Monday, July 1, 2013

President Obama Says, Trust Me. But Can We?

America.....just sit back and relax and you know, TRUST ME. I mean have I ever lied to you? Have I ever hid or tried to cover up anything? All I'm doing is signing and signing your future AWAY....Weakening your military. Mocking your patriotism. Laughing at your flag. Quenching your freedoms and liberties. Stagnating economic growth while deceiving you with the prosperity of printed money and flooding Wall Street with it. My team and the media are the masters of media magic and the spin of lies and cover ups. The suppression of truth is our game. It's called Chicago politics. I know you cannot pay your bills right now. What, over a trillion short every year correct so we print the make believe money?  But hey just like in JAWS the movie. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The waters are fine and the borders are opened for 10 million plus  more to come into your country, steal your voting power and bury you in debt even more every year. But hey, it's all good for America. Everyone can see that...... So don't worry America. Be Happy. I'm always smiling, Right? Trust Me. I'm a Christian when it advantages my deceiving and destroying you and Remember what I wrote in my book. If things get tough in America, I'm joining the Muslims, not that I already have of course. You know me America. I'm the man who always tells the truth and never misleads anyone. So for the 500th plus day and time now, Trust Me Your President of hope and CHAINS as I fundamentally dismantle and destroy this Christian Nation for the Muslim Brotherhood agenda.


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