Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday thoughts and devotion on the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB CALLED CHRIST......written by deno.

.......As i was reading Psalms and Proverbs, one day it hit me that these two men (David and Solomon) I had a lot in common with and i was not alone. Both of these two men God showed himself unto and talked to openly. In the book of Psalms and of Proverbs they were writing about the Lord, his goodness, his grace, his fatherhood over them as their God, and they were writing about their manifold trials and failures and what they were feeling and experiencing in the moment and of what they had learned from looking back at their lives in the times that they were pleasing God and when they were disobeying God. All their ups and downs, highs and lows, ins and outs, when they pleased God and when they sinned greatly which both of them did MADE THE BOOK CALLED THE BIBLE, which being interpreted means THE WORD OF GOD & GRACE.
.......Friends by the same loving-kindness and mercy of God shown David and Solomon, you and I are going to make it. For if these men with their track record under the strength of the blood of bulls and of goats and of the heifers of the OLD COVENANT SACRIFICES FOR SINS MADE IT INTO GLORY by the intercessions of atoning animals blood, HOW MUCH MORE shall we walk the streets of glory in peace with God who have fled unto salvation, being washed and saved by the BLOOD OF GOD HIMSELF, the Word of God that became flesh and dwelt amongst us?.
.......No wonder Paul the apostle said that the Cross of Christ is Gods Own Personal Power for us unto salvation. It is where the mighty saving atoning precious blood of God Himself was poured out to save us from our sins....What a glorious PEACE OFFERING. For we are saved not by the works of the Law, but by faith in the mediation of a MIGHTY SACRIFICE. thru precious blood that speaks and intercedes.. As it is written. Without the shedding of blood there is no salvation from sin and no removal of sins committed. Good deeds cannot take away what only blood can. A good work cannot remove a sin stain, wrinkle, spot, or blemish. ONLY BLOOD....Blessed be God for the PASSOVER LAMB, HIS BLOOD, and ITS REDEEMING SAVING US FROM WRATH PURPOSE.
.......Lord Jesus, precious and holy Lamb of God with all my heart and hope and faith I am clinging to you and the power of the blood of your Cross. As surely as you are risen from the dead thru the power of God, we who believe and belong to you are risen thru the power of your own blood that speaks so many good things to those that hear your voice.... Amen.

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