Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hear Now A Word Of His Grace....The Lord Restores.....deno......please share freely this Word. Such is God's Will.

       Acts 13:44) On the next Sabbath almost the whole city (that means almost everybody in town or in that city) came together to hear the Word of the Gospel......Paul preached to them, Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead. The Cross of Christ was his central theme (1st Corinthians 1:17-18).
       Do you remember how our elders such as Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggart use to go into our towns and cities, and how the stadiums and the coliseums use to be overflowingly filled with the souls in those towns and cities. People were so hungry for the Word of the Lord. GOD CAN DO IT AGAIN FOR THIS GENERATION. As it is written, Though they sat in darkness, God sent them GREAT LIGHT, the light of life Himself, Jesus the Son of God......
       Let us keep praying for Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, for Jimmy Swaggart and His Son Donnie and Gabriel the grandson evangelist, and for all our evangelist in America and those who are going into all the world fearlessly and with all boldness amidst a world of demonic opposition working thru men who are wicked. Working thru men who have not faith or are religiously deceived....... 
      God RESTORES and the Lord is the God of the Restorations of all His people, and the God of the resurrection. Nothing is impossible with God. Amen.
      Gods mercies are renewed every morning for all of us to repent, for us to be restored, renewed and refreshed in the Lord (ALL OF US). Let us all lay aside our past. Let us let go of the disobedience and the failures of our past and let us take holt on to the Cross of Christ afresh, and again, as One People Under God In Christ, carry it's saving message to this generation. .......
      God has His messengers. They need our support and our love and our prayers. For today's opposition against the Lord and against The Message of His Cross in America and around the world is a lot more severe and threatening than it was 30 years ago. (The worlds spiritual atmosphere is full of wicked, rude, cruel, hate filled, evil, deceiving spirits like the end time scriptures foretold ). Only the strong, the fearless, and the bold are on the front lines today. We must keep them in our prayers, supporting them with our love in action.
        If we gossip about, or judge or condemn any evangelist or anyone else we have no good reward from that. But rather we set our own selves up to be judged, to be spiritually stoned, and convicted of wrong, even fit for self inflicted condemnation, so saith the scriptures. But if we as Christ does in love FORGIVE ALL, RESTORE ALL and support all them with our love, prayers, finances and if we even give them a cup of cold water because we recognize them as Christ fearless and bold servants, Jesus promised we would by no means lose our reward for doing so........ 
       Hear now a word of His grace, "The wounds of our past are now healed. By the grace and restoring mercies of our God in Christ, those past wounds are now only scars (THAT'S ALL). Let no past sin or past failure keep us out of the love of God, or keep our hands off the plow of His evangelizing will, or  keep us from doing our part in the work of Christ present evangelistic ministries....FOR GOD STILL SO LOVES THE WORLD".... 
       THE TESTIMONIES AND THE LIGHT IN THE RECOVERED AND OF THE PRODIGAL SONS WILL BE POWERFUL TO THIS SIN BRUISED GENERATION. For in those testimonies even the most wicked of men, and in those words of Gods grace, mercy and compassion's, even the most seductress of women, in them both, faith shall be stirred up giving them hope in God thru Christ....It is Written.......deno
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  • Deno Smith

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