Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mighty Clashing of the Spirit and the flesh.....deno.

       Its important that we as children of God in Christ, whose spirits are born of God and made the new creatures, the new spirits created in Christ Jesus in righteousness and true holiness, it is important that we really realize and  KNOW that we are REALLY NEW SPIRITS created in Christ Jesus. That truth is so important. Without really knowing that truth you will not understand the spiritual bread that Jesus taught Paul about the spirit and about spiritual things. Without knowing that  truth and what it means you will base most of your religious views and perceptions by sight, by physical senses and physical feelings and emotions that are often times associated with misleading feelings and with the deceitful lust mentioned in Ephesians 4:23 and not after  your spirit man  which is patterned and created New after the holy and righteous image of the Spirit of Christ
        Remember with me the mount of transfiguration, the disciples had seen and known Jesus after the flesh with invisible to the eyes healing virtue ever present to heal and in some places they saw that invisible power and glory heal whole towns of the sick brought to him.
But now they were going to see the invisible REAL JESUS . God was going to allow them to see what others could not see. On that mount they were going to see Jesus' Eternal Glory. They were going to see His Real Son of God Self, His Holy Spirit Self come from behind the fleshes veil and be seen by the disciples in the glistening glory and light that He really is and has been forever in Spirit.  All though He would only allow them to see portions of His real eternal power and brightness, for no natural man can see the Lord in the full strength of His Eternal Power and glory and live. He has to veil Himself to us because of our present sinful flesh. We see him according to the measure permitted, as the Spirit wills.
       But what i want us all to see in this  light is that Jesus after the Spirit is not the same as Jesus after the flesh. The Spirit of Jesus is sinless and pure and holy in nature. His Spirit is eternal in life and eternal in power. His Spirit has always been and ever shall be. His flesh body was not the real Jesus, they were not one and the same, and  NOR IS OUR FLESH and our spirit one and the same. THAT'S IMPORTANT.
        Our spirits in Christ Jesus are NEW CREATURES created in Christ Jesus patterned after the righteous image and likeness of the holy Spirit of Jesus. (Ephesians 4:22-24). That is what happened to our spirits when we became born again in our heavenly man that is inside these bodies as Jesus' Spirit was inside and veiled behind his physical body.
        Our flesh nature  and our spirits nature in Christ Jesus are not one and the same in self and not one and the same in their nature. The spirit is holy in nature being born of the Spirit of God, but  our present flesh remains sinful flesh and is vile, corrupt, sinful and craves sin and we feel the war of these opposing natures and these two opposing men. One is a spirit man and the other is the flesh man just as Jesus demonstrated and showed the big difference of on the mount.
        So the conditions of the present sinful flesh are not to be our guide nor our guiding light in figuring out spiritual things or about spiritual definition. For Paul said, the spirit and the flesh desire opposite desires. You cannot learn rightly spiritual things by what the present flesh dictates. The fleshes sinful cravings are not called by Paul the deceitful lust for nothing.     The flesh with all its many unbridled lust can deceive you. If you try to figure things of the spirit by the things your flesh senses tell you and its carnal thinking, that will lead you into all kinds of spiritual error. Like it did Nicodemus, Jesus told him a spiritual truth of spirit reality when he saying, Nicodemus unless a man is born again you will not enter into the kingdom of God. Nicodemus' mind is all about flesh senses and flesh wisdom...Nic says to Jesus, How can a man be born again? Can he crawl back into his mothers womb and be born again? What at thought?? Lets not laugh. You and I back then would have probably said the same thing or something close after the flesh.That's all he knew and all we would have known to relate to those words. We need the Spirit of Jesus to teach us spiritual wisdom like he did to Paul. 
        Galations 5:16-17) This I say then, Walk after the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the fleshes sinful desires fight and war against the Spirits holy desires, and the Spirits holy desires fight and war against the fleshes sinful desires AND THESE ARE CONTRARY AGAINST EACH OTHER  so that you find it hard to do the good that the holy Spirit and your infant new born holy spirit beckons you to do.
         So in this light we have learned thru Christ that the flesh and the spirit are not one and the same. Even at death we see the difference thru the severance. The body dies but the spirit lives on. Why. They are not one and the same man. The flesh man dies. The spirit man lives on.
         So the New Creature in Christ Jesus of 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 is found in our spirit man and nothing of the flesh. We must base everything about the New Creature in the spirit, by the Spirit of God and His Word and by the spiritual revelations Jesus gave Paul...Not by the deceitful feelings of the sinful flesh that will always try to make us think we are all bad and all evil with all its yuk sinful craving and emotions. For we christians who are born again in our spirits, who also are baptized with the sinless holy Spirit of the Lord, our flesh sometimes shows us its evil side thru its sinful craving, but the Sinless Spirit of God does not in any way mix, mingle, or blend with that sinful desire and association. Where then is the Lord when our flesh shows us its sinful side....He is hidden away with our spirit in compartments of grace and of heavenly places within and behind the veil of the flesh that few know about and few so little understand.........deno......share freely.

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