Tuesday, June 3, 2014

God Outruns the lightning.....deno....please share freely

       God is heavenly light, literally. We on earth understand physical light in certain measures and we have calculated physical light moving at the speed of 186 thousand miles per second. Created light is but a shadow compared to the heavenly light of God it's creator. Created light is like a turtle compare to the speeds of God in full stride. God outruns and is far far stronger and far far more powerful and far far more energized than anything He has made. FAR FAR MORE....Since this is true, how is it men cannot see or visualize Gods Creating power and might getting things done and rapidly bringing forth things in speeds of 186 thousand miles per second and beyond? It is just as Jesus said, Men do not understand God. Men do not understand His Words. They know not His shape. Neither do men have a real clue of just how awing and powerful God really is in the full displayed stride of His Glory and Power. So do I believe that God could form and create the granite rock of the earth and all the earth in less than twenty four hours? Knowing now God moves far beyond the speed of His created light that moves faster than 186 thousand miles per second, my answers is YES WITH EASE and He would not even perspire.....Just think what we could accomplish moving at and operating at 186 thousand miles per second. We could do and compete every single job on earth in just a few seconds and then live the rest of our lives retired with all the money in the world for our vacations. God can create things faster than the speed of lightning...deno....please share freely.

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