Monday, June 2, 2014

Something Could Never Come From Nothing. Something Has ALWAYS BEEN......deno.....please share freely.

       Something cannot come from absolute nothing. So the nothing that certain scientist preach could have never existed and since nothing never existed SOMETHING HAS ALWAYS HAD TO that itself destroys the theory of Nothing. And that something had to be of the equated power to HAVE ALWAYS BEEN since something cannot come from nothing. So our present something had to come from a previous something since nothing never existed......Did you get that? God is the only equated power that fills the sum of Eternal. ETERNAL AND ETERNITY MEANS Having no beginning of days neither ending of days. Without beginning and without end. Always has been and ever shall be, so saith the scriptures that reveal Him.
        So we conclude that nothing that never could have existed because something has always been, could never from it's non existing self jump start anything into being that is something. An eternal Parent force that has always been HAD TO BRING FORTH CREATION and it was not mindless matter either for we know that all physical matter had a specific beginning point. Something created it.....In the beginning God who had no beginning of days neither ending of days, of the Eternal Power  created the heavens and the earth.....God is an Eternal Spirit. He is the great I AM THAT I AM...It's simple share freely.

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