Friday, February 10, 2017

The Altar of the Cross of Christ, Earths Most Hallow Ground.....deno......share freely.

......Lord I have nothing self great to offer you upon this altar, but I see this Lamb that you have provided. I will take Him now and offer him up to you. God replied. Yes go and do so, for this Lamb is My beloved Son in whom I am always well pleased. He will pay the price for your sins. He alone will I accept.
.......God said. World I give you Jesus. We say to God, We give you Jesus. Anything else said is sin.
.......Christ the atonement. Christ the propitiation. Christ the price paid in full. Christ the perfect unblemished Sacrifice.
.......Without the shedding of blood, the wisdom of God said there is no sin removed. Well there exist no blood as sinless and perfect as Christ the Lamb of God that God provided to remove the sin of the world.
.......Sin is always atoned for and dealt with in the bible with a blood sacrifice. ALWAYS...Our good works do not belong in that department. Our self righteousness does not belong on that sacred Altar. 
........Remember Lots wife the bible says...Well also remember Cain. Cain put the the fruits of his own labors upon the altar and God refused to accept Cains offering and his sin remained. God said his sin remained even at the door. Ones good works cannot remove sin filth and stains.
.......Folks that altar, the altar of God for the atoning of sin is the most sacred hallow ground on earth. It is the sacred ground from which the voice of the blood of Gods own flesh cries out on behalf of us all. We must not defile it as to place our names or self goodness or our good works upon it. Christ and His Blood alone belongs there......deno.

Image may contain: sky, ocean, twilight and outdoor

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