Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wherefore Sirs I Believe God...Acts 27:22-44 on thru Acts 28:1-31)

.........In the many diverse trials in the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul we can learn great inspiring truths and encouraging words. One day Paul as a prisoner for Jesus Christ was on a ship headed to testify before Caesar. On the way there in chains, he, they and the ship entered into a tremendous storm that was fighting against Pauls destiny, HIS CALLING. The storm was so fierce that the men feared for there very lives.

      In the midst of that storm Jesus in a vision appeared to Paul. Jesus told Paul that he would survive this and so would all the crew, but the ship would suffer ship wreck. But no matter the plundering of the ship by that storm, Jesus said not one hair would be lost by Paul or those men.

      Well just as Jesus said, the ship broke up and split apart but Paul and the men floated to shore safely. Then something strange happened shortly afterwards. Even though Jesus himself appeared to Paul in the vision shortly before, and told him the ship would be lost, but he and the crew would survive it, Paul giving a helping hand to gather wood on that shore to warm themselves, a poisonous snake fastened itself on Paul. (Divine visitations themselves DO NOT EXEMPT US FROM TRIALS or ATTACKS or TROUBLES or TICKS or WASP STINGS or STOMPED TOES or ANT BITES etc. This scripture reveals this also to us among other things.
      The snake bite situation looked grim again for Paul in the eyes of the watchers. But Paul was not moved, Paul ladies and gentlemen, had a promise. He heard Jesus say to him that he would testify for Jesus and the gospel in Rome. He knew that promise and he believed it and his faith carried him ONWARD. Paul shook that snake off (THAT NEXT TRIAL OFF) knowing he had a promise from God, a destiny to complete and that no matter all the trials that surely would come to discourage him, he believed God and his faith carried him thru no matter how awful or discouraging things looked around him or that came against him.
       What else can we learn from this even? Lets keep on believing my friends no matter what bites us in this life. Lets keep holding on to Jesus no matter what this world throws at us. Lets keep on trusting no matter how discouraging things seem to be. Paul almost daily had hurting reasons to lose faith, to lose hope, and toss in the towel. But instead of letting his hurts, his bites, and even painful trials discourage him, HE SAID.... Wherefore, sirs, Be of GOOD CHEER ; for I BELIEVE GOD, that it shall be even as it was told me (Acts 27:22-26)....Whatever you are facing right now...THIS TO IN TIME SHALL PASS....BE BELIEVING.......deno......share freely.

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