Friday, November 15, 2013

Let's Come Back Home To God......deno & Sia

      Could it be had the prodigal son never gone back home, that he would have never known how greatly his father still loved and missed him and still wanted to bless him and do for him His good? What would have been his story had Satan kept his vision blurred with the pleasure of sin and world fantasies and flattery and by those things kept that young man deceived and away from home with the deceitfulness of sin. The world is greatly loved by God but they will never know that or experience salvation if they do not come to the Cross of Christ. All Gods love there and all that saving power can do them no good if they do not come to the Cross and join themselves to God there by faith in His Son..Could it be that the prodigal son would have never known His fathers love for him that has never changed had Satan kept his heart away from God and kept his heart wrapped around the pleasure of this world and sin????? Something for us to consider.....Jesus said of the rich man that lived for himself and his crowd when he was in hell basically this truth...He said. your there because you in your lifetime.....What did the rich man do in his life time?...He day to day chose wrong...He day to day showed no love to the poor mans needs. He chose and cared not to have compassion on the poor man...God honors our choices good or bad, healthy or not. Lets all come back home......deno & Sia.

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