Friday, November 1, 2013

Heaven and God's Heavenly Places In Christ We Are Seated There Now.......deno

Heaven, and God's Heavenly Places, if you are born again in the inner man, in your spirit, then you are already passed from death unto life (John 5:24) into the heavenly places where Christ is far above and is seated at the Fathers right hand. (Ephesians 1:16-23)(Ephesians 2:1-10). You are risen with Christ and raised up together and made to sit together with Jesus in those spiritual highest holy heavenly places of God. In Christ, in our inner man, in our spirit (the part that goes to heaven after the grave) by the NEW BIRTH and by our being risen with Christ in the spirit man, we are much much more better off than we have yet fully understood and yet realized. (We go to where we already are in the spirit when the outer man, our bodies die)......Being risen with Christ in the inner man, in our spirit (Colossians 3:1-4) and being that God has already raised up our spirits into the heavenly places of Christ, WE SHOULD be looking from heaven downward in ASSURANCE and YET up to the Throne in faith in prayer...deno
Heaven, and God's Heavenly Places, if you are born again in the inner man, in your spirit, then you are already passed from death unto life (John 5:24) into the heavenly places where Christ is far above  ans seated at the Fathers right hand. (Ephesians 1:16-23)(Ephesians 2:1-10). You are risen with Christ and raised up together and made to sit together with Jesus in those spiritual highest holy heavenly places of God. In Christ, in our inner man, in our spirit (the part that goes to heaven after the grave) by the NEW BIRTH and by our being risen with Christ in the spirit man, we are much much more better off than we have yet fully understood and yet realized. (We go to where we already are in the spirit when the outer man, our bodies die) Being risen with Christ in the inner man, in our spirit (Colossians 3:1-4) and being that God has already raised up our spirits into the heavenly places of Christ, WE SHOULD be looking from heaven downward in ASSURANCE and YET up to the Throne in prayer...deno

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