to Me in this city.
       Persecution comes with the calling but in Numbers there is strength and Protection as long as we keep on the Whole Armor of God and STAY STRONG IN FAITH and FULL OF SALT. We also must keep the weeds down and the saints numbers the moral major faith majority.
       In America if we Christians would stop being double minded, luke warm, double standard christians and quit giving such great place to the devil by compromises after compromise, we could cast out and reverse a whole lot of  this Anti Christ Satanic activity. Many Christians in a town or city or nation in overwhelming numbers can run the city or the nation and keep persecution down in those places and run out most antiChrist activity..
       We must remember this. There is no dispensation where our Lords Name, the Name of Jesus Christ cannot bind up Satan or cast out demons. Jesus' Name that is above every name, it never loses its power and authority (NEVER). We just must not lose our faith in our Lords FAR ABOVE ALL Great Name of Gods Power and Authority placed in that Great Far Above All Name (See Mathew 28:18)..
         As with all the churches problems. God nor Gods power is not the problem. Its the churches blurry wobbling stand and our DOUBT and UNBELIEF that makes us to sink.
         Let us rise again in renewed faith in the faith of Jesus Christ....Like Jesus said, But when I return, will I find real bible faith on the earth??? And in another place Jesus prayed what we to must pray, He prayed that Peters faith would NOT FAIL. Its up to us Church. We need BELIEVING BELIEVERS....Like Paul said, Hope to the end.
         When Elijah's helper was fearing because of the the number he saw of the army that chased them, Elijah prayed, OPEN HIS EYES LORD....God opened Elijah's helpers eyes and what he saw filled him with confidence of VICTORY over their enemies. Paul prayed that we (THE CHURCH) would have our eyes opened to the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF GODS POWER THAT HE HAS GIVEN USWARD WHO BELIEVE..
         In closing we write this. Jesus said, to us THE CHURCH...I give you power to TREAD on all serpents, and on all scorpions, and over ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL THE POWER OF SATAN..This great power and authority over the devil that Jesus gave us Jesus never takes back from His Church (The need for that power is TO GREAT). Let us not let the devil seduce this truth out of us and let us not let the devil trick us to lay the Armor and the power Jesus gave us down.......deno.....share freely.

In Christ Jesus We Are All Members of Christ......deno.....share freely.

......Being the Body Of Christ is something unique and very special in heaven and on earth. VERY SPECIAL. Being members of the Body of Christ we all should be highly happy about and in a good way very proud to be a part of.
.......Being a member of Christ flesh and bone Body is a place of exceeding high honor and of exalted positioning. No being and no created creature either in heaven or on earth can become more attached or connected to or more One with the Lord of glory above being One Spirit with him as Paul said we are who are In Christ Jesus, and as being His Body, His Flesh and Bone the very fulness of Him that fills all with Himself.
.....Jesus said, If you have done it unto the least of these that belong to Me, you have done it unto Me. He said that because in His Heart and in the greatness of His love for us, we the Body of Christ are a part of the one that said ME.
.......I know to say this will not be accepted by all, but someone was told one day by the Lord in a whisper, "You the church, are just as much a part of ME as I am of Myself". The Oneness we are with Jesus by the greatness of Gods love is extreme when seen thru the eyes of the love of God and His Revealing Spirit of Truth.
.......Every time that Jesus sees HIS BODY, whether it be his hands, his feet, his shoulders, his legs HE SEES US...THE CHURCH....THE ENGRAFTED MEMBERS OF HIS BODY. THE LOVE IS THAT GREAT AND THAT INTIMATE..
....... In the love revealed to us in the New Covenant, Jesus did not want us to be just known as His People all though that is a great name to have, but MUCH MORE intimate than that Jesus wanted HIS CHURCH to be. He wanted us be a real part of HIm, even of His Name and of His Life as in marriage form, as in Father to Son seed, as in one looking into the mirror at the fulness of Himself. (One-One-One Persons Body Made up of MANY MEMBERS and that Body is the Body of Jesus Christ. So to accomplish this redemption glorious ONENESS, Jesus made us  ONE SPIRIT with His (1 Corinth 6:17) and He made us His Body, the very fulness of Him that fills us all In Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23)....Go now and read your bible in Ephesians 5:28-32 of the great mystery concerning Christ and the church.
.......Friend, Church, Body of Christ YOU ARE GREATLY LOVED and CHERISHED and One with Christ in ALL THINGS.
.......Note....The Cross of Christ the Son of God by no means is to be interpreted that God did not love His Son Jesus (God greatly loved Jesus even as He loves Himself). But rather the Cross of Christ means that God and Jesus Greatly Love Us, even as they love themselves as they have always preached for you and I to do, To LOVE ONE ANOTHER...Love thy neighbor as a THYSELF....The world gets so much uglier and so much more a terrible place to live in the less and less we disobey that great love thy neighbor as thyself commandment...The breaking of this commandment so greatly in the last days is the root cause of God bringing the present world to its end....The new heaven and the new world to come will be filled only with the love of God New Creatures In Christ Jesus....Even so, Come Lord Jesus......deno....share freely.