Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Personal American Conviction....In Honor of My God and To His Son Jesus Christ My Redeemer and My Redemption, and to My Earthly Father and Mother Who When They Were Here With Us Were Believers, Preachers, and Patriots Who Loved Our Nation.....deno.....please share if you also agree.

By Deno Smith
     In a nation that has become a mass of many different cultures and beliefs, I understand that a President should not nor cannot publicly choose sides and that is understandable, but he damn well better choose this, and that is to enforce the Constitution that is the law of the nation that says we all must respect one another's religious differences without blood shed, and not fight for minority beliefs to over ride, control, and dictate over the majority conviction in a democratic society.
        For those that would murder in cold blood as to behead another on the basis of religious differences is far from true light, love, righteousness, and holiness, and is nothing less than a devils habitation hiding behind the face of a religious purpose and cause to murder and cause blood shed to their beliefs opposition(John 8:44-45)......
      When our founding fathers established for us in America the freedom of religion, none of them set this freedom in stone so that Satanism or Atheism could be RELIGIONS in America. Satanism, nor Atheism that the courts have now also redefined,  entitled, and re-titled as RELIGION, they were not included in the religion list that the founding fathers considered when addressing the purpose for the freedom of religion right. No matter how the Constitution is bent and twisted by the crooked, deformed, and twisted mind, these both were considered by our founding father as enemies of the state and of Americas Religious Liberties.....
      But now people hearts have become so cold to God and so warm and welcoming to lies, deceit, delusional thinking, and to sin that they sit on thrones as Supreme Court Judges over this nation and they have themselves opened the door to Satanic Wiles to be every where in the land and the atheist now are using their new found platform in America and are bullying and pushing THERE BELIEFS on us all everywhere all across America shutting down God and Prayer in government, in schools, and if they can get away with it, they will also push their beliefs inside the walls of the church's to hold the pulpits in bondage to fear of what they can preach by LAW SUITS......
      I'm sorry but this is the absolute truth and it is the REAL UNCONSTITUTIONAL works that are being now allowed and perpetrated on us in America. But thank God for the American Center for Law and Justice.....Their Fighting Back For Us And For The Truth That These Words Speak.......Please Join and Support Them......deno........share freely.

P.S. Unbelievers want Jesus shut down in America. Many Jews still want Joshua shut down in America. The Muslims want the Christians shut down in America. Lucifer and Satanism want their enemy Jesus out of America. Atheist want God and Jesus shut down and forgotten in America. Well guess who else wants Jesus shut down and cast out of America? All these peoples power and backing, THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS SATANIC SPIRIT. Folks this is the raw, root truth of this whole matter.

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