Thursday, November 5, 2015

We Must Weather Faiths Opposing Storms to get to the Promises Destinations......deno.

       We Must Weather the Faith Opposing Storms To Get to our Promises Destination.....Word of God Fuel that feeds my faith and hope......deno.
       First Satan stirred up the people against Christ and His Christianity, Suddenly the atmosphere of the nation became filled with hostility against Jesus and His name and cause. Many of the people couldn't understanding why all this sudden change and hate against Christ and his love and doctrine and cause. Just a few days before the crowds couldn't get enough of Jesus. They were singing and shouting praises to him up and down the street. Oh how things can change quickly, up then down and then down to back up. How the spiritual winds can quickly change direction in a nation or in our own lives for our good or for our bad.
       When the enemy had caused Christ situation in Israel to turn suddenly south, Satan used that evil unbelieving momentum and he had his boys crucify the Lord. Things seemed to go from worse to worse... From the Cross to the grave all seemed lost and looked like things were all going Satans direction and Satan's sin filled way in the land of Israel concerning Christ. But hang on a minute the Holy Ghost whispers,  never judge a book or a situation by its cover or by how things presently look or by what things seem to be, especially when you are talking about and dealing with your glorious and wonderful Holy Heavenly Father, Almighty God. He can turn things back around over night EVEN IN A SECOND, EVEN IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE., even in just three days.
       In just Three days God fixed Jesus and the disciples whole life and situation and even the course of the world thru the glory and power of the Promises of God concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And that same POWER FILLED PROMISES POWER is fully given us in Christ Jesus for the mix of our faith and hope in all of life's circumstances and situations. God has words and promises every day for us to obey and to stand upon in faith daily, even to each days every need. For He has called us to the calling of first seeking God and his righteousness and His will for the day and He promises to add the rest of our needs to us. Seeking God has promises attached to it. God is a rewarder of them that diligently SEEK HIM.
        It is truth like this that is shining to us from above as mentioned in the previous paragraph that fuels my faith and fuels my hope for America and many nations and for our personal lives.. God always has the last Word. His Sworn Promises govern and foretell the outcome of all situations of them that believe them and obey the Lord. 
        God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Put Gods Word First, Put Gods Promises First on your life and situations and GODS WORDS and Gods Promises will be the end result and the final fruit of your life and of your trial or situation being those situations and circumstances BY OUR INVOKING OF FAITH IN THE PROMISE OF GOD AND INVOKING HIS MIGHTY NAME makes our circumstances brought into full surrender and into full subjection to the Word and Covenant Promise of God. The bible clearly says God has the Power to subject all things to Himself. He has given us great and precious subjecting promises so that by our faith in those promises all our situations and circumstances be brought  into full SUBJECTION TO WHAT THE  PROMISE OF GOD SAYS...Getting this done day to day is one of the heaviest and toughest spiritual battles...Believing and faith enduring thru the storms of faith opposition until the promise has fully subjected our situation and our circumstances to its far more powerful self is all a big part of FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. Just keep in mind the course of the Promises of God and Satans clever scheme to cause us to lose faith. I call it the Up to Down to Rising Back up way of the promises of God as seen in Christ situation in Jerusalem when they were praising His name greatly one day, then suddenly the situation went south the other way. It went south and the same people who were just praising Jesus started shouting for his crucifixion. And the situation of Jesus even went further south to full taste of death itself. That is when most people standing on a covenant promise of God that is in the covenant scriptures start sinking in faith and most of the time sad to say it the battle is lost right there. But remember, every promise of God has in it a beginning, and many times an up to down to back up again course to it, and every promise of God has the glory of Gods resurrection power in it to come back up even from the dead or what appears to be a hopeless situation. And it will be raised back up if we will weather in real bible faith Satans clever counter attacks to our faith with his bewitching strong delusions that he has formed against the hope of our faiths expectations. 
       Put the Living Scripture Promises on your circumstance and situation as was put on Jesus on the cross and in the tomb, and dogmatically believe those promises & scriptures calling upon the Name of the Lord and those scriptures concerning your situation will COME TO PASS in your situation just as they did in Christ.
       No matter how dead Jesus was or that your circumstance seems to be, GODS WORD IS OVER RIDING GRACE and OVERCOMING THE WORLD POWER. Jesus stuck to his scriptures and his scriptures stuck to him thru all the down turn, thru all the pain, and the illusions of defeat. Jesus stuck to his scriptures concerning his situation as Christ in his death, in the threes days and nights of his body in the tomb, to his resurrection and beyond.
        Sometimes our situation may get so bad that it looks like the three days and the three nights of Jesus dead in the tomb. But friends who believe and trust and stand on the scriptures that cannot be broken, the promises of God in the battle of faith, every promise may have a sudden opposite down turn as what happened to Jesus when the people went from praising him loudly to crying against him to crucify him. The situations may even go to the point of death or hopelessness and seem to be dead and as good as gone as Jesus was dead in the tomb.....But listen listen listen.. EVERY PROMISE OF GOD BELIEVED HAS A BEGINNING  a trial and a trying, and a course up to down and then down to back up Victory Ending....IF THE PROMISE IS BELIEVED UNTO THE END, IT WILL ALWAYS HAVE A RESURRECTION STYLE ENDING and that's with all the promises of God great or small.
        If we will hold fast to the beginning of our confidence in the PROMISE OF GOD all the way thru faiths manifold trails, down turn tricks of the devil and thru faiths tribulations, WE BY THE WORD OF GOD, shall see the salvation of the Lord, in the temporal faith challenges and in the Eternal one as long as we are STANDING ON A REAL COVENANT PROMISE OF GOD that God Swore to us in His Sons own precious blood.
          A PROMISE OF GOD BELIEVED is a Thus saith the Lord Word on our situation to us personally.  Gods Living Word believed will come alive on your situation and triumph. For Christ death and resurrection power, God has given us who believe and belong to Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:19-20). Gods resurrection glory and power is in every Promise.
         But let us listen attentively here. Usually when the three days and the three nights come at us during our faith and hopes expectation  trials, when it seems that the promise that we are standing on is in the grave, in the  three days and the three nights faith period buried and out of sight, it is in that strong anti faith anti Promise of God delusion that Satan the enemy of our hope and of our believing causes  most people, like the disciples and like doubting Thomas, to throw in the towel of faith and be filled with doubt and discouragements and in that, they like Peter taking their eyes off THE PROMISE, they begin to sink not weathering the storms that Satan stirs up to oppose our faith and confidence in THE WORD OF GOD, in hope that our faith fails and we lose what we are believing for by the entrance of robbing doubt and unbelief..
        But deno you do not know how dead this situation is or seems to be. Well Friend, UP FROM THE GRAVE JESUS AROSE BY THE PROMISES OF GOD, WITH A MIGHTY VICTORY OVER HIS FOES. Your still breathing aren't you? Can't get anymore dead than dead dead, and it was in the dead dead Gods Words and Living Scriptures PREVAILED AND Jesus Rose Again REVEALING THE REVELATION OF HOW PROMISES OF GOD WORK even when the devil has done all he can to kill them. Even when it went all the way to death itself, Gods Promises are so ALMIGHTY GOD FILLED they brought Christ back from the dead. They can bring our situations back from the gloom and doom as well BUT WE MUST BELIEVE. Just no way around us drinking the cup of faith that God has commanded all of us to drink without wavering. Those who believe all the way to the finish line of the trials of faith,  WIN.
       With God all things, all things, all things ARE POSSIBLE. and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE.......deno......share freely.

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