Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gods Greatest Compassion Ever Poured Out From Heaven To Men......deno

       I would much rather God pour out His Grace and Spirit upon this nation than His wrath. You know He is capable of both. Which one are you asking Him for? One day while Jesus was on earth people rose up opposing him. The disciples said, Lord shall we pray and call down fire upon their heads. Jesus said most certainly not. You do not know what spirit you are of in this that you just said. I came down from heaven not to destroy but to intercede, intervene, and to save......Some people are always about trying to catch people in their words or in their sins so that they can accuse them, embarrass them and to bring down fire from heaven to devour them. I preach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. For the Cross of Christ is Gods Greatest Compassion ever poured out from heaven to earth to men. It's rivers can put all the fires that men or Satan want to rain down from heaven on peoples heads. It's mighty rivers even save us from the the wrath of God to come and from all it's fire. It preaches and proclaims PEACE to them that are nigh and to those that are far off.......deno.......America Founded By Believers For Believers...please share freely.


vs 13) But now In Christ Jesus, you who were before  far off are made nigh by the BLOOD OF CHRIST.
vs 14)  For Jesus is our PEACE, who has made both one, and has torn down the middle wall that separated us.
vs 15)  Having ABOLISHED in his flesh (thru the blood of His cross) the friction/enmity, even abolishing the law of condemnation, the law of commandments(that none of us could keep Acts 15:4-11)that was contained in ordinances, in order to make in Himself of the Jew and of the gentile ONE NEW MAN, SO MAKING PEACE between them.
vs 16) And (more good news) that He might reconcile the both of them unto God in ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, having SLAIN the enmity and friction that was between us thru the Cross.
vs 17) And (more good news) came and preached (What did He preach? Hello?) And came and preached PEACE  to you which were far off and to them that were  near......Yalahoolahoo...Glory to God.

1st Thessalonians 1:9-10)
vs 9) For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had, and how YOU turned to God from all those idols you use to esteem and worship. You turned from them to serve the true and living God.
vs10)And to wait for His Son from heaven, who He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which DELIVERED US FROM THE WRATH TO COME.....Glory to God in the highest..... 
I would much rather God pour out His Grace and Spirit upon this nation than His wrath. You know He is capable of both. Which one are you asking Him for? One day while Jesus was on earth people rose up opposing him. The disciples said, Lord shall we pray and call down fire upon their heads. Jesus said most certainly not. You do not know what spirit you are of in this that you just said. I came down from heaven not to destroy but to intercede, intervene, and to save......Some people are always about trying to catch people in their words or in their sins so that they can accuse them, embarrass them and to bring down fire from heaven to devour them. I preach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. For the Cross of Christ is Gods Greatest Compassion ever poured out from heaven to earth to men. It's rivers can put all the fires that men or Satan want to rain down from heaven on peoples heads. It's mighty rivers even save us from the the wrath of God to come and from all it's fire.....deno

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