Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I know this to be the truth. In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth.....deno

      I do not choose to believe this. I know this to be the truth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..... The more I investigate into the arguments of the Creationist vs the Naturalist, I have noticed science behind the universe, it's information is often slanted or manipulated to promote peoples personal world and religious views much like the global warning issues are manipulated and twisted for political and new money direction gain. Nonetheless we all no science reveals all things have a parent force before itself. All things in the natural world are born from something previous. This is a natural known and accepted law.
      With this in mind, we all know now something has had to have always and forever been. Something behind us and before us has had to have always been. Eternal is it's power. Always has been and ever shall be is it's glory. His Name Is Almighty God. Like unto the Eternal Spirit of the Lord, having neither beginning of days neither ending of days. Always has been and ever shall be. Full of Life and Ignited with Powers that we have no idea to fully fathom or measure. 

      No physical matter could ever have possibly ALWAYS BEEN. From every law known to man no physical substance could have possibly FOREVER BEEN. Science now preaches the Universe with all it's known laws had a definite beginning point. Since all physical matter had a definite beginning point, where did the first physical matter come from? Scientist now write high level thesis saying IT ALL CAME FROM NOTHING. NOTHING they write made all things. This is a most darkened biased mind to say such arrogance on the level of the worlds top brains? They are told do not go to the GOD FACTOR no matter what. These same minds teach our children today in our schools......deno

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