Friday, November 1, 2013

I Humbly Say This....deno....please share freely

    With all the bad and the sad in the world. With all the grief and the sorrow. With all the greed and the lack, God being fully aware of it all and knowing all this life and worlds many manifold curses and problems from the beginning to the end of the age, still yet Jesus said I give you my peace, love one another in My Name, and rejoice and be exceedingly glad for the life and for the living hope you have in Me.....With so many obvious reasons to be down in this world, despite that Jesus said live high in His Peace, His Faith, His Hope and His Love...Jesus smiled and laughed and rejoiced every day while he was on earth even though he knew people were dying, going to hell and suffering greatly. Well friends as strange as all this may sound and it is truth, SO CAN WE in love. I humbly say this...deno

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