Sunday, December 11, 2016

What happened to your Fig Leaves ?.....deno.....share freely.

Image result for pics of fig leaf clothes God made
When Adam and Eve made their first fig leaf clothes, they made them to cover their nakedness shape in shame and in fear of God....Today when Adam and Eve make their new fig leaf clothing and fashions it hides no curves nor shape, for they have no more a fear of God or of what is wrong or of what is tempting.
Yes the first man and woman after their sin in shame made for themselves clothes out of fig leaves to hide their nakedness and curves and shape ashamed of what they had done. The present Adam and Eve now make their clothes to hide nothing but to reveal and show every curve of their nakedness. Will we as a world or as the Church ever fear God again and change back to living for His glory and honor, or are we now our own gods and idols making up the rules of our course and way of life, who as the bible foretold cannot cease from sin or from doing wrong? (2 Peter 2:14). I pray for a miracle. I pray that God changes all our hearts so that by His workmanship within us we choose His godly ways for us and not Satan's sensual promotions. We or many of us of this generation have become that wicked and adulteress unfaithful generation swapping wives & husbands in divorce and in swinging, tempting and being tempted by one another, who has not submitted yet to the full way of Christ holy leadership. Why call Me Lord Lord when you obey yourselves and not Me saith the Lord...Lord also means BOSS....Certainly words to think about and to let them take their rightful course in the garden of our hearts.
.......Folks sometimes when He breathes on me, the words He gives me to write makes me even say, ouch Lord.
       P.S..Recently it was reported that a lady who was a porn star who received an award for her latest movie, in her delusion after being presented the trophy for her performance in the movie said. I thank the good Lord above for blessing me with these talents and gifts and for this award...Lets not laugh. Many of us Christians today have been or are right now still in this woman's minds own strong delusion....It takes honest truth from God to deliver us out of our delusions and personal deceptions.....share freely...deno.

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