Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Christ Equals Us All In Him..... O How Beautiful......deno......share freely.

How beautiful it is when the Church dwells in unity.....deno

        Paul said of the church and its many members, We are God's house, we are God's field. Jesus has a GRACE DESIGN for each HOUSE of HIS. He has a GRACE MASTER BLUEPRINT of what He wants each of His Houses to look like on the outside (Holiness Presented) and what He wants His House to BE LIKE on the INSIDE (Love, Pure & Clean and Disinfected)... But Jesus runs into a major construction problem pretty often. ITS CALLED OUR FREE WILL.
        Church, Jesus, He sure needs our cooperation. He has to share this house with another occupant and that is you and me, and you and me have our own totally independent God given us freedoms and wills. Such can sure cause us troubles and GRIEVE THE OWNER when we don't think right and surrender to His Higher Intelligence and to the GREATNESS OF HIS LOVE and POWER. We need to surrender our will to His with the Assurance of His peace and goodwill for us seeing He paid dearly, he paid a great price to save us, to purchase us,  to own us and to call us HIS.
         I hear this scripture echoing in my hearing right now, Oh that old familiar scripture, HOW CAN TWO WALK or LIVE TOGETHER UNLESS THEY AGREE...? Most of the time they can't, at least not in peace and harmony. It can be like wild cats and dogs in the house. But friends Jesus has such a peace and goodwill grace plan for us that is out of this world in joy and gladness. None of us love ourselves near as much as we are loved by God and Jesus. Therefore who do you think has the best and brightest plan for us? He that knows us better than ourselves and He that loves us most....JESUS and the FATHER.
        You stomp your toe and you take off running from the pain trying to escape it. Jesus, they nailed to the Cross and he in his love for us just laid there without uttering one complaint. He wasn't running from the pain BECAUSE HE WAS THERE GOING THRU ALL THAT FOR YOU, for your blessings and benefits. You don't want to endure even a stomped toe size pain for you.
        But church, let us take a minute and sober up. WHO IS LORD? WHO CREATED ALL THINGS?  WHO IS BOSS?  Who bought our house with severe pains and blood, precious blood? Jesus the Greatest Love.
        Seeing that He paid such a high price for us, surely we can render unto our OWNER DUE HONOR AND RESPECT and some serious TRUST looking at how HE VALUES US WORTHY OF THE PRICE OF HIS OWN LIFE AND BLOOD. Such a price paid shows us how dear we are to his heart and how he wills us all some serious peace and Goodwill. And why not? After all lets look at some wisdom and light that is shining here from this great price that he paid to purchase us all. Every house Christ bought, Jesus paid the same price for...THE SAME.
       Can't we see that He  (Jesus our Purchaser) Must  REALLY LOVE US GREATLY? Can't we see that He must have a LOVELY BEAUTIFUL GRACE PLAN FOR ALL THE HOMES HE BOUGHT seeing the great price He paid to purchase them all? He paid the same price for all showing His Value of them all is THE SAME.
         Everyone is loved by the purchaser equally the same and valued the same. The same HUGE price was paid for them all.The schism's in the church come from our pride and selfish, fleshly exaltations, when we lose sight of that which is  patterned after the price of the blood of Christ that equalizes us and gives equal value to every home that the MASTER with His own Blood Purchased.....As Paul wrote, So that there would be NO SCHISMS in the CHURCH (In the Body)...And let no one do anything in the church in human vain fleshly glory, such causes divisions of the wrong kind. He said that is evil and is no way a reflection of the wisdom of God in the Uniting Equalizing Cross of Christ.
         Christ own Blood is THE BEAUTY and the GLORY and THE SHINING EQUAL VALUE OF US ALL EQUALIZING ALL THE SAME... Even as Jesus said in John 17:23..Father that they would all BE MADE PERFECT IN ONE and that they would come to really know and see this, that You love them even as you love Me. Even as is an equal term.
        Church God loves and esteems us all the same, and the blood of His Son is our equal value and oneness light, wisdom, and calling to love one another as Jesus loves us all the same. To let the devil take us from the blood of Christ  price & wisdom by using other comparisons like external skin color, outer looks, wealth status etc. is of evil. Those things and others brings schisms  into the church from the world, the flesh, and of the clever devil who is always trying to divide us (GOD'S CHURCH) and the nation.
       Those evil dividing schemes are not from the EQUALIZING UNITING Spirit of Christ,  nor from what His Purchasing Blood Speaks...It is from human vain glory of people who have fleshly cravings, world appetites, and desire some form of self idolizing in the great congregation of the redeemed. That is what happened to Satan and brought forth his calamity.
       Church we are One..Equal to Jesus in Value and every member Equally loved and that is what His Blood speaks and will forever preach....Rich, poor, and all in-between, the blood of Christ is our strength, our equal value, our personal and spiritual self esteem, and uniting equality.....Amen.....Thank you Jesus for Your Word.......deno.....share freely.

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