Friday, March 21, 2014

Safe Inside The Master, Safe Inside Christ......deno

We as believers, we as Christians being IN CHRIST as Paul over and over preached, is a REAL LOCATION, A REAL SPIRITUAL KINGDOM PLACE & LOCATION. It is just as real in the spirit as Noah's body was located inside the Ark in the flesh. JUST AS REAL. One location is physical. The other is heavenly/spiritual but just as real. It is written, Christ in you the hope of glory. Christ INSIDE YOU is a real place location, right? I mean you are real aren't you? Well so also You being in Christ is a real spirit in Spirit location, and a spirit in Grace location. So be thinking more and more that being IN CHRIST IS REAL AND IS A REAL LOCATION. Just as real as Noah's physical body was in the Ark. Noah in the Ark was very safe and saved. Even so it is for all who dwell In Christ and Christ dwells in them. As Paul Preached and Prayed, "That Christ would dwell in your hearts BY FAITH....Praise God for Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead. Remain in that gospel doctrine. Amen.....deno....please share freely.

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