Friday, March 7, 2014

The True Gospel Of God. The Gospel of Our Salvation. All Salvation and All the Gifts of Grace and of The Holy Spirit, All (Every One Of Them) Come To Us From The Cross of Christ and His Resurrection.....deno.....please share freely

       As we look at this picture BELOW -scroll down-, much is revealed. In whatever you do in word or in deed, Paul said, do all in the name of Jesus, and do not let anyone pull you off or away from the message of His Cross (Galations 1:6-9)(Colossians 2:8-23)(1st Corinthians 1:23-24). A bottomless pit is a long ways down.....
       The apostle Paul preached it clearly. He preached that The Cross of Christ is the Wisdom of God. The Cross of Christ is the Power of God. The Cross of Christ and His Resurrection is the TRUE GOSPEL OF GOD....... AND the Cross of Christ is God's Greatest Sermon Ever Preached On Earth. All and I do mean all the words and all the sermons ever before preached by the Prophets of God  before Christ, were the stepping stones OF THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST laid out to lead us ALL to the PULPIT OF GOD which was HIS OWN CROSS (Hebrews 9:26) the Cross of Christ. Jesus who was with God and was God and has always been in the GODHEAD (John 1:1-4)(John 17:5) preached the Message of His Cross Live In Great Agony and In His Own Blood. It is His most heart touching, personal message of all. IT IS A MOST VERY PERSONAL MESSAGE THAT HE IS MOST SENSITIVE TO.......
        Thru the blood of His Cross we have redemption, salvation, peace with God, and life everlasting. Stay with the Cross of Christ and His Resurrection. Remain in the message of His Cross and Resurrection even as Noah HAD TO, HAD TO, HAD TO -STAY INSIDE -the saving, keeping, preserving, protecting power of the GREAT ARK in order to be saved. Noah would never have jumped ship. We are to never jump off or out of the Ark of the cross of Cross and his resurrection which is the TRUE GOSPEL OF OUR SALVATION (Read all the scriptures given above). Nor are we to allow ourselves to be taken away or pulled off THE MESSAGE OF HIS CROSS by subtle religious deceptions of some other way unto salvation or another beautiful sounding, ear itching FALSE GOSPEL......
      If life and salvation could have come to us another way, OTHER THAN THE CROSS, Christ would have been spared. GOD SPARED HIM NOT (Romans 8:32) There was NO OTHER WAY. NO OTHER CUP THAT JESUS COULD DRINK THAT WOULD REDEEM US, RANSOM US, SAVES US, AND BRING US UNTO GOD SAFELY AND IN PEACE (Hebrews 10:4-14). THE CROSS AND THE  SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST UPON IT UNTO THE FULL TASTE OF DEATH BY THE CHRIST WAS THE ONLY WAY, THE ONLY CUP. Jesus had to drink that CUP and drink it to the full. We to must drink the CUP of His blood, the blood of His Cross or we will not live (Read John 6:51-56). Jesus said to us, This is My blood, the blood of the New Covenant shed for many, Drink It. We drink in salvation and stay in eternal life by the daily absorption of unwavering faith in the Message of the blood, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. These THREE one and all came BY THE CROSS OF CHRIST. It is a spiritual absorption wrought by an unwavering believing heart that doubts not THE MESSAGE OF HIS CROSS AND RESURRECTION.

    When we believe the gospel which means GOOD NEWS of the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God, THAT MESSAGE,  the message of the death and resurrection of the Son of God is THRU GOD HIMSELF, IT IS BORN IN US and our spirits pass from death unto life with Christ (John 5:24 & Colossians 4:1-4). It is a spirit resurrection. 
      As real as the resurrection of the body of Christ was and is, SO ALSO THERE IS A RESURRECTION OF THE SPIRIT IN MAN. JUST AS REAL. IT IS CALLED "being Born Again (John 5:24)(Ephesians 2:1-10)(1st John 5:1-4)(Romans 10:9-10)....Jesus Loves You......deno

     Some time ago these words rose up within me. It was like I heard them in an implanted understanding voice way. Bear with me.....Those words were.....Now follow and trace MY BODY from the Cross to the Throne and you can- by that sight -see and understand where you THE BELIEVING are, and what you have passed thru and have gone unto, in your spirit. For My Body  traced from the Cross to the Throne is the revelation of the spirit of man passing from death unto life everlasting John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:1-10), back unto and into the Father in the NEW BIRTH. BEING BORN AGAIN. It is the death and resurrection of the BODY OF CHRIST formed and created in them in the hidden man of the heart, in the spirit.  This truth just needs to be formed in their understanding  in the other area of their inner self called the Mind or the Soul by UNDERSTANDING OBTAINED (See Ephesians 4:23-24)(Galations 4:19)(1st Thessalonians 5:23-24). LET  ALL I WRITE BE SUBJECT TO THE PROPHETS AND TO THE SCRIPTURES THAT CANNOT BE BROKEN and to the love of the truth that is in Christ Jesus.

      Note: Due to the hour we now live in in the grace periods of redemption, God is freshly raising up the Message of The Cross of Christ and His Resurrection for this blind, sin ridden generation. It is the Message of God for this generation that darkness is consuming with spiritual confusing. The Cross of Christ And His Resurrection Magnified and Lifted Up Has God's Drawing Power In It. It Is The Only True and Everlasting Life Hope. It Is To Be Preached To This Dead and Dying World of Lost Souls. The Time Is Short. Connect with those who are PREACHING THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST without compromise (Read  1st Corinthians 2;2). 
      The wrath of God is soon to be poured out from the heavens of God upon the earth. As Noah and his family needed the Ark for their salvation in the hour of God's judgements in their day, even so as it was in Noah's hour so it is again in our day. God has Himself  built for us and provided for us the TRUE ARK that Noah's Ark Preached In A Mystery. That Ark is the Cross of Christ and His Resurrection. Those who believe and abide by faith in the blood, death ad resurrection of the Son of God Jesus Christ shall be saved (Romans 10:9-10). Faith, real believing bible faith in the Cross and Resurrection of  Jesus Christ is spiritual righteousness and spiritual true holiness (Ephesians 4:23-24). For it is written in Romans 14:23, WHATSOEVER is not OF FAITH is SIN....And it is also written , THAT FAITH JUSTIFIES AND MAKES RIGHTEOUS them that BELIEVE.......Romans 10:9-10).....Jesus Is Lord.....God Bless You.

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