Saturday, December 13, 2014

Jesus Is About To Rise Back Up In America.......deno......share freely.

........One of the pre planned and executed moves of the left who controls 99 % of the news and television shows in our nation, is their scheme to try to make the American public think or perceive that God and Christianity are bywords of the America of long time ago but not anymore. That believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior is a minority thing and vastly most unpopular in this modern day America.
........But friend, despite what they try to sell us about this matter, the very opposite is the truth (Around 70 plus percent of this nation confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But the left in their crafty works to make you and I and all of America perceive that this quest and dream of theirs is perceived as true, they do all they can to try to convince you by deceptions to believe this false perception.
.........Thru news, television shows, movies and the music industry they make war with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith in America. After all most of the people who own these stations are from the extreme left and they purposely push this anti Jesus movement. They are people from Hollywood, from the Jewish monetary packs of those Jews who withstand Jesus as Messiah and these Jewish unbelievers are many with power and wealth in this country and Atheist groups, plus others. Its almost like they feel they now (finally after all these American years) have NOW their foot on Jesus' neck being that they now own and control the majority of the information flow of our nation and they are fighting fanatically not to lose their footing so that they do not remove their foot off of Christ neck, not wanting to let up for even a single second lest Christ get some fresh air in this nation and come rising back up in popularity again.
.........I have some news for them. Jesus is the Lord of the resurrection. He is called the great Overcomer. Since all of sin, Satan, and all of death, hell and the grave and even all the world and it finest military could not keep Jesus from rising back up and could not keep his fame buried deep and down, these of this latest big effort will miserably fail and lose as well..Just wait and see. The Red Sea is again about to part by grace and divine intervention; and the Stone is about to be removed and rolled out of the way again and that by the Power of God who is strongly determined to glory and magnify and honor His Son Jesus Christ Again and again. Like the old saying goes, You just can't keep a good man down. Well there is no better man, nor any other man near the good of the man Jesus Christ, who is also Gods Anointed Son and our Lord from heaven who became flesh.....share freely......deno....Saturday...12-13-2014. 2:20pm.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

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