Saturday, February 4, 2017

Son of Redemption, Now What Do You See ?.....deno.....share freely.

......I want you to see yourself this way. Imagine in your mind that Jesus is a HUGE HUGE GIGANTIC GOD MADE ARK that Noah's Ark was a type and shadow of that foretold of the mystery of Christ to come who would save His people from their sins and save them from the wrath to come.
......Now go and take a look and see inside that Body, that Ark called Christ, the Ark of eternal refuge.... Look and tell Me what you see inside Him? I see seats that look like majestic thrones packing the place, lined up and in rows inside the auditorium of HIS BODY.....Now see yourself and all the church members entering into the Ark, into the auditorium of His Body, the Body of Christ and taking their seat in those majestic thrones of exaltation that you see packing the auditorium of His Body within.. Now what do you see? I see this God made Ark, I see that now inside the auditorium of HIS BODY the place is packed with people. The Spirit of the Redeemer says, These are the redeemed. Those that overcame the world by faith in My blood, the blood of Jesus Christ.
......Now what do you see? I see that Ark, that body in a grave with all those people inside it sitting in the great congregation in the auditorium of HIS BODY, the God Made Ark of eternal refuge. Keep looking....Now what do you see? I see power being poured into that body that is in that grave. Great power. Almighty Power. Resurrection Power and that Body of Christ with all those people inside its auditorium is starting to rise and Christ and His people inside Him are rising up together. You are seeing well....Now what do you see? I see Christ Body and all those people inside Him flying into the skies ascending into the heavens....Now what do you see? I see that Body now shining bright with the glory of God and glistening in glory and honor and I see all those people inside him in their seats shining with the glory of God.....Now what do you see.? I see that body suddenly make landing...Son of so great a salvation where did that body land and dock? He landed with all those people inside Him at the right hand of God the Father. Son of redemption you have seen right and you have seen well....Testify and I will open their eyes with this light of your sight........deno.....Jesus Is Lord.

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