Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Then Came The Morning When Our Hope Would LIve Forever.........A Song and A Praise You Will Never Forget......deno

How could a night be so long. Their hope and joy for the last three years was now crucified and placed in the tomb.  The powers of darkness and of doubt toyed constantly with their minds driving hope into caverns of despair within in the deep places of their hearts. Their Shepherd had been smitten and their hopes and dreams suddenly shattered. They were sheep scattered. But as always Jesus had given them Words to hope in.
 Oh my soul, Why are you so crushed and down within me. Hope thou in God. His words cannot fail or falter. He said, You will weep for what you see, but I shall rise again and appear unto you. In that hour they nor all the world can take your hope out of your heart ever again. THEN CAME THE MORNING.

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