Saturday, March 8, 2014

Truly This Man Was The Son Of God. Strange Things Going On Here. Granpa Had Died But Now He Is In The Living Room....deno.....please share freely

Matthew 27:50-54)..And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His Spirit. 51) Then at that moment, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth in that region shook violently, so much so that the rocks split. 52) and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints that had died (Probably recently had died) were raised back up (Remember Lazarus, HIS BODY WAS IN THE TOMB 4 DAYS AND JESUS SAID, "LAZARUS COME FORTH"....and he did)...... 
      53) They came forth out of their graves AFTER Jesus was raised back to life. They went into the holy city of Jerusalem and appeared to many people. (Note this: What a sight that had to be. Hey Mom, Granpa's back. He's in the living room. Just imagine what those risen saints testified to. I'm convinced they spoke of many things. Things about Jesus, that he was and is the true Christ and Messiah, the Son of God. Things about God, Angels, Life after death. Things the prophets foretold of the Christ. Things about the place called Abraham's Bosom (Luke 16:22). Things about the reality of the SPIRIT WORLD, of heaven and of hell. Their temporary resurrection was not in vain. God did that ON PURPOSE and He sent them into the city on a mighty mission. He sent them to the people, to testify to the glory of God and of Jesus Christ the TRUTH, who is God's Son and our Savior).....
      54) So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earth shake violently, and the things that had happened, they feared greatly and said, TRULY THIS MAN WAS THE SON OF GOD.
       John 20:30-31) after His resurrection.....And truly Jesus did MANY OTHER SIGNS in the presence of His disciples, Things which are not written in this Book. vs 31) but these that we have written, are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that in believing you may have life in His Name....I believe Lord Jesus. Yes I Believe......Remember me Lord, when You come to take us home to the Father's House....deno.......God Bless You and Keep You In Christ Jesus No Matter How Dark The World Gets Out There In It's Blindness.....Amen.


  1. من تسكن المحبه قلبه يكون صبورامتأنيا مترفقا وديعا يفرح بلخيرللاخرين ويحتمل المتاعب والانسان المحب لاينطق بكلمات قاسيه تجعل اخاه مغتاظا ولا يسبب لاخية عثره لسان المحب عزب وكليماته ممزوجه بالوداعه تقطر حبا وودا وتسيل عزوبه ولطفا قلب المحب عرش يسكنه الروح القدس ويحل فيه الثالوث القدوس اميييييييييييييم هللويا +++

  2. يا اللاهانت غير الحدود يا صاحب الامجاد العتيدة الفادى التى مات فمتنا معه التى احيا فأحينا معه وصعدا فصعدنا معه امين ايها اللاه العظيم المتجسد نسألك ارفع عنا كل قحط وبالية فرح وجه الارض اذكرنا فى ملكوتك يا الله صانع المعجزات والعجائب انت النور والطريق والحياه نسجد لك ونمجد اسمك القدوس الى ابد الابد اميييييين +++هللويا

  3. اخى الحبيب واختى سلام ونعمة ومحبه يجب علينا احتفظ فى قلبك بمحه لجميع الناس اكره النفاق والغش والرياء فى كل امورك ولاتتجسس على نقص الاخرين لا تسبب عثره للآخيك لاتحتقر انسان لاكبير ولا صغيرا لاتكن عنيدا او مستبدا استعن بمشورة الحكماء لاتظهر كراهيه لأاحد عامل النس بما تحب لنفسكبما تحب ان يعاملوك نشكرالجميع والرب يحفظ قلوبك الى المنتهى امين +++
