Saturday, September 20, 2014

Such Bright Revelating Light.....deno.....share freely

LETS GET DEEP HERE..... In John 3:12 Jesus said to an elder of Israel...If I speak to you of earthly things and you don't understand and believe them, how will you understand and believe if I tell you of the heavenly things and their realities?....... OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART LORD.....ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD....BELIEVE.

      Some time ago the Lord began to open my eyes to some truths concerning what it means to be BORN AGAIN. During this time the words RISEN WITH CHRIST (Colossians 3:1-4) and that we have PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE (John 5:24) began to be magnified in me. It was like my mind was being more deeply connected to these defining words......And Jesus said to his disciples about certain Words that he was giving them, He said, "Let these words sink deep into your hearing". In other words Jesus was magnifying their importance to them. They were to hear them and hear them until those words were fully understood and until their meaning could not be removed from their hearts understanding sight.
       As the study went on I began to receive the importance of seeing these truths of BEING BORN AGAIN and of RISEN WITH CHRIST & PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE as truths of things that were all about and of OUR SPIRITS, our INNER MAN and that they had nothing to do with our flesh or the man in the mirror. In the book of John Jesus said, "The words I preach are spirit and they are about the spirit of man and they are words of life." The Lord began to emphasize the fact that these words RISEN WITH CHRIST and PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE WITH CHRIST were truths and that they were true of the BORN AGAIN SPIRIT of man and not of the flesh. That it was a heavenly thing and not a physical thing. (John 3:10-12)
          Friends isn't it so true that we all can tell much about things concerning the outer man, the flesh? Sure we can. I mean if Jimbo weighed 115 pounds and he was one stick of a guy, then three years later Jimbo looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger we all could tell the BIG DIFFERENCE. It's  the same person only in much GREATER SHAPE AND IN  MUCH GREATER PHYSICAL CONDITION. Well in the spirit world, in the heavenly world  and realm that Jesus both came from and spoke of and about (See John 3:1-18) things are as clearly seen and defined of spirits as clear as we see and define and describe things according to the flesh physical world.
          Lets look at this this way. If the body of man is circumcised as was the necessary mark for the covenant men of Israel, couldn't that marking in the flesh of man be clearly seen? Yes is could. It could clearly be seen my man and also by God who is a Spirit. Now the bible teaches us that the things of the old Covenant were patterned after spiritual realities of HEAVENLY TRUTHS AND OF HEAVENLY THINGS. Things patterned after spirit realities. Well friends, our physical bodies get their shape and their pattern after the SPIRIT OF MAN and his reality, after the image and likeness of Gods Spirit. 
      I mean when you go to heaven in your day and you see a loved one who went to heaven before you, you will see them with ears, with eyes, with a nose, with hands, with feet, with hair, with a mouth, legs, arms. YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM. Every physical part of the body on earth has a spiritual part of the heavenly YOU in heaven, even the teeth and tongue. Even in hell, if I may say this for illustrative purposes here,  there in that place of torment there is weeping from eyes and knashing of TEETH. These physical parts that we know of are heavenly parts to OUR SPIRIT MAN that leaves the physical at its death.
      Now it was the SPIRIT OF MAN that Jesus was talking about when He taught on BEING BORN AGAIN. He even said, it is the spirit of man that I am speaking of. For that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. Well Being Born Again is of that WHICH IS SPIRIT. It is of the spirit of man, that part (that man) that continues to exist after the body has returned to dust. And it is THAT MAN that Jesus said MUST BE BORN AGAIN or (he...meaning THAT MANS SPIRIT) cannot enter into life nor into the kingdom of God.
         Well as the Lords Spirit was exercising my spirit with the light of these words he began to cause me to see and understand some spiritual truths about being born again and about its heavenly significance. He began to magnify the fact that a born again spirit can be bee seen, known, and recognized my the eyes of the Spirit of God and even of angels as our natural eyes can tell if a man is circumcised and in great shape in the flesh or in the physical body. It is THAT OBVIOUS to spirits eyes though to human eyes we are naturally blind to this heavenly sight. 
       It is sort of like this. Gods Spirit is Light, real light shining and bright. His Spirit in us and upon us is brightly seen as bright light in the spirit realm and dimension, but you and I with our physical eyes are blind to this. Even so a man BORN AGAIN and whose spirit (Heavenly Part) is heavenly circumcised such is obvious in the spirit realm. But heavenly circumcision is not like physical circumcision although the purpose and meaning of the both of them are HIGHLY IMPORTANT in their covenant purpose and HIGH CALLING. 
      For in the old covenant, if a mans part was not physically circumcised HE COULD NOT ENTER THE COVENANT PROMISES OF GOD and he had no connection to God AT ALL. Even so, but even more importantly is the NEW COVENANT circumcision demand. For unless a mans (SPIRIT) is born again HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. He has no eternal life in him. He has no connection to God and the wrath of God abides upon him whether he is Jew or Gentile. For in the new covenant the old way of circumcision (Physical Circumcision) is null and void and done away with, and of no more covenant power because it was set in motion having only a temporary purpose until the true of it purpose and heavenly circumcision that it was A SHADOW OF came into reality on earth. And when Christ came so came the REAL DEAL  that had so many types and shadows of HIMSELF and of the heavenly things in the patterns of Christ that we see represented in the old testament figures.
       Paul preached by the Spirit and from the Spirit that now that Christ (THE TRUTH) has come, physical circumcision avails nothing anymore and that the real circumcision that the old covenant cut was a just a type and shadow of is cut and done in the spirit of man, in the hidden man of the heart, in place the human eyes cannot see. And it is also important to note that the heavenly real circumcision that the old covenant circumcision was just a SHADOW of, the heavenly mark is different than the physical cut of the mans part in that in the spirit of our being even woman to must be born again and heavenly circumcised. 
      THE NEW COVENANT HEAVENLY CIRCUMCISION is a work of Gods hands and not of mans hand. Human hands cannot reach the depths of the hidden man of the heart, the spirit of man. Only Gods hands can recreated the spirit in men and heavenly circumcise both male and female in the spirit.
      As the Lord began to cause me, even me the chiefest of sinners to see these heavenly things I began to strangely rejoice at the sight of them that I was more and more seeing in the eyes of my understanding. Then one day as I was gleaming into this light, these words came across my hearing and my sight. Those words were these, "Now trace (with the sight of the eyes of your understanding) MY BODY from the CROSS to the Throne and you will see where you are at in the spirit( in the NEW BIRTH)"...In that heavenly sight you will see the new man in Christ Jesus created in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:23-24)...In that heavenly sight You will see the NEW CREATURE of 2nd Corinthians 5:17.....You will see the CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST of Galations 2:19-21......In that heavenly sight You will see the RISEN WITH CHRIST spiritual reality of Colossians 3:1-4.....You will see the life saving spirit condition of being PAST FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE in John 5:24 and of Ephesians 2:1-10....scroll down...
      Yes trace MY BODY with the sight of the eyes of your understanding from the CROSS to the THRONE and you will see the reality of JOHN 5:24 and of Ephesians 2:1-10 reality connection that is in your spirit Born of God.....and that all this is heavenly real and active and alive and the condition of every spirit BORN OF GOD by faith in Jesus Christ His Son and all this is literally and clearly seen by the eyes of the Spirit of God and of the angels and even by the eyes of the spirits of darkness that fear and tremble at so bright spiritual sight discovered by men......more to come........deno.....please share freely.

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