Monday, February 13, 2017

Rejoice and Be Exceedingly Glad....deno.....share freely.

.....To Christians, the end times course of this world as told by Jesus in the scriptures was not told to be a downer but an upper. For after saying all the terrible things that are going to come to pass on the earth because of the mystery of iniquity, Jesus said....When you see these things happening LOOK UP and REJOICE EXCEEDINGLY for your great deliverance is at hand...Isn't it good to know that when things are at their worst in this world GREAT DELIVERANCE is at hand and in the darkest hour God sends His Most Marvellous Light.
......Christ came to be the light of a world that had gone dark, and to be preserving Salt to a decaying world that sin was destroying. He Came TO BE A GREAT AND LIVING HOPE when things seemed hopeless and a RESURRECTION TO THAT WHICH IS DEAD. He came to be freedom to the bound and recovery of sight to the blind. To set free the chained and to show love where there was hate. He came to merciful to the sinner, and to fill with living water the dry. Where there was broken hearts Jesus came to mend and where there is boredom he came so that by believing and obeying HIS WORD his joy could be fulfilled in us and our joy made full. Meaning FULFILLMENT and EXCITEMENT thru HIS PRESENCE...
......So what is the sum of the matter. We find it in John 10:10...No matter how awful and ugly goes this world we still have the world overcoming over riding words of John 10:10..Jesus said, Satan the liar and the thief only comes but for to deceive, to steal, kill, and to destroy, to make life seem hopeless and miserable....but I have come to all of you for this purpose, so that you might have life and that you could have it more abundantly. Jesus said this truth when knowing how terrible this world was and was going to get.
.......Friends, thru Christ light and words, beautiful things can still come forth and happen even from the most driest parched land. So there is no reason for any to be filled with dread or hopelessness. We serve a Master, a mighty God who is for us not against us, and wants us to each day have and enjoy his life and presence and that more abundantly EVEN IN THIS WORLD...So when the world goes mad Jesus gave us the right and the calling to GO HIS GLAD...TRUMP NATION we are the Light of the world in Christ.....deno.

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