Monday, July 1, 2013

The Power of the Church in unity in Unceasing Prayer....A Word from God for ACTION

     Persecution against Christ and Christians broke out all over Israel. James the brother of John was killed. Stephen had been  stoned to death and as he was dying he saw Jesus giving him a standing ovation at the right hand of the Father. Peter had been laid holt of and was thrown into prison. Now carefully and attentively listen to what the church, the believers did in response.

    Acts 12:5-7) Peter was put in prison: BUT PRAYER was made WITHOUT CEASING of the Church unto God for him.
 vs 6) And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between to guards, bound with two chains; and the jail keeper guarded the prisons entrance door.
 vs 7)  And, Behold, the ANGEL of the LORD came upon him (Upon the situation prayed about by the church without ceasing) and a light shined in the prison; and the ANGEL smote Peter on the side and raised him up, saying. Arise up quickly And his chains fell off from his hands......and he was set free.....

     Can you think of anything in America these days that we need to be set free from? Unrighteous and Immoral legislation. Constitutional tampering. Lies and cover ups. Deceptions or maybe even more personal things. Read again what those early believers did. They were taught the power of unceasing united prayer and used that weapon and Angels were dispatched and miracles of salvation and deliverance took place. HELLO CHURCH. GOD IS SPEAKING TO US IN THIS......HELLO....Somebody Preach This At Your Local Church Soon......deno.....please share freely.

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