Saturday, December 13, 2014

Poem...From The Blood of ONE MAN......share freely......deno.

......Oh that all men would act like brothers
......for such they are upon the great vine.
......And that all the women would act like loving sisters
......who love the embrace of Gods Son the Divine.

......For on our streets flows rivers of precious blood,
..... from wounded children of so many ills;
......of souls that saw such little grace & love,
..... that shaped their hearts to hate and to kill.

......Shall we see these souls but act as though,

......act as though we're all blind.
......Shall we leave them desolate and desperate among us
..... cut off from hopes redeeming vine?

......Dare not I say the truth of what,

..... piercing eyes do daily clearly see,
......of a people of America and in other countries abroad

..... being burned by the wickedness of men's greed.

......Am I my brothers keeper they say?
......Why should I care what happens to him?

......Because we are all from the blood of One Man my friend
......For your thought the worlds light in going dim......deno.

......When the Lord made His covenant with Abraham, the Lord clearly explained the reason for His connection to Abrahams life and for making Abraham rich and wealthy. One was so that thru His Seed which would be Christ all nations of the world would be blessed (This Blessing was the Blessing of Salvation and Redemption thru the blood of His Cross, the cross of Jesus Christ). #2) I will BLESS YOU (means I will make you to prosper by My Blessing) so that, so that, so that OTHERS WOULD BE BLESSED BY YOU. This was a SUPPLY BLESSING for GIVING TO OTHERS. (See also Ephesians 4:28)

......WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Jesus healed them with HIS LOVE and it is the goodness of God that when men see it, it causes them to repent. Show a precious soul Christ love and goodness today. Haven't we already shown to much divisive hate in our nation and in the world. Love and true kindness can heal anything for God is both and with God all things are possible.....deno.....share freely.

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