Thursday, October 23, 2014

And With Christ We Sat Down, Explained...Lesson Information #1.......deno.......share freely.

            In the 2nd chapter of Pauls writings to the Ephesians, the reality of UNMERITED FAVOR, UNMERITED FREE GIFTS, UNMERITED GRACE is GREATLY REVEALED AND SEEN IN VISUAL FORM. We see the power of God at work in the works and redeeming steps of Christ from the Cross to the Throne and how those works,  HIS WORKS and TRAVELS from the Cross to the Throne Blessed us and Effected Us. In all that light we also see the VERY foundation of what was meant by Paul in Colossians 2:10) wherein we read these beautiful words of assurance, "And you are COMPLETE in Him (In Christ)." That word COMPLETE here means the full measure reached as to be able to SIT DOWN and ENTER INTO REST. It means NOTHING LACKING. It also means YOU HAVE ARRIVED. You need not go elsewhere. Your fully clothed. YOU ARE COMPLETE. So with our minds fastened right now on the words of Paul that say WE ARE COMPLETE IN CHRIST, let us go to Ephesian 2:1-10 right now and study the actual foundational platform of Pauls God given wisdom from which those words were launched.
        In Ephesians 2 vs 1, Paul being COMPLETE IN CHRIST MINDED and RISEN WITH CHRIST MINDED (Colossians 3:1-4) as revealed to him by Christ (Galations 1:11-12), Paul immediately sets the stage for his revelation that eternal life and salvation is the GIFT OF GOD and not of THE WORKS of the Law performed by men. Lets notice what he said. vs1) And you God has....woe....let's stop right there and lets let those words sink in, grip and lay holt on to our thinking....What did we read? "And you GOD HAS....And you GOD HAS.....GOD HAS......GOD HAS..... I like that. He did not say that the world has done something. He did not start out saying that we have done something. He did not write about the accomplishments that we have done thru our deeds or works of the law or of natural human kindness.  No, Paul starts out saying immediately what God himself HAS DONE and that which GOD HAS DONE he reveals has all been wrought FOR US and has been done TO US who BELIEVE and BELONG to CHRIST. He said AND YOU GOD HAS MADE ALIVE.....
         God, Paul said, has made us alive. Externally in the flesh these words make no natural sense and cannot be (in the natural logic and reasoning of the fleshes carnal mind understood properly, nor connected to. But when we depart from the mind of the flesh and enter into the mind of the spirit, and into the understanding zone of the reality of our spirit within the flesh (James 2:26), it is then and only THERE these words make sense and fully connect to us their light and meaning.....So with our spirit, the hidden man of the heart (1 Peter 3:4) on the forefront of our thinking lets read it again.  But the Lord says hold on a second, there is more I want said first before........
        (Remember God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship, sup, and fellowship with Him in Spirit and in Truth. Remember John in the book of Revelations said, and immediately I was IN THE SPIRIT and in the Spirit I SAW and I HEARD. We to (now), must in our minds understanding, BE NOW SPIRIT MINDED and zoned in the spirit, to understand these words of Paul concerning the spirit of man and how Christ from the Cross to the Throne blessed and effected him (OUR SPIRIT). Not our flesh, but our spirit man, THE REAL MAN in heaven. The man that lives on when the body has itself died.  The part Jesus called the Son of Man that is in heaven. This was a heavenly thing of HIS SPIRIT. Every day Jesus' Spirit was in the kingdom of God, in the Holy Ghost, totally walking with and in perfect contact and fully in tuned to His Father who was ON THE THRONE, but was also WITHIN HIM. The Father is in Me, Jesus said, and i am in the Father. When we pray, our Father which art IN HEAVEN,  we in the Spirit are IN the HEAVENLY REALM OF GOD THE FATHER at the Throne in the Spirit and HIS SPIRIT is in us. We two have become ONE SPIRIT. God is with us in the spirit on earth, and we are with the Lord in heaven in the spirit.
        Remember Jesus said, Fear not those that can kill the body but after that have no power. But fear Him who is able to kill both the body and THE SOUL/SPIRIT in hell. Jesus knows the difference between the flesh of man and the spirit of man. After all we were designed and created by him, BY JESUS CHRIST. Hebrews 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16-17, John 1:1-14.
      Jesus said HIS WORDS were spirit, of the Spirit of God and for the spirit of man. He said MY WORDS that I speak are spirit and they are life. They are life giving and they give life and they MAKE ALIVE the spirit. The flesh they are not about. Jesus also taught that heavenly things, things of Gods Spirit and things of Angels spirits, and things of mans spirit and soul  and of heaven ARE REAL. He called the spirit of man *MAN* in John 3. He said unless Mans spirit is born again (THAT MEANS RE MADE ALIVE) then that soul & spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. SO we see in this that being born again, ( being made alive in the spirit ) AN ENTRANCE COMES WITH IT.
      So being more spirit within minded lets now approach our text of Ephesians 2:1-10. I feel God wanted those extra words above and their light stated before we went further.
        And you (YOUR SPIRIT MAN INSIDE YOU) God has MADE ALIVE. As people who believe and belong to Christ, our inner man, the hidden man of the hearth, THE SPIRIT OF OUR BEING (James 2:26) that lives on beyond the bodies death is A NEW CREATURE (2 Corinth 5:16-17). This means something beautiful and wonderful has happened to him our INNER MAN and this new making of Him as a NEW CREATION means that he is BY GOD beautifully and wonderfully made and has been MADE ALIVE.....more to come in lesson #2.....deno......share freely.

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