Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Place Called Straight........deno

Acts 2:1-2) On the day of Pentecost when God sent forth His Spirit to the Church the believers were GATHERED TOGETHER IN ONE PLACE....When Jesus returns from heaven and all the world sees His appearing in GREAT GLORY and POWER may you and I and every believer be gathered together into one place, a place called Straight. A place called the straight and narrow. A place called watching and waiting for the Masters return. A place called believing and obeying God. A place called the path of the good and faithful servant. A place called the will of God. A place called light and not darkness. A place called life and not death. A place called righteousness and holiness. A place called the love of God. A place called the body of Christ. A place called the body of the believing. A place called the Cross of Christ and the power of His resurrection. A place called the book of Life. There is no other good alternative place....deno.....please share freely.

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